/ Pulse zones. Formula safe heart rate in training. Sports bracelet

Pulse zones. Safe pulse formulas in training. Sports bracelet

The heart is the most important organ of man.It is simply impossible to overestimate its importance in our body. Thanks to sports, it is possible to increase the possibilities of the cardiovascular system and make your life more saturated. However, without a competent approach to training, you can harm the heart. In this article, we will look at what pulse and pulse zones are and discuss how to train to make the heart stronger.

Pulse zones

Heart rate

What is heart rate (HR),You can guess from the name. This is the number of heartbeats per minute. To date, most training plans are based on pulse zones, which are determined relative to the heart rate indicator. These zones are calculated individually for each person. The most accurate results can be achieved due to the functional diagnosis of the cardiovascular system, but for us this accuracy is not fundamental. Therefore, we will calculate the zones independently. To do this, we need to know the pulse at rest and the maximum number of heartbeats.

How to measure the pulse yourself?

So, to determine the resting pulse,we need to count the number of heartbeats per minute. The easiest way to do this is to find the pulse on your wrist, temple, or neck, and count how many beats over the course of a minute. For those whose blood vessels are well hidden under the skin, there are heart rate monitors. It is best to do this in the morning, in a sitting position, before breakfast. Having determined the pulse in a quiet state, you can get fairly accurate information about the health of the cardiovascular system. The stronger it is, the lower will be the indicator we are considering. 55-70 beats per minute (at rest) are considered to be the norm for an average person. Although it all depends on age, gender and level of fitness. Marathon runners, for example, have a well-trained heart, so 40 cuts per minute are enough to supply the body with blood.

How to measure the pulse yourself

How to calculate the maximum heart rate (MCHSS)?

Discover maximum allowable heart rate not difficult. There are three formulas for determining the Ministry of Emergency Situations:

  1. 220 is age. This is the easiest and fastest way.
  2. For men, the formula looks like this: 214 - (age multiplied by 0.8). And for women like this: 209 - (age multiplied by 0.9). This method is considered more modern.
  3. The third option is the most correct, but it requires much more time and effort and is suitable only for absolutely healthy people. It is necessary to conduct a running test with a pulse measurement.

Having calculated the main indicators, we can proceed to the review of pulse zones and choose for ourselves the most suitable of them.

1. "Cardiac", or therapeutic

This is the most sparing zone, which is why itcalled therapeutic. The pulse range is 60-70% of the heart rate. Training in this area is suitable for those who are just starting to recover and have poor physical fitness. A low-intensity load trains the heart muscle without putting it at risk of overwork. At the level of the “cardiac” zone, morning exercises and warm-ups should take place before strength training. To achieve it, it is enough to perform some exercises with low intensity and load or just walk on a flat surface.

2. Fitness, or low zone

Fitness area

Fitness zone is in the range of 70-80% ofMinistry of Emergency Situations. In this case, metabolism works in such a way that energy is taken from body fat. Thus, the fitness zone allows you to burn fat and reduce body weight. A simple walk will not be enough to bring the pulse to that level. To do this, you need to speed up your step, climb the stairs, jog or do gymnastics at an average pace.

3. Aerobic zone

When the pulse reaches 80-90% of maximum,the aerobic zone begins. Due to the increased intensity of the workout, the body begins to spend more calories. He does not have enough time to remove fat from the body, so he begins to receive energy from the carbohydrate reserve.

4. Anaerobic zone

When the heart rate reaches 90% ofmaximum level, the anaerobic load zone begins. The body begins to lack oxygen and switches to anaerobic cell nutrition. Fats in this zone are practically not burned, and the body receives energy from carbohydrates. Metabolism in anaerobic mode leads to the appearance of a by-product - lactic acid. It is this acid that creates the feeling of fatigue in the muscles that appears when running fast for short distances.

Aerobic zone

Muscle formation of lactic acid makestraining in the anaerobic zone is short. However, they are very effective, as they develop muscle endurance. In the cells of muscle tissue, there are buffering agents that bind lactic acid, allowing the muscles to work longer. When these substances are used up, the content of lactic acid in the muscles increases, and they begin to hurt greatly. The body tries to adapt to this and produces even more buffer substances. Then in the next workout, the muscles last longer. Another name for the anaerobic zone is the zone of power endurance. Now you know what it is due to. Training in this mode also contributes to muscle growth.

5. Maximum load zone

When the pulse approaches 100% of the MES,the maximum zone begins. Here the body works to the limit. All reserves and buffers are consumed, and the cardiovascular and respiratory systems function as efficiently as possible.

Strength Zone

In the zone of maximum load, a largethe number of calories, and the predominant process in the body is anaerobic. Usually training in this mode is needed by athletes before the competition. Those who want to lose weight and strengthen their muscles do not have to bring themselves to such exhaustion.

How to apply pulse zone knowledge?

Novice athletes, as well as those whoengaged in fitness for healing and strengthening the body, it is worth alternating the first four pulse zones in training. For this, the warm-up was also invented in order to smoothly prepare the body for higher loads, so it is worth starting it in the "heart" pulse zone.

To lose weight, you need to alternate the fitness zonewith aerobic. When you feel that your body is ready for more, gradually engage in short anaerobic workouts that increase stamina. By the way, if you get used to measure the load not in kilometers, but in minutes and hours, then monitoring the body's indicators will be much more convenient.

An increase in heart rate during exercise isheart response to muscle function. If the pulse grows rapidly with moderate muscle effort, then the heart is not yet ready for such an intensity. Despite the fact that the body has adaptive properties, constant work at an increased pulse is harmful to it. Ideally, there should be a low heart rate during training. If you train regularly and meaningfully, over time, the pulse itself will begin to “fall”. And to help him, you need to control the pulse zones. It will not be superfluous to include foods that nourish the heart muscle in the diet.

Sports bracelet

Sports bracelet

За последние годы среди приверженцев здорового Sports bracelets, they are also fitness trackers, have become very fashionable. Let's find out what a sports bracelet is and how it will help us in controlling pulse zones. This device is a small stylish gadget that resembles a watch in shape. It can be equipped with a display, but most modern models run without it. The bracelet is synchronized with a smartphone, which displays all the necessary information.

Depending on the model, the device mayperform different functions: measuring steps, monitoring sleep phases, measuring your heart rate and more. An accessory was created in response to the constant increase in the number of overweight people. The bracelet further motivates the person and allows him to clearly understand whether he has completed the training plan (drawn up depending on the goal) or not. In our case, the bracelet is convenient in that it allows you to constantly see the heart rate, without being distracted by its calculation.

Of course, you can do without this gadget, andeven a demon of counting, because we know what load relates to which pulse zone. Nevertheless, the pulse rate is a purely individual indicator, so it is still advisable to count it. You already know how to measure your heart rate yourself. Take care of this question practically, using some method, during different training modes, and you will be able to indicate your landmarks. After a week or a month, repeat the calculation and adapt the training program to the new results. And they will certainly be, if everything is done correctly.

Maximum allowable heart rate


Today we learned what pulsezone. This knowledge will help you approach your workouts more meaningfully. Remember that heart health is no less important than a beautiful appearance, so you should take care of it!