/ / Carp fishing in the fall: tackle and bait

Catching wild carp in autumn: tackle and bait

Whatever may be said, but carp fishing in the autumn is no lessinteresting than fishing for predatory species with spinning. This is the excitement in anticipation of bites, and the struggle to fight for far from weak fish. The main thing here is to choose the right place, pick up gear, make a mixture of prikormochny without making a mistake in the flavor and components and, of course, decide on the bait. Carp fishing is not an easy thing. But most importantly, it is to feel the pleasant weight in the hands of his, if not the most effective trophy.

Features of fishing for carp in the fall

carp fishing in autumn

Any angler will say that fighting wildcarp relative carp - it's not easy. Firstly, this fish is not from the meek. The carp will be torn to freedom with a force exceeding its weight. Secondly, there is always the risk that the fish will literally cut the line. The carp has a notch on the dorsal fin. Here they represent a real threat to gear. This weighty fish can "cut off" even nylon fishing nets. So when driving out from the angler is required to show the maximum skill. In general, carp fishing in the fall is very interesting and no less sporting than fishing for the same pike with spinning. This species does not fall asleep, but is active in September, it gets hooked in October and in November, right up to severe frosts.

What does the carp catch in autumn

how to catch carp in the fall

In the autumn period, the carp is caught properly andvegetable and animal bait. True, closer to the frosts catch it much easier on the worm. You can also try your luck with bloodworms and maggots. But these two lures are inferior in catchability to a worm.

So, carp fishing in the fall is largely determinedthe kind of bait the angler will use. Vegetable attachments for this fish are varied. Their choice is determined by the nature of the reservoir where the fishing takes place. The most popular bait on a carp is bread. But plain white will not do. It is better to take a loaf of black and certainly flavored. In addition, the flesh of the bread can be mixed with crushed garlic. Also carp very well respond to tomato paste. Some fishermen go even further. They mix black bread with peas and flavor it with a few drops of kerosene. In addition, running plant baits are corn, makuha, hominy and pearl barley.

Many successfully catch carp and diced potatoes. But mostly small-sized copies go to it. Large carp can be seduced even in fry.

Lure on a carp - semolina

carp for carp in the fall

Separately, it is worth mentioning such a universalbait, as semolina. Catching carp in the fall in many regions on reservoirs without it is simply unthinkable. This type is used not traditionally cooked talker, it is good for carp. For carp, semolina is boiled. The recipe for its preparation is very simple. Water is poured into a small metal container. Pour into it quite a bit of sugar to sweeten. Throw a small pinch of cinnamon and wait for the water to boil. After pouring semolina. Its volume should be equal to the amount of water. Constantly interfere and, adding a teaspoon of vegetable (preferably sunflower) oil, knead the resulting mass. That's all bait ready! She holds her hooks perfectly. And does not fly even on the course. There is a slightly modified recipe. In a very thin pea porridge pour semolina. This mass also contributes to a large number of bites.

Flavors on carp

carp fishing in the fall

So, how to catch a carp in the fall, and what baituse, quite understandable. But for this fish, you also need to find the right flavor. This species has a very developed sense of smell, it is primarily attracted to smells. Most fishermen go to a trodden path and buy ready-made flavors in stores. They are most often sold in a liquid state and it remains only to dilute the required amount in water. The flavor is added to the bait, and used to improve the bait. For example, the pulp of bread is mixed with it.

Some experienced anglers, when pecking carpin the autumn is not particularly active, it is the flavors that change the situation in their favor. Some will sprinkle them on hooks, others moisten boylels in them, others scent bait and bait with odors. In general, who is on that much. But, of course, all this works and provokes the fish to bite.

How to apply flavors

As a rule, the question of how to catch a carpin the fall, fishermen rarely use any instructions attached to flavors. Much more often they act at their own discretion and rely on their own experience. Every lover of hunting wild carp has its own idea of ​​the right smell. At the same time, completely different flavors are used. More often it is even a mixture with several odors.

For carp there is no universal flavoringwhich will act smoothly on any body of water. For each river or lake, for each season there is a smell. Therefore, the number of bottles in the fishing departments with odorous liquid for carp is amazing. However, they are not always pleasant for a person.

Bait for carp in the fall is impossible withoutflavoring. Correctly picked up smell instantly increases the effectiveness of complementary foods at times. But they do not always work. On cold days, if it’s a carp in the pits, no odors will help. Most often for the fall each fisherman has in store several flavors. They also use them in the springtime. At the same time, it doesn’t matter what manufacturer has purchased flavored jars. Garlic, dill and roasted nuts will give off the same smell everywhere. And these are exactly the scents that carp prefers in the fall.

Tackle for carp fishing

carp in the fall spearfishing

The best fishing for carp in the fall is carried out onfeeder gear. This is an opportunity to make a good lure, and throw the bait away into the depths. In order to collect gear, you need to purchase a powerful rod with a length of 3.5 to 4 meters. It is better to choose a “stick” with a dough of 90-120 g. A coil is preferable with a rear friction clutch. Spool size - 3000. The line is put with a diameter of 0.28 mm. To reduce the risk of shooting when casting a coil, apply a shock leader.

The hook is chosen according to whichtrophy size counts angler. As a rule, there is enough number 6-8. The leash is short, up to 20 cm. Of course, much attention is paid to the choice of feeders. It is selected in accordance with the characteristics of the reservoir, which is fishing. The stronger the current, the greater the weight. So in stock the fisherman should have models from 30 to 70 grams. It is also important what casts will be made. If far, then take the feeders with the front shipment. They fly much better.

If there is a lot of aquatic vegetation on the reservoir, thenThey take not metal, but silicone models. With prikormochnoy mixture they have significant weight. But when the bait is washed out, they become weightless and float to the surface. At the same time they are easy to pull onto the beach without hooks.

Bait for a sazan in the fall

Carp fishing in the Volga in autumn

There are many recipes bait mixes.Some are good for spring, others for summer. There is one recipe that is perfect for the autumn period. Preparing the bait is very simple. Take the breadcrumbs, the same amount of ground cookies. Mix in a saucepan or bowl. Further, it will be required in equal amounts of corn in small and large fractions. This ingredient is needed in approximately the amount equal to one-fourth of the volume of crackers with biscuits. Now add roasted ground sunflower seeds and peanuts. We take them as much as corn. And the last ingredients are cake and powdered milk. They need half as much as corn grits. All well mix and leave for an hour. Such bait is used when carp fishing is carried out in the fall on the Volga, Kama, Irtysh, Ob, Oka and other major rivers.

Choosing a place for catching carp

when pecks carp in the fall

If fishing is carried out from the shore, then you needlook for areas where the channel or pit will be within reach. It is necessary to make casts on its side or on flat areas next to it. It is there, as a rule, carp feeds. But zakorjazhennye places better to get round. These sites are good only if you can fish from a boat. Also carp prefers places where the bottom goes with sharp ledges. But catching from the shore in such places is difficult, as the hooks and the feeder are deeply cut into the ground, and it is very difficult to pull them out. Although it is here that the carp stands in the fall. Underwater hunting is the best option for fishing in such places.