/ / Conscious and unconscious human psyche

Conscious and unconscious human psyche

The human psyche is very interestingphenomenon. Formed in the process of historical evolution, represents the highest stage of development. Due to the presence of advanced and active reflection, which is carried out by the brain and sense organs, a person is able not only to adapt to the surrounding reality, but actively and constantly to change it.

It is due to the fact that the psyche isso complex, "separated" two layers - the conscious and the unconscious. To study this aspect, a large number of works of the scientist Z. Freud was devoted, which could explain much in their functioning, answer some basic questions.

In ancient times it was believed that a person hasonly consciousness, so he can control almost everyone. But the dissonance that exists in the psychic life, constantly raised new questions. People always wanted to find the answer to the following questions:

  1. How do dreams arise?
  2. How can they be interpreted?
  3. Why does a person have dreams?
  4. How are automatic actions and skills formed?
  5. Because of what a person makes clerks and reservations?
  6. How does a strong desire arise?

So sooner or later the question is thatthere is a conscious and unconscious in the human psyche, it was to arise. The last phenomenon was considered by scientists as a piggy bank of all repressed, secret thoughts and desires of man.

But it can not be said that the conscious andThe unconscious has a close relationship. To be more precise, they most likely act as "neighbors" who live in the same house, but very rarely visit each other. So, a person who is conscious is not always able to guess about his hidden thoughts and desires, which are stored in the unconscious. These neighbors do not always "get along well with each other" and do not know until the end what the "other" does. Let us consider in more detail how the conscious and the unconscious among themselves "agree", relying on the concept of the structure of the individual, which was developed by Z. Freud.

According to her, our consciousness, called "I",is a body of knowledge about the inner and outer worlds. Consequently, a person has an idea that he is a representative of the species of Homo sapiens, what is his name, social status, and so on. This stratum encompasses a system of all the most important cognitive processes that help enrich all knowledge. But, in such an interpretation, a person would remain a self-developing robot. Only the complex "conscious and unconscious" is able to "revive" such a psyche. How?

Unconscious ("IT") performs the promptingfunction. Due to the needs and motives, a person is able to constantly move forward, trying to achieve what he wants in a particular area of ​​his life activity. But, if he follows his every desire, he will be similar in behavior to an animal.

That is why, S. Freud singled out in the personality structure the third component - "SUPER-I", which is very important for human socialization. What is its function?

TOP-I encompass those areas of humanpsyche that make it a participant in the social space. It includes: morality, value orientations, ideals. It is the moral component that is able to “pacify” the unconscious “IT”, dictating to the human mind how to act in accordance with the norms and laws adopted in a given society. The parents of the child are responsible for the formation of this stratum, since it is “filled” in the preschool and school ages.

So it turns out how closely morality, consciousness and the unconscious are connected. Human psychology cannot fully function without their participation.