/ / Freestyle wrestler Alexander Medved: biography with photos

Freestyle wrestler Alexander Medved: biography with photos

The fight is over.It was the last, final combat. For one of the athletes, it turned into Olympic gold. And the Messegeland Auditorium burst out with loud applause and multilingual cries. The victorious wrestler, having raised his mighty hands, bowed in all directions with a bewildered smile. Apparently, he had not yet fully realized his happiness. Then the incredible happened. The athlete wandered to the middle of the carpet, knelt, bent, and kissed the matte surface. So he said goodbye to the wrestling ring - an impassive witness of hundreds of disappointments and ups that an athlete went through over 15 years of his career.

This man was Alexander Medved - a wrestlerfreestyle, three-time Olympic champion in different weight categories. Seven times he won the world championship and three times the European championship. In the wrestler's box there are nine gold medals of the Games and USSR Championships. This article will provide a brief biography of the athlete.


Alexander Medved was born in 1937 in BelayaChurches (Ukraine). In childhood, the boy had no specific sports preferences. He spent his leisure time both on the basketball court and on the football field. Sasha also willingly swam, jumped, ran and fought with friends.

alexander bear

Military service

Сразу после школы Александр Медведь пошёл Work at the plant as an fitter. Two years later, the young man was taken to the army. Here Sasha and met with the struggle. Barely mastered a number of techniques and mastered the tactics, he won the championship of the Belarusian Military District.


After demobilization, the hero of this article decidedstay live in Minsk. High School Coaches and Institute of Physical Education - these are two schools that graduated from Alexander Medved. Freestyle wrestling has become his main specialization. Also, the athlete got very good mentors: BM Rybalko and P.V. Grigoriev. Under their strict guidance, Alexander did not know defeat for many years.

alexander bear biography


In March 1961, the USSR held a championshipfight For the gold medal claimed 21 athlete. Among them were such masters as Ivanitsky, Dzarasov, Kandelaki and Kiknadze. After the end of the fifth round, Alexander became the leader, and the seventh revealed the strongest athletes. The bear received gold, Dzarasov - silver, and Ivanitsky - bronze.

Тренеры решил отправить Александра в Японию на World Championship. To get to this competition, Bear had to wait for four years. The athlete performed brilliantly on it. But by the end of the tournament, he met with German Dietrich. He scored one point more than our athlete, and thereby "pulled out" his gold.

First Olympiad

At this competition, Alexander Medved is a littleit was not missed the gold award. He ended the fight with Swiss Jutzeler and Romanian Ballo ahead of schedule. And Bulgarian athlete Mustafova won in 39 seconds. Only Turk Ayik was able to reduce the fight in a draw. The sheer superiority over opponents almost played a cruel joke with Alexander. Even before he went on the carpet with the Swede Erickson, Bear was confident of his own victory. The obviously bad form of the rival struck the eye. But in fact, everything was different. Swede almost deprived Alexander of gold. From now on, Bear decided that he would always respect the opponent. The athlete adhered to this rule throughout his career.

alexander bear fight

Severe test

Many athletes were frightened by the 1968 Olympics.After all, the highland of Mexico City was chosen as the venue. The lack of oxygen and rarefied air affected some athletes. Unfortunately, Alexander Medved was among them. But only a close circle of initiates knew of his ailment. As a result, at the insistence of Sasha, it was decided to participate in the competition.

The wrestler chose the following tactics:he showed with his appearance confidence in victory and rainbow mood. And the fights themselves tried to finish ahead of time. Everything went well before meeting with the old opponent Dietrich, to whom Alexander ceded in Japan. The German went ahead, and the unexpected happened. There was a terrible and strong crunch. The fight stopped, and both athletes began to examine themselves. It turned out that the thumb on Alexander's right hand was unnaturally arched. Behind the ring, doctors began to fuss, preparing dressings. But their help was not needed. Bear dislocated itself. There was a slight click in the hall. “Give me the whistle” - this is the sign that showed the referee Alexander Medved. The fight resumed, but Dietrich seemed to be replaced. After the first attack, the athlete limped. And then he refused to continue the fight.

alexander bear wrestling


Александр Медведь, биография которого была presented in this article, continued to live actively after the end of his career. The reason for this was the habit developed over the years about the productive use of every free minute. But the regime did not turn the former wrestler into some kind of "hermit." Alexander Vasilyevich perfectly understood that sport is not the whole life. The former athlete began to devote more time to his family and his hobbies (photography, hunting). Together with his wife Tatiana, he raised two beautiful children - the son of Alexei and daughter Elena. Alyosha followed in his father's footsteps, winning the world championship in wrestling.