/ / Olympic flag - what does it symbolize?

Olympic flag - what does it symbolize?

The beginning of the Olympic Games was laid in the southGreece in the city of Olympia. The initial program of the games included a one-stage run. Further, the program began to be supplemented by new types of competitions: running for two stages, for 24, with weapons. Then pentathlon, chariot races, fistfight and wrestling were added.

The award for the winner was the olive branch, and residents of the city, whose representative was the champion, gave him gifts, provided a place in the theater for free, were exempted from taxes.

These traditions of the Olympic Games have been preserved for eleven centuries. After the change in the content and nature of the competition was traced.

olympic flag

The Olympic Games of antiquity ceased to exist. This was due to a change in worldview and mainstream religion.

Now the Olympic Games are not just a competition of athletes. Holding this event in your own country is a huge prestige both for the state itself and for its president.

Currently, competitions are not complete without a certain symbolism - this is a mandatory attribute of the games (Olympic flag, medals, anthem, fire, oath, slogan, talismans, emblem and salute).

Olympic Games Logo

Официальным логотипом Олимпиады являются пять rings intertwined. It was created by the founder of the competition Baron Pierre de Coubertin in 1913. This is the main version of the creation of the Olympic flag. Initially, the colors of the rings were not symbols of any of the continents or states. This appeared much later. Five rings began to symbolize the number of continents: Australia (green), America (red), Asia (yellow). Europe has blue, and Africa has black. The sixth continent - Antarctica - for some reason did not take into account. The flag of any state has at least one of the colors present on the rings. The Olympic flag includes a logo with five rings, presented in the corresponding color.

that symbolizes the flag of the olympic games

The second version of the creation of the flag

Here is another version of what the flag symbolizes.Olympic Games. She is very original. This is the creation of the Olympic rings by psychologist Carl Jung. A supporter of Chinese philosophy, Karl Jung personified rings with vitality, greatness and energy. Chinese beliefs speak of controlling the world with five energies: earth, fire, water, metal and wood. These symbols Jung united in five rings. At the same time, sports (according to Jung) also had their own colors. Swimming - blue, fencing - red, running - yellow, jumping - green, shooting - black. He was convinced that all five sports should be owned by each of the athletes.

Now the Olympic flag symbolizes not five kinds of sports, not five energies, but five continents.

Olympics flag

For the first time the flag was raised in 1914.in the capital of France, but not at the Olympic Games, but to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the revival of these competitions. For the first time it was planned to use the Olympic flag at the games in 1916. Due to the war, the competitions did not take place, and the banner was not presented to the public. At the beginning of the twentieth century (in Belgium) the seventh long-awaited Olympic Games took place. They were first presented with a flag with the logo of these competitions. All the opening and closing ceremonies of the competitions in question are not complete without the rings of five continents, which symbolizes the flag of the Olympic Games.

flag of the olympic games symbolizes

Olympic flag definitions

Today, one of the paragraphs of the Olympic Charter summarizes the definitions of concepts: the symbol, the motto and the emblem of games.

Expressive to the Olympic movementthe motto is: “Faster, higher, stronger!” It was this phrase that was pronounced by the French priest Henri Dido and later on was taken as the motto by the founders of the games.

The Olympic emblem is a combination of rings and other decals. She is familiar to almost everyone.

The Olympic symbol is the rings used in multi-color or one-color execution.

that symbolizes the Olympic flag

What does the Olympic flag look like?

Olympic banner looks like a white canvaswith gold edging, in the center of which there are five interlaced rings. The white flag of the Olympic Games symbolizes the world during their conduct. Due to this color, all the rings on the banner look more correct and without distortion. If you look from left to right, then the first ring on the flag is blue, then yellow, black, green and red. Closest to the flagpole is the blue circle.

The rings are the unity of the five continents, which symbolizes the Olympic flag. We already spoke about it.

The banner, motto, symbol and emblem are the property of the International Olympic Committee.

Banner at the opening and closing ceremonies of the Olympic Games

What role does it play?The opening of the Olympic Games begins with the raising of a stadium on the flagpole without a golden edging of the Olympic flag. The banner is made by the country that holds competitions on its territory. During the closure of the country in which the competition took place, reports the state in which they are scheduled to be held in four years, the Olympic flag. But he is already with a gold edging.

 what does the olympic flag look like

Other game symbols

Олимпийский огонь как один из значимых и важных the symbols of the competitions in question are lit from a parabolic mirror in Greece. Then from one athlete to another athlete the fire is transmitted and sweeps across all five continents. On the opening day of the Olympics, the torch is transmitted to the venue, which symbolizes the beginning of the games.

Olympics mascot the host choosesat its discretion. It always has been. Usually a mascot is any animal. Where did this symbol come from? The talisman got its birth not so long ago - in 1968. And in 1972 in Munich dachshund Valdi was recognized as the first official talisman.

The motto of the Olympics is the Latin words - "Citius, Altius, Fortius" ("Faster, higher, stronger").

Olympic medals of gold, silver and bronzeawarded to athletes who won the competition. If this is a team sport, then each member of the team receives medals. Competition organizers themselves develop their own unique design awards.

The anthem of the Olympic Games (sounds during their opening and closing) was written by a Greek composer. It has also already been heard by many sports fans and supporters of a healthy lifestyle.

The Oath of the Olympics is written by Pierre Coubertin. Later it was slightly modified.

The olive branch signifies a symbol of tranquility and truce, and the Olympic Salute warns of the close of competition.

Emblems of competitions symbolize various types of competitions. For example, a skier personifies ski sports.

Why do we need symbols in competitions

The traditions expressed in symbols help to feel the importance and significance of the Olympiad, the unity of all countries. And that means - all five continents.

Olympic flag symbolizes

Olympic Games that are currently taking placetime, imbued with symbols and traditions. During their conduct, many TV viewers are closely watching an impressive spectacle, the success of athletes or teams for which they support. However, at the end of the 19th century there were much fewer Olympic attributes. Now the number of different characters is only increasing. Their main goal is to promote the Olympic Games.

Помимо основной, есть еще одна версия создания So many symbols are the source of income for the organizing committee. Therefore, the number of products sold with the symbols of the Olympic Games only increases. Now we know what the Olympic flag and other symbolism of the competition looks like.