/ / Cleansing the bowel for weight loss. Tips and tricks

Cleansing of the intestines for weight loss. Tips and Tricks

According to experts, cleanse the body fromslags and toxins need to constantly. Here it is not only that this garbage is a kind of extra kilos, but it is also capable of poisoning our body from the inside, which affects our well-being and appearance. Purification is recognized as one of the most effective methods for the removal of poison. However, in this matter you should not rely solely on the advice of friends or acquaintances. In this article, we will discuss how to cleanse the bowel for weight loss correctly and as safely as possible.

intestinal cleansing for weight loss
Use of medical drugs

Наиболее распространенным методом избавления от slags and toxins at the moment is the reception of special preparations, but exclusively of plant origin. Note that the effect does not take long to wait, as the cleansing of the intestines for weight loss in this case begins instantly. Such a quick result is possible due to the presence of hay or buckthorn in the preparation. However, doctors warn that their continued use may adversely affect overall health. The thing is that over time, bowel function weakens. In the future, without such a tool, it will be impossible to go to the toilet normally. That is why doctors do not recommend constantly using this kind of bowel cleansing for weight loss.

proper bowel cleansing
Use of bran

This method is ranked as the most loyal andsimultaneously beneficial to the body. After all, bran is a fiber in pure veiy. Cleansing the bowel for weight loss here is as follows: bran, swelling in contact with water, and then contribute to the formation of loose feces. He, in turn, is easily excreted from the body, and without violating its microflora. Literally after a month of following this method, you will notice the first result. Emptying the bowels is easy and free. Note that it is necessary to eat only the recommended amount of bran per day (2 tablespoons l. Three times a day with water). Otherwise, the likelihood of increased gas.

effective bowel cleansing
Effective bowel cleansing. Apples, juices and kefir

  • Many people know that to get rid of slags andToxins can be by so-called "discharge" days. Especially this method is effective when it is necessary to reduce body weight by a couple of kilograms a few days before an important event. However, to get involved in this kind of fasting days is not recommended (no more than once a month). In fact, only a few agree that this purification is correct. Intestinal diseases of various kinds in this case can float to the surface.
  • So, getting rid of toxins through applesimplies the use in the diet of only this product during the day. Enough 2-2.5 kilograms of green fruit for the whole day. As for the juice, in this case, the doctors recommend not to purchase the packaged product in the store, but rather to squeeze it out at home. During the day you need to drink about two liters (one glass every hour). In addition to cleansing, this method contributes to the saturation of the body with vitamins and useful trace elements that are contained in fruits. The kefir diet works on the same principle. During the day you need to drink about two liters of the drink. If you cannot cope with a feeling of hunger, you are allowed to eat a couple of green apples.


Experts say that the main thing in cleansing -it is self-discipline and willpower. If you choose a scheme according to which food should be discarded for the whole day, then it should be followed. Otherwise, the desired effect will not be achieved.