/ Can I lose weight while cycling? Nothing is impossible!

Can I lose weight while cycling? Nothing is impossible!

In the fight against extra pounds, all meansare good. The more motor activity, the better, and this applies to everyone, not just those who want to part with excess weight. Therefore, the question of whether you can lose weight while riding a roller or a bicycle, can be safely answered in the affirmative. Unfortunately, the first are available only in the warm season. You can ride on a bicycle the whole year round, and if you do not want to pedal in the cold, you can do it in a warm room under pleasant music - in a sports club. It remains to be seen what should be taken to ensure that the result meets expectations and does not disagree with the beautiful theory of the benefits of aerobic exercise in the fight against overweight.

can I lose weight by riding a bicycle
Can I lose weight while cycling? Do not forget about the correction of nutrition

So, it is proved that cycling is a great waystruggle with extra pounds. Many experienced athletes in order to fit themselves to certain weight standards ("dry out"), they do not run to the "rocking chair" but to exercise bikes. But they do it simultaneously with the correction of nutrition. Without a diet, such occupations are not that useless - after all the muscles of the legs will still catch up - but the weight from the dead point will not be shifted.

Therefore, the classic ban on flour, sweets andexcessively fatty food is also effective in this case. The main thing is to find a balance between limiting yourself to eating and keeping your strength on cycling. After all, an overly meager diet helps slow down metabolism and destroys muscle fibers. Therefore, deciding: "We are riding a bicycle for weight loss!", You do not need to combine classes with a hunger strike. This can lead to the opposite result: a lack of nutrients will cause the body to reduce the level of metabolism, as a consequence - excess kilograms will remain where they were, and only a bad mood and a complete lack of desire to ride will add to them.

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The other extreme is to sit in the saddle just after dinner: nothing good will come of such a trip.

Can I lose weight while cycling: regularity and intensity of training

Another important factor that will ensure successprogram "We Lose Weight While Riding a Bicycle" - constancy. As in all sports, in order to achieve results, you should practice regularly, that is, at least three times a week. Those who choose to take a walk once a month, are unlikely to answer yes to the question of whether you can lose weight while riding a bicycle.

And, of course, no less important is that withwhat intensity pedals spin. Moving in a leisurely walking pace, do not hope that extra pounds will escape easily and at ease. In order to lose weight, you will have to work hard, because the amount of calories burned per unit of time directly depends on how much energy is spent on torsion of the pedals. This is not only about speed, but also about overcome resistance. Rises uphill will only benefit, as well as the press a little podkachaetsya.

But do not be too zealous.So, riding at the limit of their possibilities threatens that the body, trying to fill the reserve of forces, will constantly demand something sweet, but it's hard to resist, and the mood will not get any better. The optimal load level is about 60-70% of the limit (determined by the pulse rate).

we ride a bicycle for weight loss
Can I lose weight by riding a bicycle: a combination with other loads

Cycling - aerobic exercise, good trainingheart that is known to many. Yes, this is an activity that gives the effect of drying (by the way, when you go for a walk, you need to take a bottle of drinking water with you), but it's not enough to get rid of excess kilograms. It is advisable to combine cycling and strength training. At home, these can be exercises with dumbbells. Well, in the conditions of the sports club, there are lots of options: a gym, group classes of power orientation or a combined type.

If you lose weight with the mind and take into account all the subtlety that accompanies the process, success is guaranteed.