/ / Representative of the Salmon family - Chinook. What it is?

A representative of the Salmonidae family is chinook salmon. What it is?

True gourmets and real lovers of fishCatching is perfectly known for chinook. What it is? Chinook salmon is the most common species of fish from the Salmon family. Most often it reaches a size of 90 cm, it can grow up to 1.47 m near the American coast, and within 1.8 m in the Kamchatka waters. The history of fisheries indicates that the largest caught chinook fish were 61.2 kg.

chinook what is it
Americans are especially popular chinook.“What is it?” - you ask them and you will hear back that this is the King Salmon (King Salmon). This fish is appreciated for its excellent taste. The Japanese Chinook is no less enthusiastic. Every fisherman knows what it is. In Japan, she was given a title close to the American one - “Prince of Salmon”.

The appearance of the fish

Chinook has a large head andstrong torpedo body. In the sea, her color is very low-key. The back is dark, with a green-olive tint, the sides and belly are silvery. There are small dark spots on the lateral line of the back, on the tail and on the dorsal fin. There is a distinctive black stripe between the head and the body.

The chinook has more gill rays compared toother members of the Salmon family. Sometimes a small individual of this fish can be confused with coho salmon. However, there is a feature that differs from him chinook. What is this difference, they know only experienced fishermen. First, dark feathers are located on the two sides of the caudal fin. Secondly, the gum in her lower jaw is black.

chinook on what to catch

Going into the river just before spawning, Chinooks changeYour color is more vivid and attractive. Her back becomes black, practically without any bands, and her body becomes red-brown. In addition, canine teeth appear in fish. Males acquire slightly curved jaws.


Fishing for chinooks is not an easy task, t.to. requires special restraint and patience. Rarely the fisherman can immediately get into the joint. Often it is necessary to make a large number of empty wiring and thoroughly fish deep river reaches in order to have at least one bite. Not for nothing that saying that two or three bites of chinooks are already good, and the fish caught is generally a great success.

fishing on chinooks

What to catch

One of the most interesting sites for fishsport fishing favors chinook. Why catch it - this is the main question of anglers, because this fish is very strong. Most often, Chinook salmon are caught with metal spinners with spinners, which should rotate and be large (6 x 4 cm). Metal spinners should be polished, and its mount is very durable. Only a tee should be used as a hook, the size of which is no less than No. 12. In order to make the spoon more visible to the fish, bright beads are hung on it, and colored feathering is placed on the tee. As for the fishing line, it must be at least 0.8 mm in diameter. Spinning is also equipped with a separate leash, where the sinkers are placed.

Chinook fishing is the most interesting fishingfor many men. She gives them a chance to "contend" with a worthy opponent. Salmon is the strongest fish of all freshwater. In addition, he is very hardy, therefore, to get him out of the water, the fisherman should make a lot of effort.