/ / Arbat Fitness Fitness Club, Novocherkassk - reviews, services, and features

Arbat Fitness Fitness Club, Novocherkassk - reviews, services, and features

Today it has become fashionable to have a beautiful figure anddo sport. The time is gone when the youth spent evenings on the benches with seeds. After all, the club is not only a great opportunity to create a figure of your dreams, but also a place for communication and pleasant acquaintances. Of course, it is very important to choose a good sports center: with modern equipment, clean and comfortable. This is exactly what Arbat-Fitness is. Novocherkassk is just one of the cities where a club appeared that belongs to this network. Previously, they opened in Rostov-on-Don, and it is quite possible that this is not the last brainchild at all.

Arbat fitness Novocherkassk

general description

First of all they are distinguished from similarscales. The network of Arbat-Fitness clubs (Novocherkassk is not an exception) are huge centers that occupy huge areas and have a democratic pricing policy. This is a place where everyone can combine sports and family recreation, as well as communication with friends. It has everything you need to achieve real sporting heights. Someone comes to spend time with friends, others - to stay with his family, despite the fact that everyone is busy with his own business.

In the territory

When you first come to the club "Arbat Fitness"(Novocherkassk), the first thing that surprises and pleases is the presence of all the equipment that you may need. Here are two large gyms, which have simulators for every taste. Separately allocated cardio-area, which is best suited for weight loss. Women most often choose one of two aerobic rooms. In addition to all of the above, Arbat Fitness (Novocherkassk) offers to engage in body modeling studios, in which professional instructors conduct classes. Men prefer to additionally engage in boxing in a specially designated room.

arbat fitness novocherkassk reviews

After training

Often they come here with the whole family and spend quite a lot of time. This contributes to the low price.

Arbat-Fitness (Novocherkassk) offers youSpend time at the fitness bar and enjoy one of the cocktails on offer. And after that it is very good to relax in the pool. For guests there is a cedar health resort. Parking for two hundred cars allows you to conveniently position your vehicle.

Club cards

Fitness club "Arbat-Fitness" (Novocherkassk)offers its visitors a variety of programs, among which you can choose the one that is most suitable for you. By purchasing a club card, you get the right to unlimited visits to the club during its validity period. In addition, you can at any time visit the solarium. Under the influence of rays, the skin acquires a golden-bronze tint, a general strengthening effect is realized, and immunity is improved. The procedure lasts from 5 to 20 minutes depending on the type of skin. This also includes swimming in the pool.

arbat fitness novocherkassk Price


This is primarily interested in customers whoThey want to visit the sports club "Arbat Fitness". G. Novocherkassk on pricing is no different from its predecessors, where the clubs of this network opened earlier. It is most advantageous to purchase a card for 12 months. In this case, its value will be equal to 19,000 rubles. When buying a subscription for 6 months cost 11000 p. Those who are not sure whether he will go to the gym for a long time can purchase a trial subscription for a month at a price of 2200 or for 3 months for 6000 p. I must say that the annual subscription is better to take from the position that you will have less temptation to quit training. And in a year you will have time to get involved and no longer want to live without sport.

fitness club Arbat Novocherkassk

Sports programs

In addition to classes in the hall according to the program developedYour coach, you can choose one of the options for group or individual training. The most popular of these is the Super Sculpture program. This is a high-intensity aerobics class. To withstand the first workout can be very difficult, but when you get used to it, it turns out everything is not so scary. Training affects all muscle groups. The program simultaneously loads the entire body, and due to the effective combination of power and aerobic exercise, the fat layer begins to decline rapidly. Silhouette becomes easier, there is grace.

Arbat fitness Novocherkassk reviews prices

There are plenty to choose from

And this is only part of what has been prepared for you.Arbat-Fitness (Novocherkassk). Reviews make it possible to judge that "Super-sculptor" is very effective, but due to health reasons not every person is able to withstand it. If this load did not suit you, you can choose one of the following options:

  • Yoga. This is not training, but a whole philosophy that must be comprehended over the years. Open your way to your own body.
  • The trampoline is fun and interesting, and also efficient. In the process of training all muscle groups are involved, and the feeling of fatigue is much less than with classical training.
  • Tabs + Flex - strength training, which allows you to work out the abdominal muscles and perform stretching of all muscle groups.
  • Bodypaste is a mixture of aerobics and strength exercises. Pretty heavy, but very effective program.
  • The climbing wall is a new direction, and the equipped wall appeared relatively recently. However, she quickly won the attention of athletes, because it is fun, interesting and effective.

Arbat Sports Club fitness Novocherkassk

Coaching staff

You will find a star team of instructors, each ofwho is a professional in their field. Most are CCM. Extensive experience allows you to work with a variety of people, taking into account their age and health. In total, there are six instructors working here:

  • Inna Mikhaylenko - Instructor of the power hall.
  • Pozhidaeva Alla - experience of over 14 years in the field of aerobics and choreography, dance styles.
  • Alexander Matveyev - personal bodybuilding and fitness trainer, instructor of the power hall.
  • Natalia Lebedeva - a specialist in the field of gymnastics and yoga.
  • Kovalenko Catherine.
  • Glebova Marina.


Работа спортивного центра не прекращается круглые day. However, most coaches leave its walls after 23:00. The most avid athletes can come at any time, no restrictions after receiving a club card. Training schedule for individual programs can be found on the official website. They run between 11:00 and 21:00 daily. Judging by the reviews, the prices of Arbat Fitness (Novocherkassk) are very reasonable, which gives everyone the opportunity to go in for sports and improve their health.

Additional advantages

The club constantly holds promotions for the purchase of clubkart. Details can be found on the official website or from the managers of the club. If a loved one has long wanted to play sports, but has not yet decided to sign up for a training session, buy him a gift certificate. Managers have a huge selection of various offers, among which you will definitely find what you are looking for. Details can any day to find out from administrators. The clubs regularly hold various sports competitions of local and regional level. Details are always openly published on the pages of the site.

Instead of concluding

Movement is life, and today hypodynamia isalmost universal phenomenon. So pay attention to the modern, cozy sports center, where your dreams of a beautiful figure will come true. It is never too late to start training, the body will definitely appreciate your efforts and reward you with good health and weight loss. Especially if we add to this a healthy diet and good sleep.