Why do you need cataphores on a bicycle?

Bicycle owners who prefernight driving, seriously risk getting under the wheels of the car, if the bike is not installed any identifying beacons. Street lights rather poorly illuminate the bike. Katafota on a bicycle allow you to save yourself from trouble.


bike katafats
Katafota on the bike must bepresented in the kit. Traffic rules require the installation of a white front and red rear reflective means on the bike, as well as yellow beacons on the pedals and spokes of the bike.

Since the two-wheeled vehiclesunobtrusive on the road, katafot on a bicycle can increase the level of safety during the ride. Naturally, the reflectors themselves do not emit light. Therefore, they become noticeable only when hovering car headlights.

How to remove the reflectors from the bike?This need often arises when it is necessary to reduce the overall weight of the bike, as well as to improve the balance of a two-wheeled vehicle during high-speed driving on the highway. In fact, in the presence of standard fasteners in the form of a bolt and nut to cope with the task is easy. However, some reflectors, especially reflectors that are located on wheels, are not so easy to remove. To do this, you have to remove the needles or damage the fasteners of products.

Katafota knitting needles

Many cyclists consider reflectors thatinstalled on the spokes of the bike, rather useless and even unnecessary accessories, since the latter worsen the wheel alignment indicators. In theory, an extra weight weighing even a few grams can create some imbalance while driving. However, this significantly affects the quality of movement only with the development of maximum speeds.

Reflective elements on the spokes of the wheels several times increase the level of safety of the lover of night trips. In addition, they are an excellent decoration for a bicycle in the dark.

How to install the reflectors on the bike? To do this, special connectors are provided in the light-reflecting elements that hook onto the spoke of the bicycle.

Katafota on the bike with LED

katafat on bike photo
When it is rainy weather or spaceit is tightened by a fog, light-reflecting means rather badly cope with the tasks assigned to them. To avoid trouble, it is enough to install the LED reflectors on the bike. Photos of such devices can be seen in this material.

Такие светящиеся отражатели видно со considerable distance in the worst weather. However, their work requires a connection to a power source. Experienced cyclists prefer to ride with a flashlight that works from a dynamo attached to the front wheel or batteries. It is here that it is most advisable to attach reflectors with LED.

Reflective fabric

how to install the reflectors on the bike
A great alternative to standard reflectors.protrude fabric bases with reflective ability. The latter adapt to the bike or cyclist's equipment: clothing, backpack, shoes, and a protective helmet. Often these fabrics are glued to the rims of a two-wheeled vehicle.

parking lights

The purpose of such lighting - providingmaximum visibility of the cyclist on the road in the dark. Many bike owners consider it necessary to install rear clearance, which is able to work in the modes of normal luminescence, blinking and frequent pulsation. The presence of such functionality allows you to make the bike most noticeable depending on the conditions in which the movement occurs.

Picking up a bicycle flasher, attentionshould focus on the power rating, as a small footprint is almost useless. As for the viewing angle, when glowing here it should be about 180about.


how to remove the reflectors from the bike
Cyclists who try to avoid the nighttravel for personal safety, you can safely do without installing reflectors. Ideally, the bike should be equipped with a full set of reflective elements. Light reflectors on the spokes of the wheels are no exception, because it is only thanks to them that the bicycle becomes noticeable at intersections and when cornering.