/ / How to learn hypnosis yourself?

How to learn hypnosis yourself?

Each of us has heard of hypnosis.But only a few ask themselves questions about how to learn hypnosis, and are looking for training courses or teachers who can teach such a technique to influence the subconscious mind. And the other part, wishing to learn, is looking for the answer to the question of how to learn hypnosis at home. Both can achieve the goal, because each of us can learn to hypnosis, if we set ourselves a task, gather the necessary information about how to learn hypnosis, choose the way to achieve results and make efforts, concentrating them in this direction. Another question - do you need it?

What does the term "hypnosis" mean?

Hypnosis is a procedure for immersion in trans.human, which is carried out with the help of certain effects, for example, drugs, monotonous stimuli or other means.

Many argue that one of the optionschanges in the state of consciousness are hypnosis, but such a term is pseudoscientific, because it creates the illusion that everything is quite simple and understandable with hypnosis, when in reality there is no single theory of hypnosis because of many different hypotheses that explain hypnosis variety of types of hypnosis.

It would be more correct to consider hypnosis as a kind of trance.

Trance refers to total concentration.attention to external or internal stimuli, when the mind is less critical processes information. In other words, in such a state, any information without control and rational analysis penetrates into our consciousness.

A subject who is under the influence of hypnosis,concentrates on suggestions from the hypnotist. This is the essence of hypnosis, i.e. a person is immersed in a state of trance for subsequent suggestion, although hypnosis is allowed without suggestion, just as suggestion can be made without introducing a trance state.

Интерес к тому, как научиться гипнозу independently, often due to the fact that it is extremely interesting to experiment with your own consciousness, and the trance state is rather pleasant, allowing you to solve a variety of mental problems, “clear” the brain, activate the brain activity or relieve tension, falling into a state of relaxation.

It should be remembered that comprehending the basics of howto learn hypnosis at home, we expose ourselves to potential danger. You can fall so deep into a trance that without the help of a specialist you cannot get out of it. But in order to learn to go so deeply into a state of trance, it will take a single year of hard training.

In order to know how to learn hypnosis you neednot only to study relevant literature, but also to learn not only to fix, but also to strengthen the state of spontaneous trance. Skills independently fall into a trance come gradually.

A number of people, such as some merchants, do notthey need training, which gives knowledge of how to learn hypnosis independently, but at the same time they are able to unconsciously hypnotize customers, provoking them to unnecessary purchases for them.

Let's talk about specific techniques that answer the question posed - how will learn hypnosis?

The hypnotist needs to have absolute confidencetheir strengths It must be present both at the level of consciousness and at the subconscious. It is in it that the whole essence of the hypnotist is contained. This feeling must be developed gradually and protected. The ability to hypnosis diminishes such qualities as insincerity, alcohol or nicotine addiction, regular consumption of coffee and other exciting drinks. In hypnosis, there are a number of conditions and rules that must be fulfilled.

One of the difficult variants of hypnosis is "Suggestion in reality".

This method looks like real magic, because it allows you to enter a person into a state of hypnosis without plunging him into sleep. The goal of the hypnotist is to penetrate the subconscious by passing through the conscious.