/ / Carabiner "Los-7-1": reviews of owners, price, photos and characteristics

Carabiner "Los-7-1": reviews of owners, price, photos and characteristics

The need for a reliable and inexpensive huntingweapons, which is today the caravan "Los-7-1", has always been in our country. At the same time, availability and reliability were the determining factors, since in Russia, unlike the West, hunting for the beast has a conceptually different essence. For the Russian person, the final result is important, and not the process itself.

And this is understandable, because not for the sake of entertainment, viz.hunters went to the immense entrails of the taiga. Expensive imported rifles did not fit the harsh realities of Russia, while the usual military rifle familiar to our compatriots was not entirely suitable for solving the problems of hunters.

Carabiner Los 7 reviews

History of creation

The "Los" carbine began to be produced immediately after the war.Then it was called KO-8,2 and was a modernized version of the NK-8,2 weapon. He worked under the cartridge with an initial speed of seven hundred meters per second. But this project proved to be imperfect. The ancestor of the carbine "Los-7-1" did not meet the requirements of the fishermen, since it hit medium-sized prey only from a hundred meters. This was the reason that only in 1975, after the development of the new cartridge 7.62h51A, the weapon upgraded to it turned into a full-fledged rifle for hunters. The new "Los-4" possessed a range of accurate shooting from a distance of 300 meters. It was produced before the ninetieth year, and then its new modification appeared.

Carabiner "Los-7-1"

Reviews of this rifle are mostly positive.It appeared in 1995. The new version had a removable store, a more reliable fuse and a modified fly in comparison with the previous model. The sight of this carbine has installations of one hundred and three hundred meters, while the mechanical sight is available for use and after mounting the "optics". Soon, there appeared the new carabiners "Los-7-1" operating under the NATO .308 Win cartridge, the testimonials of which indicate that users are satisfied with their weapons.

Moose 7 1


The model range of this weapon is not very large.In addition to the first and fourth performances, which were issued respectively until 1976 and 1991, today there are six more versions of this rifle. This is the seventh model, working under the 7.62 × 51 millimeter cartridge, as well as the carabiner "Los-7-1", reviews of which speak of its reliability. In addition, at the moment the factory also produces rifles of performance 8, 9-1, 9-2 and 9-3 for bullets Brenneke. Based on the design of this carbine in the seventies of the last century, the sports BiL-6,5 and the training AVL for the cartridge 7.62 mm were developed. Today the most common model is "Los-7-1 Premier", which, judging by the reviews, immediately acquired their "fans".


Carabiner Moose 7 1

The hunting "Los 7-1" is designed for commercial and amateur shooting of medium and large wild animals. He shoots equally at a temperature of minus fifty degrees, and at a heat of plus 50 aboutC. Under it are used cartridges .308Win and 7,62х51. The trigger mechanism of this weapon allows you to adjust the characteristics of the descent, as well as the force and stroke of the hook.

Constructively a carabiner "Los-7-1", a photo of whichcan be seen in many specialized magazines, it makes it possible to shoot with an open sight, without removing the optical sight. The latter is attached to it on removable brackets.

The weight of weapons without optics is 3.2 kg. Its length is 1040 millimeters. The store on the base models is fixed, for five rounds.

Carabiner "Los-7-1", whose price on the market a littleabove the analogues of other domestic manufacturers, is equipped with a sliding slide with a turn during locking. In his trunk are four right-handed slicks. The choke duct is chrome plated. The cartridges are fed from a removable box magazine, designed for five bullets, arranged in staggered order. The "Los-7-1" carbine latch, the testimonies of which are proved by the convenience of operation and maintenance of this rifle, is produced from lacquered birch. She has a pistol shape, with a ledge under her cheek. In addition, on its butt, a rubber shock absorber pad is installed. Incomplete dismantling of the carbine is carried out without using a special tool.

Carabiner Moose 7 1 price


The construction of this carbine is enoughis technological. It is simple and has good performance. Possessing the usual rifle layout, the "Los-7-1" carbine, whose performance prices depend on the equipment, differs with the original constructive solutions of the USM and the shutter. Some parts of the impact mechanism and the fuse, which are usually placed on the receiver, this rifle is on the shutter.

"Moose-7-1", as well as unified rifles with it"Bars-4-1", is considered a classic hunting carbine. The barrel is rigidly fastened to the trunk box, and locking is performed on two fences. The reflector of the sleeves is mounted in the cup of the bolt, in the front part of which the extractor is located.

Ahead is a figured groove, which hasspiral bevel. It is provided for cocking the drummer. Carabiner "Los-7-1", testimonies to that testimony, at first during operation has a disadvantage: the handle of the bolt is tightly clamped. The cause may be a violation of the geometry of this bevel or poor-quality processing. However, this defect eventually disappears. As the old users say, after five hundred shots, he is no longer noticed.

Carabiner Moose 7 1 photo

In the tide of the handle on the bolt of the rifle are locatedThe socket for the lock of the case of the trigger device with a recess under the fuse. In the stalk there is a channel, inside of which there is a drummer with a striker and a fighting spring.


The body of the trigger mechanism of the carbine "Los-7-1" inThe collection on the bolt is fixed with a spike. The latter is located in its middle part and is a complex piece having milled grooves. They are designed for the trigger lever and the sear.

At the end on the rear of the thickened part in the bodya hole is provided for the spring-loaded clamp - the lock for the position of the casing on the gate. There is an opportunity to adjust the nature of the descent and effort. The range of the working stroke of the hook is from two to four millimeters. The descent force is in the interval between 0.76 and 1.53 kgf.

Pros and cons of a rifled carbine

Advantages of this model row of threadedrifles are noted by many users. First of all, this is an excellent appearance of the carbine, as well as the convenience of transportation. The weapons are easy and quick to sort out. "Moose-7-1" is ideal for hunting hunting, besides, it is quite accurate. But one of its biggest advantages is the affordable price.

Among the shortcomings of this rifle, expertsnote the following: her store has a not very good design. Its lower part, if it is made of plastic, "hangs" and even "thunders", including on "tuned" models. The mechanism of fixing this component is also unreliable: on some plant copies, if the owner does not control the store during shooting, it can be shifted by a couple of millimeters in the lower direction, which is virtually impossible to see visually, but the weapon will not be recharged.

Moose 7 1 price
But even despite the shortcomings, those hunters, to whomdo not like the militarized "Tiger", "Bear", "Vepr" or "trilinear", they stop their choice on classic hunting rifles, which have a bolt type of longitudinal-sliding pivot. And among the inexpensive and reliable, accurate and convenient variety of the weapons offered, the "Los 7-1" carbine is a justified choice.

Price list

The cost of models sold depends firstturn from the complete set. For example, a birch bed model "7-1" can be purchased starting from twenty-seven thousand rubles. At the request of the buyer the carbine can be supplemented with an optical sight and brackets for fastening to it.

"Elk-7-1 Premier" without optics, with chrome-platedtrunk and store, elongated, with the "walnut" type of lodges can be bought for about fifty-one thousand three hundred rubles. It should be remembered that you can buy only if you have the appropriate license. This rule applies to any weapon, including the "Los 7-1" carbine.


User opinions on some issuesdiverge. For example, there are a lot of positive reviews regarding the consistency, although some complain that this indicator does not correspond to the value specified in the technical passport of the weapon. Some samples, according to the testimony of their owners, have a bullet dispersion of seventeen millimeters at a hundred meters, while others - all eighty. Nevertheless, the majority of users stop at the fact that the average value indicated in the passport is better as a starting point. Many people say that "Los" is not a sniper or a sports weapon, so it's naive to expect high accuracy from such an inexpensive rifle.

But still the main characteristic of anya carbine, both domestic and foreign, is its reliability, which the owner has the right to expect from him under proper operation. And "Los-7-1" fully justifies these expectations. Judging by the reviews, some happy owners of this weapon testify that they had not had a single misfire or skew during several years of use, and there was no dispatch of the cartridge.

Moose 7 1 Premier

However, many try to insure themselves andset, for example, a good optical sights, which greatly improve the accuracy of shooting. For hunter-fishers, the correct shot is very important, since in this case the probability of leaving the wretched is reduced to a minimum. Many positive words refer to the appearance of weapons.


This domestic classic rifle has long beengained glory, having received the title of People. Carabiner "Los-7-1", not showing miracles and setting records, just "work conscientiously". And it is equally good as in the hands of newcomers, first authorized to purchase a rifle, and in the hands of professional fishers, which contains the family with their accurate shots. "Los-7-1" is often called a "workhorse", true to its owner.