Among the most effective ways to quicklyweight loss includes fasting days on apples. Numerous studies of microbiologists have proven that regular consumption of apples increases the number of beneficial bacteria in the body. They help to prevent the process of decay and good digestion of food.
Useful properties of apples
Apples contain large amounts of mineralsubstances: potassium, sodium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, iodine. A large number contains folic acid and carotene. Apples improve the digestive process and improve the intestinal microflora. In acute colitis, it is good to eat baked apples. This fruit is the lowest calorie product, so fasting days on apples allow you to lose up to 1 kg of excess weight per day.
Basic principles
These juicy fruits are the undisputed leader inPopular among other fruits. Arranging fasting days on apples, you need to psychologically prepare for the fact that the diet will consist of only one product. Apples contain a large amount of fiber, so this diet does not cause a strong feeling of hunger. Intending to spend a fasting day on apples, how much to eat fruit is important to know. Throughout the day, it is recommended to consume from 1.5-2 kg of apples.
You can divide the fruit into 5 or 6 mealsor use several apples every 2 hours. It depends on individual preferences and feelings of hunger. Diet does not prohibit eating baked apples. However, it is better to choose unsweetened fruit varieties. In unlimited quantities you can drink herbal teas, mineral water. It is important that the liquid consumed does not contain sugar. In the evening, it is recommended to take a drug with a laxative effect. Fasting days on apples should not be carried out more than once a week.
Although the apples areThe most effective way to combat excess weight, there are a number of contraindications. Nutritionists classify fasting days as monodiet. Therefore, this process must be approached carefully and responsibly. It is important to conduct proper preparation before organizing a fasting day on apples, the result of which will depend on many factors.
Before starting the fasting day,you should consult with your doctor. Problems with increased acidity and diseases of the digestive tract (ulcer, gastritis) do not allow for fasting days, due to the high health risks. Experts do not recommend to organize mono-diets during pregnancy.
Who are useful?
Fasting days on apples are carried out athypertensive diseases, since pectins absorb cholesterol and promote a speedy recovery. Antioxidants found in apples are the main assistants in the fight against aging. The complex of mineral substances helps to strengthen the immune system, dissolves stones in the gall bladder, and also fights against tumors.
Употребление яблок является прекрасной prevention of atherosclerosis and metabolic recovery. However, it is not recommended to abuse the bones, because they contain a large amount of iodine. Five bones contain the daily iodine rate needed by the body. Baked apples are useful for diabetes because they help to maintain stable blood sugar levels.
The results of the unloading day
People who decide to lose weight, it is important to know how much you can throw in the fasting day on apples. The results directly depend on the characteristics of the human body and a number of factors.
It is important to consider the diet before unloading, andalso the amount of liquid drunk the day before. It is also necessary to take into account the excess weight over the norm. Many in one day lose about 1.5 kilograms, others manage to lose only 200 grams.
The main advantage of this diet isslow weight care, which then quickly will not return. This is appreciated by women who previously used mono-diets. Plus, the body will not experience severe stress, as there is a gradual change in metabolic processes.
This diet does not belong to the categoryextreme, therefore, a change in nutrition does not adversely affect the appearance. Received numerous positive reviews of fasting days on apples. The results of the detox day are excellent. All this leads to the conclusion that this is the most effective diet.
It is important to understand that fat is impossibleclean in one day. Therefore, as a result of the fasting day, only excess fluid is removed from the body and the intestines are completely cleansed. Only a regular discharge will increase metabolism and improve the work of the digestive system. Maintaining a healthy and proper lifestyle will favorably affect the loss of excess weight.
General recommendations
In order to maximizeresult, it is necessary to observe the water balance. To do this, you should drink at least 1.5 liters of fluid per day. It is important to consider that the liquid should not contain caffeine and sugar. Therefore, herbal decoctions, mineral water and green tea are best. You can take plant-based laxatives that will quickly clear the intestines. In the evening, you can take a hot bath to speed up the removal of toxins from the body.
No need to increase physical activity,because in this case the body will work for wear. It is better to prefer walking in the fresh air. A visit to a massage room or a spa treatment will not be out of place.
Fasting day for apples has reviews likepositive and negative. Many were able to lose more than 1 kilogram, others managed to lose no more than 200 grams. The final result depends largely on the individual characteristics of the organism.
Detox day preparation
It is not recommended to fill up for the futureholding a fasting day. However, most slimming women do this. Your diet is better to establish 2 days before the diet. If possible, remove sweet and fatty foods. In this case, the unloading will show an excellent result.
Choosing apples, you need to prefer strongand elastic fruits, with a minimum sugar content. Fruit should not be damaged and brown spots. Since large apples are overripe, it is better to give preference to small and medium fruits.
Психологически легче справиться с gastronomic restrictions, if you start a diet at lunch and finish it the next day at the same time. When conducting regular handling days, it is necessary to allocate a specific day of the week. In this case, the body will quickly get used to the routine, so the diet will be tolerated easier and easier. Do not arrange unloading immediately after the holiday, because the body spends a lot of energy to recover. Fasting day can only cause harm.
How to spend a fasting day
In order to spend the day you need to stock up on 2 kilograms of fresh fruit. Ideal homemade apples that are not treated with chemicals and do not contain nitrates.
Приобретая их в магазине, необходимо тщательно choose the fruit. It is necessary to eat in small portions, so the fruit is divided into 5 or 6 servings. Thus, between each meal takes about 2-3 hours. In between, you need to drink water or tea without sugar. The total amount of water consumed per day should be about 2 liters. Water will remove the accumulated toxins in the body.
Fasting day can be spent not only onfresh fruit. Baked apples are not only effective against weight loss, but also an excellent delicacy. Previously, they get bones from the fruit, and add cinnamon and honey inside. The dish can be cooked in the oven or in the microwave. Baked fruits do not have a high degree of acidity, so they are easily digested.
Combined diet
Many lose weight preferkefir-apple version of the diet. This method of correction is characterized by the availability, simplicity and balanced diet. Carbohydrates and beneficial proteins contribute to the rapid elimination of toxins, as well as the elimination of digestive disorders. Such a diet can achieve an amazing result in a couple of days.
Kefir-apple diet does not cause painful bouts of hunger. Since the probability of breakdown in this case is minimal, the fasting day for kefir and apples has completely positive reviews.
This version of the diet saturates the body with the necessary energy, and also allows you to quickly burn lipid deposits. If you arrange a fasting day on kefir and apples, how much can you lose weight?
This question interests everyone who wants to quicklythrow off a few pounds. In many ways, the final result depends on individual characteristics and initial data. On average, for 1 day, you can lose about 1.5 kilograms. With proper and balanced nutrition, throughout the week, you can adjust the figure by 3 kilograms.
Fundamental rules
The calorie content of different varieties of apples differs depending on the sugar content. Sour varieties contain about 45 calories, while sweet varieties contain twice as much.
Of course, when eating sweet varieties of apples,losing weight will feel more satisfying. However, sour varieties allow for faster weight loss. On one day you need about 2 kilograms of medium apples, which is about 10-11 fruits. The resulting amount should be divided into 5 or 6 meals.
Since the body is not saturated immediately, you should slowly chew each piece. Thus, it is possible to deceive the body and not experience hunger for a long time.
Monodiet on apples can not be attributed tobalanced nutrition. Despite the fact that the fruits contain a large amount of fiber, the body will experience a lack of minerals. Therefore, it is not recommended to abuse the fasting days on fruit. It is better to set aside one day a week, and on other days to follow a balanced and healthy diet. It is important to remember that the best time for such a discharge is autumn or the end of summer. During this period, the fruits contain the maximum amount of nutrients and vitamins.