/ / Albatross Pool (Balashikha): description, address and reviews

Albatros (Balashikha) swimming pool: description, address and reviews

The capital of our country - Moscow - is one of the mostmost developed regions, and in many areas of activity. If we talk about the sports sector, then here it works as well as possible. In the city and beyond it is possible to find a lot of sports complexes and centers, various platforms, equipped fields for running and active games. Therefore, if you want you can do anything, and finding the right place will not take long, because they are everywhere. For example, one of the excellent comfortable places for swimming is the Albatross swimming pool (Balashikha).

albatross swimming pool

general description

A beautifully renovated building leavespleasant impression. In a big bowl, even with free swimming, everyone will feel like a real champion. Its dimensions are standard: length - 25 m, width - about 10 m, divided into 4 tracks. The depth is small, varies from 1.5 to 2.5 meters.

Comfortable conditions for employment of any agecategories. There are children's groups, where a professional coach will track the beginning athletes, teach them the basics. Adults can do themselves or just hire a personal "sensei". If free swimming is not to your liking, there is always the possibility to enroll in the aqua aerobics section.

balashiha pool albatross phone

The water in the pool is always of excellent quality.The temperature stays stable at 28 degrees. Daily cleaning is carried out after chlorination by chlorination. All substances are harmless to the skin and weathered by morning. Therefore, you can safely come to the pool "Albatross" (Balashikha) and not be afraid for your health.

Schedule and prices

Many swimming lovers choose this poolbecause of its convenient mode of operation. Typically, every adult person takes work most of the time. But if the "Albatross" swimming pool (Balashikha) is selected, everything will turn out.

The institution operates from 7.00 to 22.00.Therefore, you can visit it as before work, which will be an excellent start to the day, and after, for relaxation. Classes will strengthen the body, make it stronger and healthier.

albatross pool balashikha address

Prices for Moscow and its suburbs are verydemocratic. They differ depending on the time. One visit until 15.00 will cost 250 rubles, and after - 300 rubles. There are subscriptions, the cost of which is calculated from the number of classes. When choosing a section of aqua aerobics, you must immediately pay a month in advance, since one-time visits are impossible.

Address and contacts

The swimming pool "Albatross" (Balashikha) forMKAD in the suburbs of Moscow. Despite the distance from the center, it is easy to get there. Nearby there are 2 metro stations: Novogireevo and Pervomaiskaya, so if you want you can reach the pool in a very short time. The infrastructure is developed, there are a lot of shops everywhere, buses run, even highways are built.

Address of the Albatros swimming pool: Balashikha, Lenin Avenue, 40.

The official website of the organization, unfortunately,no, that's why you need to know all the information personally from the employees of the hotline. The phone of the Albatros (Balashikha) pool can be found on the site of the sports complex to which it refers.

Nearby there is a small square where parentscan expect their child, and more adult visitors - rest after training. Nearby there are many supermarkets, so the establishment is popular due to the convenience of the adjacent territory.

How to get there

As mentioned above, near the building of the sports complex are two metro stations. Therefore, the easiest way to get to the pool is the subway.

In this area of ​​Moscow, anothertransport: buses, trolleybuses. Therefore, if you want, you can use them. For example, one of the slightly remote metro stations is Partizanskaya. When you get there, you need to change to bus 337 and get off at the stop "7th dining room".

If there is a personal transport, then there will bemuch easier. The largest road, located as close as possible to the Albatros (Balashikha) basin, is the Entuziastov highway. Moving from the center in the direction of the Moscow Ring Road, you need to continue moving almost to the beginning of the Gorky Highway. Collapse should be done earlier to the left, between the 12th school and the Balashikha hospital.


The conditions and quality of services for complaints are, as a rule,do not cause. Large clean pool, attentive attitude from the coaches, large dressing rooms with comfortable showers. Due to the well-kept look and equipment, the feedback on the Albatross Basin (Balashikha) is mostly positive.

albatross swimming pool

However, the forums periodically meetNegative comments about the courtesy of the staff and the system of payment. Similar moments are found everywhere, so do not rush to draw conclusions based on a couple of unsuccessful cases.

Do not forget about the existence of the Law on Rightsconsumer, in which the rights of the client and the obligations of the organization providing services are prescribed. In the event of conflict situations, you can contact the pool manager who will deal with unscrupulous employees in accordance with the rules.