/ / Bur for winter fishing: prices, reviews. Choosing a bur for winter fishing

Bur for winter fishing: prices, reviews. Choosing a bur for winter fishing

For lovers of fishing, winter is not terrible. They can walk on the ice even in the harshest weather. But in order to catch fish, it is necessary to know how to choose the right drill for winter fishing.

Is it possible to replace the icebreaker with something else?

Before you go on winter fishing,every novice must imagine how he will make an ice hole there. Indeed, the matter is very important. After all, during the persistent frost the thickness of the ice can reach more than 1 meter. Therefore, the choice of an ice pick for winter fishing is one of the most urgent issues to which attention should be paid.

bur for winter fishing

Is it possible to replace the drill with something else?In fact, it is possible, but only with small frosts and first frosts. For this you can use, for example an ax. This tool will cut through the hole of the size you need. But it will fit in those places where warm winters prevail and there are no strong frosts.

What should I pay attention to when choosing icebreakers?

The first bur for winter fishing was produced in the 30s of the last century. Since then, this weapon has undergone many changes: it has become much smaller, lighter and sharper.

Modern Soviet icebreakers practically do not differ from foreign ones. Therefore, do not spend extra money to buy, for example, this or that Scandinavian model.

bur for winter fishing prices

Each drill has the following characteristics:

  1. Screw diameter.Its value depends on what kind of fish you are going to catch. If you are enough to roach, perch and some other medium-sized fish, then this will be enough holes with a diameter of 9 to 14 cm. In case you want to "hunt" for a larger predator, then the hole in this case should be more than 18 cm.
  2. Material.A modern bur for winter fishing is made of either titanium or steel. Every fisherman, of course, wants this tool to serve him all his life. Which material to choose a bur for winter fishing? Prices, indeed, they are different. Steel has not proven itself as a reliable material, after several applications it is oxidized, rust appears, and the "tool" is not as sharp as it was originally. The cost of such drills varies from 1000 to 3000 rubles. Experts recommend that they stop on titanium. Despite the fact that the cost of products from this material is very high (from 4000 rubles), they justify all expectations and really will not only serve you, but also your sons and grandchildren.

bur for winter fishing winter fishing

How to choose a knife blade?

In order to quickly make a hole in a largethicker ice, you need a quality drill for winter fishing. Winter fishing only in this case will be a pleasant pastime for you and will not leave you without energy. Therefore, special importance should be paid to the knives of the drill. They are attached in such a way that they are part of the auger.

But, in order to with the help of icebreaker it was possibleit would be easy to make a hole, it is necessary that the knives were made only of quality material (we already mentioned this), and also installed at the right angle.

But how to guess that this or that model is suitablefor your fishing? No way. You are either lucky or not. Only by sampling, you will be able to determine whether this particular drill is good for winter fishing. Winter fishing, as you can see, is a delicate matter ...

Convenience of ice drills

Any tool should be comfortable inuse. Therefore, it is so important that the bur for winter fishing also had the same characteristic. Of course, the convenience of this or that "tool" depends not only on the model itself, but also on individual human needs. But the main criteria by which you can determine its further functioning is the direction of rotation and the location of the upper handle.

choice icebreaker for winter fishing

In the first case, it is worth mentioning the fact thatthe handles of some ice drills rotate clockwise, and others - against the clock. Therefore, everyone should decide which option will be easier for him to work with. Of course, it's best to find out before you go to the store for him.

As for the location of the upper handle, hereit is directly parallel to the ice. But its main distinguishing feature is that during its rotation on some models one arm is used, in other cases it is necessary to rotate it with both hands. Here is another feature that is taken into account before buying a borax for winter fishing. The choice of them depends on all of the above factors.

Are there motorized icebreakers?

In the modern world, everything is improved.This also applies to ice drills. Today on the shelves of shops you can see even motorized drills. With each subsequent model they become lighter and more compact. It is also worth noting that due to the competition every year they become more accessible for citizens of our country with an average income.

borax for winter fishing choice

On the shelves of specialized stores you can find not only gasoline automatic drills, but also electric ones. Both have their advantages.

  • During the use of gasoline ice-breakersIt is necessary to monitor the presence of fuel in the tank at all times. Usually their mass varies from 12 to 17 kg. The largest number of votes are given for American and Scandinavian models. For them be ready to shell out more than 22 thousand rubles.
  • If you want to save, then the optionelectric drill is ideal for you. In order to use it on fishing, it is enough to have a charged battery with you. Electric drills weigh from 8 to 11 kg and cost about 18-20 thousand rubles.

Reviews about ice drills

According to the forums, most fishermen advisechoose a classic bur for winter fishing. Their prices, as we have already said, can differ substantially. But proceeding from the fact that such sites are mainly looking for and considering inexpensive models, as a rule, they discuss the operation of exactly such icebreakers.

The largest number of reviewsRussian manufacturers, like Tornado and Tonar. As for foreign models, Russian fishermen prefer the Finnish Boers, for example, the Heinola model.