The economic crisis has not bypassedRussian sport. So, in June 2015, the football club Torpedo reported debts in the amount of 220-230 million rubles and could not compete in the FNL championship. In an environment where revenues are in rubles, and expenses are in euros, it is difficult for a football club to “survive”.

In such a difficult situation, competent management decisions are very important. Leonid Fedun succeeded, in the conditions of two crises, not only to keep Spartak afloat, but also to improve the club’s life.
About how Leonid Fedun saved “Spartak”, we will tell in our article.
Who is Leonid Fedun?
Leonid Fedun is not a “gray cardinal,” like many Russian oligarchs. Much is known about this man.

Born in Kiev. The son of a military surgeon.He graduated from the Rostov Higher Military Command School, but did not follow in the footsteps of his father, but went into teaching. To date, Leonid Fedun Ph.D.
In 1987, Vagit Alekperov met Fedun when he lectured to Kogalymneftegaz oilmen, and invited him to cooperate.
Since 1995, Leonid Fedun has been Vice-President of OAO Lukoil.
Purchase by Leonid Fedun of FC Spartak. "I can tolerate"
In 2004, Leonid Fedun became a shareholder in FC Spartak. The team was not in the best shape, but a year later, under the leadership of Fedun, she took silver at the Russian Championship.
In an interview, Leonid Fedun spoke repeatedly aboutthat can tolerate. 20 years in the army brought him calm and ability to wait. Apparently, thanks to these qualities, the shareholder of FC Spartak managed to build and open the Otkrytie Arena stadium during the 2008–2012 crisis, which meets European standards and accommodates 45,000 fans.

Это стало первым шагом к осуществлению мечты Leonid Fedun - donate a home to Spartak. Another step towards the cherished dream is the restoration by Leonid Fedun of the “Spartacus Academy”. It is in the Academy that future Spartak players are growing, which will free the club from having to buy expensive legionnaires.
Besides the fact that the Academy bringsquality players, it gives jobs, which is doubly valuable in a crisis. It is not enough to love sports to be the head of a football club. It is important to have strategic thinking and communication skills.
Today it is safe to say thatSpartak not only survived the crisis, but also grew up professionally and financially. And Leonid Fedun showed himself not only as the main fan of the national team, but also as a competent manager.

To a question in an interview with TASS: “When will Spartak become the champion of Russia?” Leonid Fedun replied: “With my life.” Believe it.