/ / Paid fishing: Yusupovo (Domodedovo district)

Paid fishing: Yusupovo (Domodedovo district)

With all the variety of fishingNear Moscow, most experienced fishermen still choose paid fishing. Yusupovo - a village in the Domodedovo district (do not confuse with the village in the same area), where there is an amazing beauty and purity of the pond. Many Muscovites find this place ideal for successful fishing and a good family holiday in nature.

fishing yusupovo

Fish stocks

Continuous replenishment of fish stocks in paidpond - that's what is always valued in such entertainment as paid fishing. Yusupovo in this regard is no exception. Guests and patrons of the fishing club very much praise the timely stocking of the pond. There was not a single time that guests and experienced fishermen were left without a catch.

Fishing in Yusupovo (Domodedovo district)attracts also because, as they say, everything is at hand here. You do not have to carry a lot of fishing gear with you or buy pre-bait. Thanks to the thoughtful and developed infrastructure, there is always a good fishing shop nearby. There is a rental of tools and gear.

Transport accessibility

Agree, you always want to reach with comfort andsuccessfully parked on vacation. Paid fishing in Yusupovo can guarantee this. The parking lots are spacious and numerous. The machines do not prevent fishermen from enjoying "quiet hunting", and at the same time your car is always under supervision.

The access to the reservoir can be carried out from several sides. Its length is more than 13 hectares. Some of the beaches are directly adjacent to the asphalt road.

fishing in Yusupovo Domodedovo district

What is the catch?

This is perhaps the most common question,which is set by those fishermen who only decide to choose a holiday in Yusupovo. Fishing, reviews about which are always positive, promises a rich catch. Judging by the reviews, a small crucian can also get on the hook, as well as a rather impressive catfish. Also pike, sturgeon, carp, white cupid, trout, tench and other types of commercial fish are launched into the pond.

It is important that any fish you can buy from the cage. It is sold quite inexpensively by weight.

All year round

Every fisherman appreciates a certain time for fishing.Someone chooses winter sunny days to spend time surrounded by holes with gerfits. Another will choose a sunny, but a summer day, get the boat and go away from the shore for a sufficient distance in order to enjoy the silence and catch.

paid fishing in yusupovo

Fishermen - people are different, designed for everyone hereand fishing. Yusupovo provides a comfortable stay both in winter and in hot summer. This is a very big plus, when you can relax in a crowded, familiar place in every respect with the whole family at any time of the year. Do not plan new trips, change routes, be disappointed in case of unsuccessful fishing. Just come to your favorite place, choose a "win-win" pond and enjoy.

Types of tours

As you know, on paid reservoirs are not boughtplaces, both in the parking lot, and tours. They allow you to fish up to a certain weight and take it home. Similarly, "paid" and here paid fishing (Yusupovo). On the pond you can catch at any time of day or year. It is important to purchase the necessary permit - permit.

If you stopped by for an hour, you can buyhourly ticket. If an active family holiday is planned for the whole weekend, then it will be much more profitable to take vouchers for 12 or 24 hours. Depending on the fishing time, the size of the permitted production will also change. For example, in six hours it is allowed to take home about five kilograms of fish. But in twenty-five hours a day.

Owners are very concerned about large fish,suitable for reproduction. Their catch is limited, in order to increase the population in a natural way. The trophy here is the fish whose weight has exceeded five kilograms. You will have to release your trophy back to the pond.

yusupovo fishing reviews


As for the permitted gear, they can bepurchase at the nearest store or the rental of equipment, as we said earlier. And you can bring it with you. After all, every experienced fisherman has his own lucky rod, with which he does not part.

During the summer you will be allowed to bringat home three tackles. In the winter time - from five to seven. As connoisseurs say: "Gerlitz does not happen much in winter." However, if there is a fish in the pond and fishing is certainly good, then five gear is enough.