/ / Foot press simulator: overview, technique and recommendations

Foot press simulator: overview, technique and recommendations

One of the most common, in demandpower devices for training in the conditions of the hall is a training device for bench press. Classes on such devices completely replace squats with additional weight, allow to activate the less developed calf muscles. If you properly operate the machine for press with your feet, you can quickly get rid of fat deposits in the hips and make the buttocks more taut.

Structural features of the simulator

foot press training machine
The leg presser includes a platform for placing feet, supports for canopies and a seat with a backrest. Let us consider in detail each element of the construction:

  1. The platform is the main component of the simulator,which is set in motion during the exercise. In some devices, this element has the form of an all-metal sheet, in others it contains slits, a lining in the form of a non-slip material. The standard weight of the bench press machine is 25 kg. If necessary, the mass of the platform can be doubled, using hinged loads. However, beginners should not immediately engage in weighting, since such a decision increases the risk of injury to the spine.
  2. The seat with the backrest is made of a dense,hypoallergenic material with elastic filler. The structural element is adjustable in length, it can contain a headrest. Some manufacturers produce simulators for bench press without a seat. However, this version of performance is quite inconvenient for beginners.
  3. Supports for canopies - are presented in the form of bars, which are located on both sides of the simulator. Designed to use an additional load.

What muscles are involved in the operation of the simulator?

foot press in the exercise machine
Pressing feet on the simulator forces almost all muscles to work: the quadriceps, the large gluteal, long fibular and anterior tibial, soleus muscle.

To the athlete who performs the bench press, the horizontal simulator gives the main load to the buttock zone and the quadriceps. However, changing the position during landing activates other muscle groups.

Benefits of training with a foot simulator

bench press in the simulator
The bench press is distinguished by a whole host of advantages:

  1. Opens the opportunity to work out the inactive, unused in everyday life groups of muscles. To activate the latter resort to changing the position of the limbs on the platform.
  2. Eliminates the axial load on the spine, whichis present when performing squats with additional weight. Thus, the possibility of complex pumping of the legs for those who have problems with the back, has a weakly developed muscular corset.
  3. A foot press sitting in the simulator allows burning during a short training a huge amount of calories, which helps to reduce the fat layer in the hips and buttocks.
  4. Classes on the simulator activate the metabolic processes in the body.
  5. Thanks to the inflow of blood to the pelvic area, the work of the genital organs improves.

The differences of bench press with squats

bench press lying on the simulator
Kicking feet in the simulator (technique of executionexercises) involves the provision of increased stress on quadriceps. At the same time, the spine remains relaxed, which helps to avoid back injuries, which often happen during squats with the barbell.

Another defining difference is thethe ability to quickly change the position of the legs, aimed at working out specific muscle groups. At the same time, squats give a load at the same time on all the muscles of the legs, which contributes to the development of rapid fatigue.

Foot press in the simulator - technique

Only adherence to the correct technique of performing exercises can reduce the risk of injury. Consider the secrets that will allow you to do the press correctly.

To start with the simulator is installedA suitable weight, which corresponds to the power capabilities of the athlete. The user is positioned in the simulator, having paused on the foot against the platform on the width of the shoulders. The platform retainers are grasped by hand.

Kicking feet in the simulator (technique of executionexercises) involves a tight fit with a clamp of the buttocks and back to the bench. Moving the platform in the direction from itself perform on exhalation. The platform is not fully squeezed. During the exercise, the knees remain slightly bent. This approach avoids damage to the joints.

The platform is lowered on a deep breath to the limits,until the shin and thigh are in a position at right angles to each other. Finally, they hold their breath for a few moments and squeeze the weight again.

How to make leg muscles grow?

weight exercise machine leg press
Что способствует прогрессивному наращиванию muscle mass in the lower limbs? To get noticeable results, you should focus on proper nutrition. It is the saturation of the body with an abundance of protein that makes the muscles grow stronger and increase in volume. If you do not pay due attention to this moment, training will not bring anything but pain and fatigue.

To increase the effectiveness of classes allowssystematic use of additional weight and changing the angle of the platform. Unfortunately, not all simulators for pumping the legs have this functionality. Therefore, in cases where progress in training is almost imperceptible, it is worth taking advantage of more sophisticated adaptations.

Finally fix the result allowsone leg leg press. Such a strategy is especially effective at the end of training. Doing the exercises is not for every athlete. However, it is still worth trying to enhance the overall effect.


leg press horizontal trainer
As you can see, the leg strength machine performsexcellent device for complex pumping of the muscles of the lower extremities. Some athletes resort to its operation, working to consolidate the result after doing squats with weights.

Регулярные занятия на тренажере позволяют в for a short time, increase the quadriceps, which visually make the legs more massive. In addition, athletes are able to focus on certain muscle groups, without risking a loss of balance.

When weights are raised with our feet in the reclining position, the gluteal muscles are trained. Experienced athletes know how long their pumping can be when performing the deepest squats.

In general, training with the use of a simulator, athletes are able to significantly isolate the load, reduce the risk of injury, even working with increased weight.