/ / Bicycle saddle: help in choosing

Saddle for a bicycle: help in choosing

Recently, many city dwellerstransfer from public transport and private cars to bicycles. This is due to many reasons: lack of physical exertion, concern about environmental problems, convenience in large traffic jams and much more.

Bicycle saddle
Choose a two-wheeled vehicle - it's not fromthe simplest. Here you should pay attention to a lot: the purpose of the purchase, gender and age, individual preferences. Along with all other elements it is necessary to choose the right saddle for the bike. From it most depends on comfort during the trip.

First, let's understand why the saddlefor a bike is called that way. Many call this element sitting. The weight of a person on a bicycle is distributed between three points of support: a saddle, a steering wheel and pedals. The biggest load of the mass of the cyclist just needs to be focused on the last two. The seat also provides for taking on all the weight completely.

Often the saddle in the acquired "iron friend"not satisfied with the buyer. Then you need to purchase a new one. How to choose it? Of course, individual preferences play a big role here, but you should also pay attention to some tips.

Bicycle parts
Maybe someone thinks the best saddlefor the bike - soft. In fact, this is not the case. With a long ride, the cyclist will feel discomfort on a soft saddle, and later there may be reddening and even so-called “blisters” on the surface of the legs inside the thigh. Beginners should try the saddle of medium hardness. It is believed that the best material covering the saddle is leather. It optimizes gliding and provides “breath”.

The saddle for the bike should not be too narrowand not too wide. A narrow one again will bring discomfort on the inner surface of the thigh, and a wide one will significantly increase the load on soft pelvic tissues, which, possibly, can lead to even greater inconvenience. Due to their physiological characteristics, men usually prefer narrower saddles, while women prefer wider ones.

As for the height of the location, here tooall individually. But you should not have a saddle for a bicycle too low. This will adversely affect the knee joints, as well as increase the load on the soft tissues of the pelvis. The optimum height of the saddle can not be calculated. The same can be said about its slope. It all depends on the preferences of the cyclist. However, it should be remembered that the best is a horizontally mounted saddle.

Bicycle seat
Great attention is also paid to the system.depreciation. It is not always installed on the saddle of bicycles (it happens on the steering wheel). Some supplement two-wheeled vehicles with depreciation after it has been purchased, at the same time when other necessary parts for a bicycle are purchased. This allows you to "soften" the trip, making it even more comfortable.

Buying a bike is always important.event. When choosing environmentally friendly transport should pay attention to many details, including the saddle. It must be individually correct and convenient. If the purchased saddle with transport does not suit you, then it should be changed. There is nothing wrong with that. You can also buy in specialized stores a basket, water mount, and even a child’s seat for a bicycle. After all, the main thing is comfort.