/ / What can high forehead tell about a person?

What can tell about a man's high forehead?

Surely many of you have ever heard ofscience, which is called physiognomy. It is a science that studies how a person's appearance affects his character and destiny. Scientists are still arguing whether it is possible to “read a person’s face like an open book.” On the one hand, this is just absurd. Well, judge for yourself how a high forehead or wide cheekbones can act on the development of certain abilities in a person. On the other hand, very often such observations are correct. People studying physiognomy even identified several groups in which people who differ in their external data can be distinguished. To believe such observations or not to believe is a personal matter of everyone. And in this article we will try to speculate how, for example, a high forehead influences the manifestation of a person's unique abilities, and what character traits are inherent in such people.

What can tell the forehead about a person

high forehead

Let's go to the specialists involved in physiognomy, and find out what can tell a person's forehead about him. On long-term observations, it was found that:

- high forehead - a sign of the mind. And if the forehead is even, then the person has some talent. And if the forehead is bulging, then it speaks of wisdom and genius;

- low forehead - a sign of closure and nearcrazy If at the same time it is also flat, then, obviously, there is a bore in front of you, loving the hem to talk about anything. The bulging wide forehead speaks of the rich imagination of its owner. But, as practice shows, often such people are considered insane, and their fantasies are the fruit of a sick imagination;

- big forehead - a sign of laziness. It is unlikely that such a person will succeed in life;

- narrow forehead - a sign of kindness and honesty.The owner of such a feature is the soul of any company. It was about him that people made a proverb: "Do not have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends." Unfortunately, his financial condition often leaves much to be desired;

- an overly prominent forehead is a sign of rancor and vindictive nature. From such people it is better to stay away;

- too wide forehead - a sign of arrogance. A haughty and contemptuous tone, an indulgent smile is often combined with it;

What is the success of a man with a high forehead

high forehead sign

Since a high forehead is a sign of intelligence,It would be advisable to assume that its owner will succeed in doing science. It can be mathematics, and physics, and medicine, and history, and so on. Thanks to a logical turn of mind, such people are able to make many scientific discoveries. But in everyday life they are clumsy and muddy. In personal life is also no big success. Often this happens because of the banal lack of free time.

How to hide high forehead with the help of hair

Although they say that this is a sign of intelligence, which meanssuch an outstanding part of the face can be proud of, many women consider it a lack of their appearance. They carefully mask this "flaw", often not quite right. As a result, get the opposite result - this part of the face really looks funny and ugly. I will tell you about how you can hide it with a properly chosen hairstyle. So, how to hide a high forehead? Hairstyles are recommended such:

- thick long asymmetrical bangs;

- quads shoulders with thick bangs;

- long, necessarily curly hair;

- haircut-cascade on medium hair with bangs.

Owners of high forehead, remember that high hairstyles are not for you, as they create additional volume in the upper part of the face. And this is undesirable in your case.

high brow hairstyle

As you can see from the above, highforehead - not a lack of appearance, and dignity, which should be proud of. And if you are still confused by disproportionate facial features, then this can always be corrected with the help of a hairstyle.