/ / Cool bikes: brands, manufacturers, rating

Steep bicycles: brands, manufacturers, rating

When buying a bike, consumers are driven, infirst of all, the desire to lead a healthy lifestyle. However, the importance here is also the appearance, design and possibilities of two-wheeled transport. The modern range of sporting goods stores is so wide that it is quite difficult to give preference to a specific option. Let's take a look at what car you can proudly call “the coolest bike in the world.”


cool bikes
Forming the rating of bicycles (price-quality -the most important criterion), I would like to immediately mention the company GT, whose products deserve the highest praise. Currently, consumers can choose a bike from the huge model range of this brand. Every year, the company produces several “headliners”, which are designed for the main consumer audience, as well as a number of unique models that are distinguished by their narrow specialization.

The coolest bikes of this brand havelifetime warranty. Provides a long service of such bikes construction of frames of lightweight aluminum alloy based on the scheme of a reinforced triangle. The original solution helps to strengthen the structure and makes bicycles more stable.


the coolest bike in the world
Under this brand really cool bikes are always produced. In recent years, customers have noted an increase in the quality of assembly, the use of highly reliable components.

Since 2002, the company has been producing coolA-Gang bicycles designed for extreme off-road driving. Another innovation, which was renowned for the manufacturer, was the development of the Author Kinetic model, which has a lightweight frame made using the batting technology. This solution allowed to make bicycles more durable and reliable. Today, the technology is implemented even with the release of low-end models from the manufacturer.


bike forward
Separate rulers from the specified manufacturer withoutAny doubt are the best in their class. In the assortment of the company, you can find a bike for absolutely any purpose, starting with cross-country and ending with road racing.

Buying a Specialized Bike regardlessmodels, the owner does not have to think about repairing an iron horse for many years. At the same time, all components and consumables for maintenance of the bike can always be found on sale.

Despite the affordable price for wideconsumer audience, bicycles of this brand are really strong and reliable. Therefore, it is not surprising that well-known cyclists often prefer products of this particular manufacturer.


bicycle manufacturers
Authoritative Taiwanese manufacturer with eachyear only strengthens its position in the market. Recently, the company's engineers have focused on the development of new models of bicycles designed for extreme driving. However, annually on sale steep bicycles continue to arrive for active recreation and driving in the conditions of the city.

Особым доверием со стороны потребителей enjoy models from the product line Reign and Glory. Thanks to affordable prices and the highest build quality, bike lovers are guided by the most diverse segments of the population to buy bikes of these brands.


bike rating price quality
The company has the status of a real legend in the field ofproduction of two-wheeled transport. Each reputable store resorts to placing bikes of this brand in the sales area to demonstrate products that can be called the style standard.

However, despite the unique design, highbuild quality and reliability, Schwinn bikes are not too high in demand in the domestic market. The reason for this is the release of the company mainly urban models, not intended for high-speed driving. In addition, these bikes are quite high price.


the coolest bike in the world
Этот именитый бренд не напрасно занимает почетное A place in our ranking of the coolest bikes, because the German quality always speaks for itself. Such bikes are distinguished, above all, by an unsurpassed study of each, even the smallest structural element. Therefore, every year tens of thousands of bicycle enthusiasts who know a lot about quality resort to buying products of this brand. Among other things, such bicycles are regularly used in cross-country competitions and in road cycling.


Ghost bike makers consistentlyoccupy a leading position in the list of the best world brands. The main credo of developers since the foundation of the company is the creation of an efficient and safe two-wheeled vehicle. It is for this reason that before launching the next model on the market, the latter is subjected to numerous tests, and the company's engineers are doing everything possible to eliminate even the most minor design flaws. The result - the consumer gets the perfect bike with a lightweight frame, improved equipment, original design.

Bike "Forward"

You can not ignore the domesticmanufacturer. This brand, perhaps, has a slightly negative reputation against the background of other manufacturers represented in the rating. In fact, the company was founded on the basis of the Soviet bicycle factory Kama.

Today, under the specified brand bikes are made,related mainly to the budget category. Despite the fact that since the beginning of the 2000s, the manufacturer began to focus on the development of modern high-end models, the Forward bicycle is still considered as an affordable, but not sufficiently high-quality option.


The presented rating is quite objective, but not quite complete. Therefore, each consumer has the right to independently determine for himself what is the coolest bike in the world.

In fact, the manufacturer's name does not play a decisive role when choosing a bike. The main thing is that the purpose, build quality and convenience of the model correspond to the needs of a specific consumer.

Of course, such attention deserves special attention.brands like GT, Author, Specialized. It is these products that are considered the benchmark for quality in the domestic and global markets. Reliable assembly, a special variety of the model range, bright design, original design and an affordable price - all this makes the above-mentioned brands of bikes the best for sports.