Overtime - what is it?

Quite often in sport reportshear the word "overtime". What this is, many imagine very roughly. Usually this term begins to sound as the end of the match approaches, which ends with a draw. In some sports competitions, the regulations do not provide for the possibility of such completion. In this case, to gain victory, teams are given extra time, otherwise called the English term "overtime". What is it and what are the features of the game in the additional period - is determined by the rules and regulations of the competition. For each sport they have their own nuances.

overtime what it is

Is overtime always necessary?

For quite a long historicalperiod in the conduct of sports competitions were treated without additional periods. But with the increase in the number of participants in the tournament, the timing of the competition was delayed. And this process had to be regulated. The simplest way to achieve this is to change the rules of matches in such a way as to exclude a draw result. Among other things, this gives the sports opposition of the two teams a special acuity and spectacle. The game becomes uncompromising when it can not end in a draw. If the added time does not reveal the winner, it will be followed by one more overtime. What is it, if not the ultimate test of its capabilities for all field players and goalkeepers? But this is exactly what sports are interesting for, it's the acute sensations that come to the stadium and the fans, and the athletes themselves. It should be noted that this principle of the game was borrowed from the tournament practice of the North American National Hockey League.

Overtime in hockey

In hockey

A special significance is the game in extra timehas in such a popular game as hockey. All the most interesting things here often happens after the overtime began. What it is - you should ask the goalkeepers. It is on them at this time of the match that a tremendous burden and responsibility are borne. Because after one abandoned puck the game is considered complete, and nothing can be fixed. The utmost urgency of the game in overtime reaches in the final stage of the Continental Hockey League tournament, when the matches go on the principle of "playoffs". One missing puck here can put a point not only in the game, but in the entire championship. Therefore, overtime in hockey is always a moment of truth. According to the rules of the KHL, the duration of the additional period is 20 minutes. On the field at this time can be at the same time four field players from each team, not counting the goalkeepers. A feature of these overtimes is that everyone is afraid of making a mistake. That's why the game sometimes takes a very protracted character.

overtime in basketball

Overtime in basketball

Similar to the hockey time limit principleIt is also used in tournament basketball competitions. In the case of a draw in the regular time of the match, teams are given an additional five-minute session to identify the winner. The duration of additional time is half the standard period. The number of overtime is unlimited. Theoretically, the game can last a very long time, but in real practice of tournament competitions, there is rarely a large amount of overtime. Of course, the game in extra time is significantly exacerbated.

Overtime in football

Overtime in football

A fundamentally different approach to the time regulationsexists in such a popular game in the whole world, like football. There is no need to play without fail until the victory of one of the teams. The draw result is recognized by the rules. But quite often, according to the decision of the main referee of the match, additional play time is assigned. Usually it is two to three minutes. Its duration corresponds to the time that was lost during the match for various technical reasons. As well as the referee may appoint additional time, if it considers that the players of one of the teams intentionally delay the game. Usually this happens when the team leading the score tends to keep the existing advantage until the final whistle. It often happens that additional minutes become decisive and fundamentally change the outcome of the match.