/ / Christian Vieri: Isn't it time to stop?

Christian Vieri: Isn't it time to stop?

Not every athlete can cope withwith its popularity and fame, which come to him with the first successes in the sports field. Photo camera flashes, the front pages of newspapers and magazines, crowds of admiring fans and loyal fans - only the strongest can withstand such a test. Christian Vieri, the star of Italian football, has recently become increasingly the object of close attention from the media, and not only because of his past successes on the football field.

Beginning of a football career

Christian's birthplace was ItalianBologna (1973), but later, in search of a better life, the family moved to Australia. His father, Roberto, having left the country, did not give up playing football and became a player in the Australian team from Sydney.

Кристиан Вьери учился в австралийской школе Prairiewood, loved to play cricket and, of course, football. Traction to this sport, apparently, passed on at the genetic level. At the age of 14, a teenager makes the first adult decision in his life and returns to his homeland, where he stays with his grandfather. He set a very high bar for himself - Serie A of the Italian Championship and the national team, and began his journey towards this goal.

First football clubs

The first Italian club for a young football playerbecame "Marconi", where he spent several years. Next were "Torino", "Pisa", "Ravenna", "Venice", where he repeatedly went out in the main compositions of Vieri. Christian, whose statistics improved with each match, sought to break into the top clubs playing in the Italian Championship.

“Juventus”, which attracted a young promising striker, bought it from “Atalanta”, and their calculation was justified - 8 goals in the Italian championship and 10 goals in European cup tournaments.

christian vieri

Кристиан Вьери поиграл и в испанском чемпионате for the team "Atletico", where he scored 24 goals over 24 matches. In 1998, Vieri returns home and enters the field as part of the Roman "Lazio".

Milan "Inter"

The peak of a football player’s career can be consideredtransition to "Inter." Massimo Moratti became personally interested in the football player and offered a huge transfer for the player - $ 32 million. The 32nd number on the new striker T-shirt “Inter”, according to rumors, hinted at his real “price”.

In a company with Ronaldo, they formed a threateninga line in the attack, but played quite a bit together - the players took turns chasing injuries. The first two seasons in the "Inter" (under the leadership of the Argentine Hector Cooper) Bobo, as they call Christian in Italy, held at the highest level. Christian Vieri, whose goals are remembered in the Italian Championship and in European tournaments, could not get along with the new coach, who was appointed instead of Hector Cooper.

vieri christian statistics

Когда главным тренером "Интера" был Альберто Zaccheroni, Vieri did not appear on the field often. In 2004, the Milan club again changes coaches - they become Roberto Mancini, and Christian Vieri, in conjunction with Adriano, spends several memorable matches.

Club change

In 2005, Vieri does not extend the contract withMilan club and goes to the “Milan”, which also does not stay long because of the lack of match practice. The next club for Christian is the French “Monaco” - the soccer player wants to get an invitation to the Italian national team and play the third world championship in his career for the national team.

christian vieri personal life

A knee injury that chases a footballer,destroys these plans, and instead of the prestigious world championship, Christian Vieri is on the operating table. And then there will be a modest “Sampdoria”, then the familiar “Atalanta” - we can say that the attacker's career went down. There were no such high salaries, to which Christian was accustomed, and injuries more often reminded of themselves. As a result, in 2009, Christian Vieri makes a statement about his retirement from the big sport and his retirement.

Business football is not a hindrance

Any athlete's career endsquickly enough, and that lifestyle, which players get used to, getting huge fees for their game, becomes habitual for them. Some of them are very wise and start their own business during their professional careers.

That’s what Christian Vieri did, along withwith their friend Paolo Maldini, they invest their money in the development of their own brand of fashionable clothes. For free advertising of their offspring, under a football uniform they wore a shirt with the logo of this company and after scoring the ball lifted a T-shirt, showing all fans a stylized heart.

christian vieri goals

A couple of restaurants owned by friends,also gives you the opportunity to live without looking at the means. A few years ago, Christian Vieri filed a lawsuit against his Inter club, accusing the management of the team of interfering in private life. And, oddly enough, he won this process by suing the club $ 1 million.

Christian Vieri, whose personal life has always beenThe subject of discussion in the press and among fans, really enjoyed the attention of the female. More recently, 43-year-old Vieri announced that he might return to football, but such statements can hardly be taken seriously.