/ / Unusual thinking as the key to success

Non-standard thinking as the key to success

It is often the case that the disciplinedAn excellent student in adulthood does not achieve much success in business and personal relationships, while the hopeless troechnik and thunderstorm of the whole school becomes famous, gains public recognition, often by gaining scandalous fame, rises to certain heights - in general, does not go unnoticed.

Of course, it happens the other way around, that is, inAccording to the expectations of others, everything goes on. But the phenomenon described above is worth it to think about it. There is no doubt that the reason for success is often the non-standard thinking of the individual, which allows him to find an original solution to even trivial problems. In any situation, people with such quality, not only avoid losses, but can also benefit. They are not afraid of the new, do not refuse to experiment, do not avoid the risk, however, they act not on luck, but in accordance with a well-thought-out plan. Their strategic thinking is naturally combined with imaginative thinking, allowing you to capture the entire situation, evaluate it and draw certain conclusions.

What is the difference between this thinking and the standard one?The standard assumes thoughts and actions according to long-established rules, walking along long-trodden paths, striving for generally accepted goals. The trouble is that not everyone needs these goals, and if they really need them, then they are difficult to achieve using standard methods because of the great competition. Therefore, it is easier to be content with little.

Thinking outside the box helps to break free.habitual framework imposed by society and duty. Of course, there is no talk of a violation of moral norms (although even the most innocuous deviation from norms is often perceived with hostility by the environment), however, sometimes it is necessary to overstep our own principles. In search of an unusual solution, it is important not to overstep the line between moral and immoral, which, incidentally, is very elusive. People with non-standard thinking are constantly looking for additional opportunities even in the presence of a good option, because it may well be better!

However, it is in pursuit of the ideal solution.may be lost touch with reality, it seems that all means are good. As a result, not only moral norms are violated, but also legal ones. However, this same non-standard thinking allows such people to often come out, as they say, dry out of the water, causing the condemnation of millions, which they absolutely do not care about.

However, most often about thinking outside the boxspeak in relation to creative people. Now they are very much appreciated. Advertising, business development, sales increase - new ideas are constantly needed here, otherwise failure cannot be avoided. It is obvious that the creators of large corporations are people who think outside the box. And they gain close to themselves the same. Red diplomas are not valued now, they do not ask about school and university assessments at the interview, the qualities of the person’s personality are important. A recent student with a purchased diploma in a couple of years becomes a commercial director, while a PhD with three higher education before retirement barely makes ends meet. Cramming is not the main thing, let to success, it is rather a random path.

Many are wondering about non-standardthinking can be developed or is it given from birth? To some extent, the second option is more plausible. It is difficult to imagine that great inventors, copywriters, writers, politicians attended courses or opened books with puzzles, suggesting the development of non-standard thinking. With many of them parents and teachers suffered, because such children don’t want to behave correctly and don’t understand why this is necessary. They act in their own way, and what is commonly called deviant behavior is just another way to achieve a different goal.

So, it turns out that people who thinkstandardized, doomed to gray dull existence? Not necessary. Exercises really help. In the end, the ability to think unusually can help, if not in improving the financial situation, then in other areas of life. Even the most ordinary mind is capable of more than they are accustomed to expect. There is always something to work on, so why not take advantage of it?