/ / Japanese method of losing weight with a towel: reviews of doctors

Japanese method of weight loss with a towel: reviews of doctors

Today everyone wants to be beautiful.Women try to lose weight, men most often, on the contrary, - to build muscle. For this, numerous training halls are opened, in which the instructors work. They help you choose the right exercises that can most affect the state of health. Why are fitness centers so popular? Previously, a person had a lot of necessary physical work, affecting his body. Nowadays, mainly in cities, most people do not do physical work. In this regard, there is a set of fat mass, and the muscles do not develop. There is no shortage of high-calorie food either, it is much cheaper than healthy. And it turns out that modern man leads a virtually motionless lifestyle. Of course, there are professions that provide for the load, but they are extremely small.

Japanese towel slimming method reviews

В тренажёрных залах человек может накачать тело or lose weight and become slim. Therefore, many people attend fitness centers. Appear various diets that help reduce body weight or, conversely, increase. A variety of protein supplements (proteins) help muscle growth, if you follow the rules of their consumption. Many people set themselves up as supermodels or bodybuilders as examples and want to be like them. All exercises can be divided into strength and cardio. The first use just bodybuilders, the latter are needed to maintain slimness. Everyone chooses himself what he needs most, but ideally it is necessary to combine them. But going to the gym takes just a huge amount of time and takes a lot of money. Some are engaged at home or on the street, for example, they run in the mornings or purchase simulators with which they train successfully. In general, everyone chooses what he likes. Therefore, you can use the Japanese method of losing weight with a towel. Reviews can be read further.

Exercise at home

But many are satisfied with their weight, and lookSlender want just visually. It seems that this is impossible. And the truth is, how can you lose weight in the waist without losing weight? The answer is simple: the Japanese method of losing weight with a towel. Not very well-known method that is gaining popularity today. He was thought up by Dr. Fukuji, as you might guess, in Japan. Interestingly, this method allows you to reduce waist girth in just a few minutes a day. Which is exactly what many need, by nature, having wide hips. But how does the Japanese method of losing weight with a towel affects the body, if it does not reduce weight? How effective and safe is it? How to understand whether it can be used at home? This can be emphasized by reading the reviews. Japanese method of losing weight with a towel helps.

Japanese method of losing weight with a towel


Today, the Japanese method is gaining popularity.slimming with a towel. Feedback from experts about it is positive. Interestingly, thanks to him you can lose weight before your eyes, even without resorting to physical activity. After class, you will notice that the trainee increases his height. What is the secret here? How generally, to combine the concepts of "weight loss" and "towel"? The Japanese method, at first glance, is extremely complex. To understand what is the essence, you can read the reviews below. The Japanese method of losing weight with a towel in reality is quite simple.

reviews Japanese method of losing weight with a towel

But, if you look, you can understand that whenusing it stretches the spine, increasing in length due to this reducing the volume in width. For example, you can use clay, which was still played in childhood. "Sausage" of this material when riding increases in length and thus becomes thinner. Also, the body seems to be stretched when using the Japanese method of losing weight with a towel. Reviews about him leave as trainees, and doctors. When using this method, you just have to lie. There is no need to carry out grueling workouts. How to lose weight using the Japanese method is written below.

slimming and towel japanese method

Doctor's comments

Безусловно, перед тренировками необходимо read reviews of doctors. In most cases, they speak positively about this method of losing weight. Dr. Fukuji, the ancestor of slimming with a towel, is a very respected specialist who approached the invention of the new method with attention. Therefore, doctors agree with a colleague who has studied the contraindications and possible complications that the method of losing weight with a towel is safe for most.

What will you need?

How do losing weight and a towel?The Japanese method is precisely in these terms. In principle, a towel is an optional component, it just fits more than others. Slimming, or rather, stretching, occurs when it is used not for its intended purpose, but as a soft, safe material that can easily roll.

Кроме него понадобится мягкий коврик, который easy to purchase in specialty stores. Although you can do without it, the usual carpet also fits. The main thing is that the surface, being soft, does not allow the body to bend, therefore the bed or a comfortable sofa will not work. It is also necessary to note the time, but it can be done on ordinary watches. Clothing for this method is not critical, any convenient and non-constraining movement will do, it is mainly sports. In general, quite simple, at least in terms of preparation, the Japanese method of losing weight with a towel. Reviews about it are best explored before training.


First you need to roll a soft towel inroller and, if necessary, tie it with a rope. But this is not necessary, a person can hold the roller from unwinding with the help of weight. I must say that the towel must be chosen wisely. It should be at least as wide as the body; this is necessary to achieve a better result. The roller does not need to be made large, ideally, the palms should completely cover it, although if a little is not enough, do not worry. The width ultimately depends on the state of the body, with lower back pain it is better to start small. If your back is healthy, then you also should not overestimate strength, the main thing is not the width, but the time that will be spent on the exercise. On the big shaft for a long time will not lie.

towel slimming japanese method reviews

Exercise progress

After preparation, you can proceed toexercise. Many use weight loss with a towel. The Japanese method, reviews of which can be studied further, is very effective. First you need to sit on the mat. The shaft of the towel is placed under the waist. Then you need to lie on it so that the center was at the level of the navel. Then it is better to relax. This is very important, the spine can not stretch. Put the heels at shoulder width and toes. Hands stretch up (relative to the body, not the floor), turn the palms down and connect the little fingers. After all of the above, you need to try to lie for 5 minutes. If the preparation was carried out correctly, then it is difficult to do. As a rule, most beginners are not able to withstand this time, but you must try.

Japanese method of losing weight with a towel

This method is rather a stretch thanlosing weight After exercise, the spine will begin to fall into place. This can be quite painful. In order to achieve maximum results, you need to repeat the Japanese method of losing weight with a towel every day. "Losing weight while lying down" is the motto of everyone who has been helped by a method from Fukuji, a doctor who has invented many such exercises. If in Russia this method is not very popular, then in Japan a book about him and some others was published in an circulation of 6,000,000 copies. Real furor.

After classes

After the end of the training can not be sharpto rise. It is necessary to roll to the right side and lie down for about 1 minute. Then you should take a reclining position and rest for the same amount. You need to get up slowly and slowly. The main thing is to spine in place. Perform the next time it takes only 24 hours.


As it was said, losing weight happens right oneyes. In five minutes, some people manage to reduce the waist by 5 cm. Of course, not everyone can achieve this result. After the exercise, the spine will start to fall into place, and ultimately the waist will not decrease by so much. However, with daily repetitions it is easy to lose weight - just as with physical exertion in the gym. Of course, this is not exactly weight loss, but the main thing is to become slimmer and improve your posture.


Many girls use the Japanese methodSlimming with a towel. Reviews of doctors in the address of the method are different. The positives in comparison with grueling workouts are obvious. Method Fukuji does not require much effort, in fact, you can become slimmer, just lying on the floor. In addition, growth is slightly increased.


However, the method is not available to all those who haveback problems. It may impair health. Therefore, before starting workouts you should definitely consult a doctor. Also this method does not reduce weight. Therefore, he can not significantly help people with extra pounds. The method rather complements the workout. It may seem magical to some, but do not forget that you can only lose weight visually, by stretching the spine. There are limits, after which further classes will only reinforce the result. In addition, if done incorrectly, there is a chance not to get the expected result, and in the worst case, to hurt your back.

Japanese method of losing weight with a towel losing weight


Japanese towel slimming method availableonly for those who have no back problems. That is, people with osteochondrosis, for example, performance is strictly prohibited. In addition, there may be problems for those who have injured back muscles. In any case, if you start to engage, you must contact the appropriate doctor. It turns out that it is not so difficult to understand how to lose weight with a towel. The Japanese method works wonders for many.

Trainees reviews

Reviews tried this method of losing weightmost of them are positive. Men who wanted to restore not only the thinness of the abdomen, but also their height, also remain satisfied. But, of course, there are much more girls using the method. The general meaning of the reviews is as follows: an excellent method for those who want to become slim and improve their posture. With multiple workouts, the result is simply overwhelming. Doctors are also satisfied with a very safe way to lose weight, which also improves the health of the back in people who do not have problems with the spine.