/ / Alarm on the bike: the main types and features of operation

Alarm on the bicycle: the main types and features of operation

The alarm on the bike has already managedestablish itself as an effective means of countering theft. A quality system will not only discourage the attacker, but also attract the attention of others.


Electronic systems for the protection of two-wheeled vehicles against theft are conventionally divided into several categories:

  1. Sirens - scare intruders with a loud beep. When you try to dismantle the "squeak" of the alarm increases, which is extremely unpleasant effect on the hearing of the thief and passers-by.
  2. Sirens with remote control - function in the same way as the previous solution. The only difference is the ability to turn off and activate at a distance.
  3. Alarm on a bicycle with a code lock - locks the locking lock until the bike owner enters the correct combination of characters.

Owners of expensive bikesIt is recommended to install several protection options on your favorite two-wheeled vehicle. Such an approach will force the attacker to fiddle with the bike for an extremely long time.

bicycle alarm

What possibilities does the alarm system offer for a bike with a remote?

Bicycle anti-theft tool:

  1. It emits a noise signal, the power of which is on the verge of a pain threshold and is about 120 dB.
  2. Special settings allow you to postpone time.triggers for a certain time, which becomes useful, for example, in the case of reception by the system of vibrations that emanate from passing urban transport. This functionality does not force the owner of the bike to react to a false signal every time.
  3. Alarm on the bike does not just make a loud sound, but also sends alarm alerts to the remote control, which is always at hand with the bike owner.

bicycle alarm with remote control

Disadvantages of anti-theft alarm

Like any other electronic device,alarm on the bike has several drawbacks. First of all, it is worth noting the high power consumption in standby mode. The reason for all is the need to power the special position and motion sensors. Therefore, the owners of such systems often have to burden themselves with replacing batteries.

Devices that have the function of energy saving, sound for 15-30 seconds. Often, the system is silent at the most inopportune moment.

Bicycle signaling is quite vulnerable to the effects of aggressive environmental factors, in particular high humidity, temperature indicators.

bicycle alarm Price

How to make a bike alarm with your own hands?

To make a means to preventhijacking a two-wheeled vehicle, it is not at all necessary to be well versed in the basics of radio engineering. To do this, it suffices to find a high-quality wireless doorbell, rearranging the electrical contacts so that the device functions to “open”.

Самодельную сигнализацию можно поместить в end part of the steering flu. The system will be improved by replacing the standard sound signal with a more powerful “howler”. To bring such an alarm into action, it is enough to rest the wheel on a hard surface. At the first attempt to move the bike from its place, an audible warning will be heard that will make the attacker experience not the most pleasant moments.

Naturally, personally madeThe alarm is not as perfect as the factory samples. Therefore, it is better to trust professional development, combining protection in the form of a sound device with a powerful lock and a chain.


If we talk about the best way to protect the bike from theft, you should consider the available options according to the degree of reliability, functionality and potential speed of hacking.

how to make a bike alarm

How much does the bike alarm cost?The price of the simplest devices of the budget category starts from 300 rubles. However, bicycle owners who are really worried about the safety of their own property should pay attention to systems costing 1,000 rubles and more.

Что касается возможностей, здесь подразумевается the degree of functionality of the alarm, the presence of truly practical qualities. Thus, the main advantage of systems with a remote control is the ability to communicate with a bicycle from a distance. Programming the device to respond to certain influences makes it possible not only to draw everyone’s attention to the attempted hijacking, but also to cause physical discomfort to the hijacker. After all, the loudness and frequency of sound waves in high-quality signaling systems often reaches dangerous values ​​for the preservation of hearing.