/ / What is the difference between judo and sambo?

What is the difference between judo and sambo?

Judo is the most universal remedy forperfecting your body and spirit at the same time. So believed the founder of this technique of struggle Jigoro Kano. Hard training will help you not only learn how to attack and defend yourself, but also temper your body and nurture the will.

is there any difference between combat sambo and judo

History of development

There are two versions of the origin of this combatart. The first one looks like a beautiful legend, like on a beautiful frosty day Jigoro Kano watched the snow in the garden. Snowflakes gently lay down on a branch of Sakura. Their layer became more and more. Vetka bent under the weight of snow and was about to break. But that did not happen. Vetka bent, and the snow fell from her, and she returned to its original position.

Seeing this, Master Kano wondered howcreate martial art based on the flexibility of the human body. This is how judo and its techniques arose, which, due to its flexibility, avoided the impact of the enemy and his brute force.

According to the second version, the prototype of judo wasmartial art jiu-jitsu. Jigo Kano in his youth engaged in several sports, including jiu-jitsu. He believed that there were a lot of negative moments in him, which prevented him from giving up art completely. It is precisely the elimination of these shortcomings that Kano took up. The result was a completely new sport - judo.

difference judo from sambo

Higher achievement in judo

Jigoro Kano set up a judo university in Japan.He is in Kadkan. Becoming his professor and getting a red belt with white stripes is the highest achievement in this martial art. There are very few such people around the world. Only 7 people have the title of professor and belt.

The development of judo in Russia

Although judo was created in Japan,Soviet athletes have many achievements in this sport. They successfully performed at various competitions, including international ones, and always achieved high results.

Vladimir was an outstanding judo athlete.Nevzorov. His technique was unique, even according to Japanese masters. The uniqueness consisted in the fact that literally for every international competition he had a reception in store. The fact is that the athlete worked for several years on each technique to bring it to perfection. Nevzorov could prepare a shot and execute it ideally in a fight in just one year.

Since Soviet athletes excelled in judo,they decided to develop their own technique. This is how sambo appeared. This is a relatively young martial art, which is just over 75 years old. It is a symbiosis of various techniques and much like judo. So the Soviet and Russian athletes, having spent the minimum time for retraining, could compete in these two martial arts. What is the difference between judo and sambo? Now we will talk about it.

Sambo difference from judo and free-style wrestling

Difference Judo from Sambo

If Sambo went from judo, then it is important to know what are the differences between these two sports from each other. In fact, they are not so much.

  1. Carpet for competition.In Sambo, this is a carpet that resembles the cover for freestyle and herko-roman wrestling competitions. For judo it is used tatami, a platform with a hard surface and strictly designated borders.
  2. The form.The form for sambo wrestlers is a special jacket and shorts. Judo wrestlers traditionally wear kimono. Now there are new rules that athletes wear blue and white kimonos. It depends on which athlete first goes to the tatami. The one who was called first must be dressed in blue kimono, the second - in white.
  3. Points for tricks.In judo and sambo there is an identical throw - ippon. The difference is in the number of points that judges judge him. In Sambo for such a throw, they give 4 points, in judo - 10 points, and award a clear victory.

Чтобы выиграть поединок, нужно учесть несколько rules: be sure to hold the opponent for 30 seconds, make a throw on his back, tearing off both his legs from the cover or apply a choke.

To win the match in sambo you need to dial12 points. This means that you need to make three throws, to perform several painful holds or holds. Holding in sambo for 20 seconds is also estimated at 4 points. But after this, the fight continues until the athlete has reached the required number of them or the time allotted for the fight has expired.

What is the difference between judo and sambo?The first allowed choking techniques, the second is prohibited. Sambo provides some painful techniques, even in the lower extremities. Judo rules do not allow this.

difference of combat sambo from judo

Difference of sambo from free-style wrestling

Since sambo was the result of a merger of manytypes of martial arts, that is, it is similar to freestyle wrestling. But this does not mean that these two sports are completely identical. Their main differences are as follows:

  • The form in which athletes perform. Wrestlers stand in tight-fitting leotard, which eliminates the likelihood of making receptions with the seizure of clothing.
  • Prohibited tricks.Wrestlers are prohibited from part of the techniques allowed in sambo and judo. These are painful techniques, unscrewing of the joints, asphyxiating seizures. In free-style wrestling, shots made with the help of arms, legs and body are used to win.
  • To participate in freestyle wrestling competitionsallowed participants weighing more than 75 kilograms. This is due to the fact that victory is achieved at the expense of strength, while in judo due to the mistakes of one opponent and the quickness of another.

Freestyle wrestling is perhaps the most democratic and non-traumatic sport that develops endurance and strength in a person.

And what is the difference between combat sambo and judo? Now we find out.

what is the difference between combat sambo and judo

The difference between combat sambo and judo

The division of judo and sambo into two directions was adopted. The first is divided into traditional and sports, the second, in turn, into traditional and military.

Combat sambo, as a rule, is used in power structures and the army, as the techniques of this sport help to easily cope with the criminal or the enemy and neutralize him.

Is there any difference between combat sambo and judo? This martial art uses a number of paintricks that help immobilize the enemy. Kicks and hands are allowed. At the same time there are more opportunities to finish the fight ahead of schedule. There are notions of knockout and knockdown. Such techniques are prohibited in any type of judo.

What is the difference between combat sambo and judo?Also, these two martial arts differ in athletes' stance. It is lower in sambo. If a judo athlete bends, then it threatens punishment, as it is believed that in this way he dodges the blow.

According to experts, judo victory goes to those who are more intelligent and tactful, in Sambo, especially in combat, wins stronger.

 what is the difference between combat sambo and judo


We considered the difference of judo from sambo and free-style wrestling. Let's sum up the small results:

  1. The homeland of judo is Japan. This martial art became the basis for the emergence of Sambo.
  2. These sports are different rules and permitted techniques.
  3. Judo and wrestling are included as sports in the program of the Olympiad. Sambo is not.
  4. The clothes of a wrestler, a judo wrestler, a sambist are different.

Now you know the difference between sambo and judoand freestyle wrestling. No matter what kind of sport is chosen, the main thing is that the classes bring pleasure. After all, it is thanks to sport that a person becomes more mobile, healthier, more developed.