Massage is an effective way to take care of your health.In the 19th century, vibrating massagers, whose work is based on electric current, were known. However, at that time they were used not for losing weight, but for improving well-being and healing. Currently, a vibrating massager for weight loss, consumer reviews receive mostly positive. And the manufacturers of this equipment promise the users of their products not only smooth elastic skin, but also a reduction in body weight without much effort.
Principle of operation
Device data via electric currentcarry out the vibration of the massage surface or the nozzle, which, in turn, transmit it to the body. As a result, there is a local increase in blood circulation, the nutrients from the blood begin to penetrate better into the tissues. In addition, due to this action, the current of interstitial fluids increases, excess fluid leaves the body, the body volumes are reduced.
Manufacturers of these devices promise consumers an incredible effect. They guarantee that the vibrating massager for weight loss (photos of these devices are presented in our article) will help:
- adjust the shape;
- make the skin more elastic;
- get rid of the "orange" peel;
- lose weight;
- remove after workout pain.
Vibrating massager for weight loss: reviews of doctors
According to studies, the impactcertain frequencies can actually destroy the membrane of fat cells, but this does not apply to vibratory massagers. This is because only a sound wave, used, for example, in the cavitation procedure can have such an effect. In this regard, we can safely say that the vibration effect of this device will not reduce adipose tissue. But to deny the useful properties of vibrating massagers is still not worth it. After all, these devices have an excellent local effect, improving metabolic processes in the tissues and local blood circulation. In addition, excess fluid is removed, which significantly reduces the volume of the body.
Doctors recommend using vibrating massagersthose who are actively involved in sports, as the vibration effect favors the removal of lactic acid from the muscles, which significantly reduces pain after a workout.
In other words, do not need to perceivevibrating massagers as a magical method of losing weight, which does not need any effort on your part. However, combining physical activity and a vibrating massager for weight loss (consumer reviews confirm this), you can accelerate the acquisition of ideal body contours.
Types of vibrating massagers
Today, manufacturers offerwide choice of vibrating massagers. In order not to get lost in this abundance of goods, you need to familiarize yourself with the most popular options and find out the opinion of them of the people who have already used them.
So, a vibrating massager for weight loss (reviews on this product, we give below) can be presented in the following versions:
- Manual vibrating massager - designed for local massage of problem areas. It has infrared heating function. The kit also includes several attachments.
- Vibrating belt - this device is fixed on the body. There are several options for vibration. It is convenient to use.
- Tape vibrating massager for weight loss: consumer reviews about this variety are mostly positive. It is a stationary device operating from the electrical network.
- The vibrating platform is stationary equipment. It includes the platform and vibration bands, which are located on problem areas.
With each vibrating massager in the kit there is an instruction that indicates the strength of the vibration, the direction of movement, the purpose of the various attachments, and much more.
Vibropoyas for weight loss
Very often in commercialsYou can see a vibrating massager for weight loss - the Ommassazh VM-510 belt (we will consider the reviews about it a bit later). According to the advertisement, this amazing equipment will allow you to easily get a beautiful elastic belly.
The belt has a point effect on the skin,increasing blood circulation in the abdomen. As a result of the improvement of metabolic processes in tissues, the process of splitting fat is accelerated, which in fact can help in the fight against obesity. Thus, the belt vibrating massager for weight loss (consumer reviews confirm this fact) - this is only 50% of success, the rest will be only from you. Therefore, it is naive to assume that you can reduce the volume of the body, lying on the couch and gobbling up delicious buns. Vibro-belt will not do the work for you, it will only help you in the fight against excess fat deposits.
Vibration platform for weight loss
This vibrating massager is morecomplex equipment, which consists of a base with ribbons (located on the body) and a platform. Placing on the problem area of the tape, you thereby have a vibration effect on the places where it is needed. According to consumers, regular use of this device allows you to relax your muscles well and conduct a high-quality massage. In addition, due to the impact that the tapes have, the circulation of lymph and blood is significantly improved, which leads to a decrease in cellulite.
Especially vibroplatform is useful to those who lead.sedentary lifestyle, as their muscles need any load. However, losing weight, working exclusively on the platform, is unlikely to succeed. This device is effective only in combination with proper nutrition and physical activity, like any other vibrating massager for weight loss. Reviews of vibroplatform confirm this.
Consumer opinion
Вибромассажеры имеют как положительные, так и negative reviews. This is not surprising, since those who used this equipment together with physical exertion, note mainly its effective action. These people note that the figure has acquired the desired shape, the weight has decreased, the “orange” peel has visibly reduced, the skin has acquired a young and elastic look. Those who laid all hopes only on the vibrating massager, like magic equipment, without changing their way of life, did not achieve the desired effect. Therefore, their feedback on vibrating massagers is mostly negative.
When not to use
If you decide to purchase a vibrating massager forTo lose weight in the abdomen or any other part of the body, you need to make sure that you have no contraindications to its use. After all, the vibration effect increases blood flow, which can provoke an increase in the body's inflammatory processes. The list of contraindications is quite impressive. So, it includes the presence of the following ailments:
- cholelithiasis;
- tuberculosis;
- gynecological problems;
- infectious diseases;
- fibroma;
- hernia;
- stomach ulcer
It is also forbidden to use vibrating massagers whenpresence in the field of their application of any damage on the skin. As a rule, the features of the use of these devices are displayed in the instructions. However, if this is not enough, then it would be better to consult a doctor who decides whether you can use a vibrating massager. This will help to avoid future health problems.
How to use the vibrating massager
Данное оборудование состоит из стойки и located on it a mechanism that creates a vibration, as well as a set of tapes for massage. The tape is fixed on the rack. There are several vibration intensities (from barely noticeable to superstrong). In general, this equipment is simply in operation, and there is hardly anyone who does not understand its mechanism.
During class, you must be careful withintensity of vibrations, especially if you just started to master this device. It is not recommended to choose the fastest mode in the hope of an early result. It is worth starting with a weak regime. Look at the reaction of your body, a few hours later or the next day. Beginners quite often make a mistake, massaging problem areas with a tape at maximum speed. After that, for a few days, bruises and bruises “flaunt” on the “treated” places.
Despite the fact that the vibrating massager does not help youget rid of extra pounds, this equipment will be useful as a massager and as a means in the fight against the "orange" peel. But remember that it can be used only if you do not have any medical contraindications.