/ / Stamina exercises need to be done correctly

Exercise for endurance needs to be done correctly

Many of those who begin to studyphysical culture or sports, give preference to the development of any specific qualities - good flexibility, a large volume of muscles, strength or speed. But eventually people understand that these properties do not matter without the development of such a factor as the ability to perform exercises for a long time without experiencing fatigue. Therefore, exercise for endurance is very important for them.

Importance of endurance

Whatever power a person has, he can notproductively engage in sports or exercise, if his body does not allow you to do this a sufficient amount of time. Gradually fatigue comes into the muscles, and the lungs begin to "choke". All this largely hampers the training process.

To overcome this situation, the athleteit is necessary to do exercises for endurance. They include not only repeated repetition of any actions, but also the development of the cardiovascular system.

Principles of endurance development

At the moment the main rule of formationendurance is a gradual increase in exercise intensity. That is, if the athlete at each training will accelerate the pace or add a number of repetitions, then gradually he will achieve the necessary results.

Such exercises for endurance are of great importance, since they allow you to significantly increase the duration of contractile muscle work. They can be produced in two ways.

The first method involves increasing the number ofmovements for the same period of time. For example, if you can kick off the floor 30 seconds 10 times, then the next workout should try to do this 11 times, then 12 and so on to the maximum limit of the body's capabilities.

The second way is such exercises onendurance, which, conversely, when performing the same number of visits can reduce the time spent on them. For example, if you can do 10 push-ups in 30 seconds, then the next day it is desirable to make them in 29 seconds, then - for 28, for 27, etc.

Right breathing is the guarantee of endurance.

During the performance of athletics exercisesit is possible to increase the efficiency of the cardiac muscle with the help of special techniques that imply the correct setting of respiration. If we consider this method from the point of view of the most popular run for long distances, then the multiple count principle should be applied here.

It should be understood that, usingdifferent principles, you can not only calm your breathing and regulate the work of the heart muscle, but, on the contrary, excite it for a quick breakthrough. The basis of this method is the condition that with a slow inhalation and a sharp expiration, the cardiovascular system is excited, and with rapid inhalation and a slow exhalation - calms down.

Therefore, to perform the exercise for developmentendurance you need to learn to count the breaths and exhalations, and thus control your heart. For example, you can apply a 2x4 system. This means that during the run you take one breath at the first two steps, and in the next four you take a long exhalation. This system can be adjusted - for example, take 3 breaths and 4 exhalations, or 2 breaths and 5 exhalations.

If you need to jerk, you need to change the circuit andmake a few breaths and exhalations on the principle of 4x2 or even 3x1. This will help mobilize the activity of the cardiovascular system through the work of the respiratory system.

It should be noted that the execution of the exercise onendurance with the use of the method of breathing correction allows even an unsportsman to run several kilometers without stopping and feeling tired. So this method can be used not only during sports, but also in ordinary life.

Control of cardiac activity through pulmonaryThe device can be used not only during running, but also when walking. For example, it is perfect for tourists who are constantly experiencing physical stress due to the presence of a heavy backpack and routes that cross the rough terrain.