/ / Rear bicycle shock absorber: functions, tuning

Rear bumper: functions, adjustment

Rear bicycle shock absorber - one of the elementsbike suspenders This part can be spring or air, with or without a stable platform. Driving safety, smoothness, obstacle avoidance - it all depends on the correct and tuned shock absorber.

What is it

The rear shock absorber of a bicycle is a devicewhich serves to eliminate and absorb shocks, vibrations, shocks when moving on a rough road. Off-road negatively affects the bicycle frame and the whole structure, therefore, if a cyclist uses a bike for long journeys not only on asphalt, it is advisable to additionally purchase a rear shock absorber. On full suspension bicycles spring or air dampers are installed. The spring has a large enough weight and hard course. Air-oil differ in ease and the smooth course.

rear bicycle shock absorber

Full suspension bikes are a design withtwo shock absorbers, front and rear. The front fork is standard and the rear fork is optional. With this detail, cycling becomes more comfortable. If you add a rear shock absorber in the design, it will become harder, and the conditions of its operation will change. This detail fits perfectly in mountain bikes, suitable for sports riding style.

What is it needed for

The design of the bike includes such an elementas a shock absorber. Thanks to him, you can operate the bike for a long period of time and not feel discomfort while traveling. The rear shock absorber of the bike consists of a spring and a damper. The springs reduce the shock load on the frame when driving on a rough road at high speed.

the rear shock creaks on a bicycle

Consequently, the cyclist also does not experiencestrong load while riding. Dampers dampen vibrations and stabilize the position of the bike. This system is optional, so some types of shock absorbers are missing. Rear springs are mounted on sporty models and are not used in road and road bikes. Sometimes they are mounted on ordinary bikes to increase ride comfort.

How to choose

The modern rear bicycle shock absorber hasa large number of settings. Select this component based on the transport model. Most often it is used in mountain bikes. The shock absorber can be linear, which means to compress it, you need to put a lot of effort. By this principle all spring models work. The comfort of movement depends on the quality of the shock absorber, so the stronger the construction, the better for the bike.

The load on the rear shock is always large,so do not save on this bike detail, especially if you are cycling. Select the rear shock absorber in length. It ranges from 125 mm to 220 mm. For fastening elements use special caps and bushings. In progressive shock absorbers (air) compression will require increasing force.

do I need a rear shock absorber on the bike

When compressed, the volume of the air chamber decreases, andpressure increases. Knowing the difference between linear and progressive elements, you can choose a suitable option for your bike. It is important when choosing a shock absorber to consider the design of the frame. The best option is a spring type. It works linearly, does not make it too heavy and does not make it hard.


Do I need a rear shock absorber on a bike?In most cases, the depreciation system is installed in the front, they are also called "fork". Such a device dampens shocks and vibrations in the part of the frame on which the front wheel is attached. The rear shock absorber is considered optional and is installed primarily in mountain models. Most of the load falls on the front wheel. A bike with two shock absorbers is called a two-suspension bike. By type, these elements are spring, spring-elastomer, air, oil-air and oil-spring. The spring of the part has such characteristics as stiffness, recommended stroke, internal and external diameter, and length.

tuning the rear shock absorber bike


What if the rear shock creaks onbike? This element is a complex construction, so it is not quite easy to figure out the first time. The most common causes are the lack of lubrication, the inconsistency of parts and loose bolts. During adjustment, it is important to consider such a thing as seg. This is the difference in length between the compressed shock absorber under the weight of the cyclist. Seg should be set correctly, otherwise the part will not work fully. Expose it in the range from 23 to 33% of stroke. If seg is big, the suspension works smoothly, and if small it is tough.

На настройку заднего амортизатора велосипеда several factors affect: preload, kickback and compression. At the first stage, the suspension fork will resist the weight of the rider. First, change the percent sinking of the element. The best option is 25%. If the bike is designed for fast driving and descents from the mountain - 30%. Most models of rear shock absorbers have a stop ring that measures the drawdown level.

bike rear shock absorber adjustment


Регулировка заднего амортизатора велосипеда It is carried out independently or with the help of a specialist, independent of the bike model and the cost of the element. Spring shock is quite elastic and durable. In sports models are used expensive models of rear shock absorbers costing as a full-fledged bike - from 15 thousand rubles and above. The simplest elements cost about 400 rubles. Despite their budget price, they are made of steel, withstand pressures up to two thousand kilograms.