Fishing in March, according to reviews, can givea lot of pleasant moments. After all, it happens on the last ice. This is the best time when catching a perch is most effective. It is believed that in March from the ice you can catch even trophy specimens. Fishermen-winterers in this season is more like flash. Many also prefer balancing, mormyshka and other baits.
From the ice
The most effective perch catch in March isalmost under the ice, where he rushes in search of fry. At this time, his bites are more vigorous, as the predator bait suffices literally at once.
Rod selection
Многим рыболовам-зимникам нравится ловля окуня в March and April for float tackle. As a rule, it is a well-known "mare". Usually there are one or two motovillers on the paddle. Some experienced hunters use float variants to carry large specimens to fry.
Catching a perch in March for such a bait asmormyshka, assumes the presence of an ordinary spike with a neoprene or cork handle, equipped with an open coil. A characteristic feature of tackles for catching with a nod is the absence of a tulip at the end of a whip.
Fans of sheer gliding will be able to use an easy-to-use alarm designed for this type of catching: it can be quickly reeled up or rewound the line with a spool.
Optimum depth
Ловля окуня в марте предполагает наличие не more than two meters. If fishing takes place on a body of water that is still frozen, then it is better to drill the holes with a ladder. As they say experienced winter winters, it's much easier to find a flock of this predator. The largest individuals, as a rule, keep deeper plots. It is believed that for trophy specimens it is best to catch perch in March.
Spring bass fishing - features
It is on March fishing you can fish withweighing more than one kilogram. It is best to start fishing near the shore, drilling holes at a distance of not more than ten or twenty meters. In this case, in the case of a significant depth of the selected place, the fisherman should approach the shore even closer. Not bad, if there is an opportunity to fish off the flooded bushes. It is in such places that a predatory perch arranges an ambush. Trophy specimens most often peck at rocky areas of the bottom of the reservoir. The main sign, indicating that in this part of the reservoir there are predators - a flock of fry.
In places where rivers and streams flow into lakesthe perch in March from ice, as a rule, goes well from the wintering pits directly to the pre-shoals. Sometimes the fish, climbing directly into the tributaries themselves, actively hunts on the border of clean water and ice.
Once the extraction is discovered, the fisherman canalready go to the selection nozzle. Catching of perch in March is most effective when using fry or small spoon-bait. If the stocks of attachments prepared since the autumn - worms, burdock or moth - are over, and the bloodworm is not yet available, then you can use a variety of other improvised baits.
For example, judging by the reviews, it is good to fish onfins or percid eyes, pieces of raw fish meat and even small fragments of white ordinary foam rubber. The latter must be impregnated with eggs or even the blood of the fish itself. Good results are brought by raw egg white, and percids gills. It is better to use pieces not larger than three millimeters. Keep this bait better in a conventional plastic container filled with water.
On the balancer and mormyshku
This is the best perch catch in March.On the fishing in this period can be used and sheer spoon-bait. But both of these methods always require a great skill from the winter sports. The sheer steepness of the spoon is quite similar to fishing with mormish. The ideal size of the tackle is from three to five centimeters, and a small tee is very suitable as a hook. Some experts say that it is desirable to decorate it a little to better attract mining.
Since this predatory fish in the beginning of spring is being donemuch more active, then catching perch in March on mormyshka suggests an increase in the number of vibrations up to four times per second. In this case, the wiring itself is desirable to produce a little bit faster. The line for tackles is chosen more simply. It is better to hide the hook stitch completely. This increases the likelihood of trophy perch. Bites in this case will be held much more often.
Fishing gear
In the beginning of spring it is important not to miss the timepre-spawning zhora perch, which begins just in mid-March. At this time, the fish, leaving the wintering pits, come ashore to begin an intense hunt for fry. If an angler decides to put a hooked fish on the hook, then he should remember: the fish that the perch always hunts in a given pond "works" best.
At the same time, the following fishing technique should be followed:heavy mormyshka is thrown into the mouth of streams, into clean water. As soon as the float is driven by the current to the edge of the ice, the bait smoothly pulls itself up. This method in warm spring days is well suited not only for catching perch, but for other fish.
The perch in the spring often turns aroundfailure even for professional anglers. This is due to the variability of the weather. Therefore, go fishing either at dawn or dusk, when the most favorable conditions for biting.