/ / How to look expensive without spending millions on it

How to look expensive without spending millions on it

Look expensive means to belong toto a certain class, is to be the one admired and imitated. About this almost all women dream. Most of the fair sex can not afford to buy clothes and cosmetics of expensive brands, and this is unnecessary for them, because it can be expensive without bright labels. To buy the original thing of a well-known manufacturer in Russia is very difficult, besides very few people really understand this and will be able to distinguish, for example, Versace from forgery. The main thing for a chic woman is her external attractiveness, grooming.

It can not look chic that lady, whohair is poorly colored or split ends, and the hair was adjusted about six months ago. It is the condition of the head of hear that gives the unfavorable situation in the life of a woman. Since it is expensive to look only healthy, laid hair, it is worth paying special attention to their condition. It is better to spend an extra amount on a good haircut, which you can lay yourself, than save on the services of a hairdresser. A dirty head in one way will undo all efforts to create an image of a stylish and chic woman.

No less important indicator of the position of the lady insociety is the state of her skin. For her health, a chic woman watches around the clock. The skin should not only be healthy, but also have a light tint. You can not overdo it with hikes in the solarium. It should be exactly the shade, not the color of the tan. Only in this case the skin will look fresh and healthy. This color of the skin is more often associated with the fact that a person is successful, since the one who periodically rests at various resorts can afford to look expensive. If a woman does not have the opportunity to leave for the sea, then she can just go to the solarium several times to get a skin of golden color.

About how an expensive woman looks, you can find out,looking at her hands. They are not only well-groomed, but they always have a manicure. Always! This is a high-quality French manicure on nails of medium length or painting with natural varnish colors, but in no case can you use screaming neon colors, unless the fair sex is going to a club or to a themed party. Hands speak about what a woman does. In other words, an expensive lady can not afford to have a worker-peasant manicure with unkempt nails and dry hands.

Perhaps the main points in the matter:how to look expensive, you can call a correctly designed wardrobe. The outfits of a chic woman can not be more numerous, but they are always of high quality. So do not waste your money buying cheap things from synthetic materials that will give out the social level of their landlady. It is better to buy 2 pairs of trousers made of natural material with high-quality trim, sewn on the right patterns, in which you can safely go to work and social events. A woman who wants to look stylish and expensive, creates a wardrobe - a transformer, all the things in which you can combine with each other, from time to time getting new sets of clothes.

Dear woman - this is the right nuances andaccents, it's impeccability in detail. Become such a power to anyone who wants. Just need to be more attentive to yourself and your own image, do not save on important details, such as hair, manicure, the main components of the everyday wardrobe. She can not afford second-rate purchases. To look expensive is to behave accordingly. This is a heavy daily work, the payment for which will be respect and recognition of others, as well as success in any matter.