/ / How to improve diction and what exercises are needed for this?

How to improve diction and what exercises are needed for this?

For success and career advancementthe ladder each person must constantly engage in their development, increasing the level of knowledge and skills in the chosen field of activity. However, in addition to this, it is extremely important for the leader not only to be able to state his thoughts correctly, but also to clearly pronounce the words, combining all this with confidence in his voice. That is why today many are interested in the question of how to improve diction and what is needed for this?

Most modern specialtiesinvolves constant interaction with people. When communicating, it is extremely important that people clearly hear what you are saying and correctly perceive the information. For this, it is important to have a firm voice and self-righteousness, which is achieved through a well-formed approach to communication and clear diction. Some people from birth have a firm voice, so for them the question of how to improve diction is not relevant enough. However, the overwhelming majority, as a rule, have shortcomings of the speech apparatus, on which it is necessary to work.

So, it would be a mistake to think thatimperfections of diction cannot be corrected. On the contrary, even if the clarity of your speech is lame, it can be corrected, in addition, to develop diction to such an extent that you can speak on radio or television. To do this, it is only necessary to have perseverance in achieving the chosen goal and confidence in their victory.

First of all, you should list the basic exercises that will help you develop a clear diction and a strong voice:

  • Exercise inhale-exhale. When standing (legs shoulder-width apart and arms resting on the belt), slowly inhale and exhale through a small hole in the mouth, mentally repeating any slight quatrain.
  • Sky muscle training:

- Say the consonants “k” and “g” 3 times in a row, then practically without opening your mouth, say the vowels “o”, “a”, “e”;

- open your mouth slightly and say the sounds “amm ... amm ....” so that the consonant letter is uttered in a whisper, and the vowel is voiced. Do this simple exercise several times.

  • Тренировка языка и губ.In the matter of how to improve the diction, it is extremely important to properly learn to master your tongue and lips, bringing this skill to automatism. To do this, we can recommend the following exercises:

- slowly say the following letter combinations: “vl”, “ch”, “tn”, “vn”, after which you should say “vz”, “bz”, “gz”, “ks”;

- having stuck out the tongue a little and putting it on the lower lip, one should pronounce the vowel sounds “e”, “and”, repeating them several times;

- closing your mouth, say the letter “m” several times, stretching the sound to the maximum.

Благодаря вышеперечисленным упражнениям можно не only significantly increase the strength of your voice, but also improve the quality of speech. After all, how to improve the diction of speech without special training and exercises? Everything is achieved only with the effort of the person himself, since only he himself can correct the existing shortcomings in the pronunciation. It is important to remember that the main thing in this matter is to set a definite goal before you, after which you need to make an exercise schedule and start a self-monitoring journal. The latter is very important in how to improve your diction, because it will help to observe the systematic nature of the lessons, which is the key to your success.

Remember that for the development of diction and the entire speechapparatus should be used and additional exercises, which consist in reading aloud small poems. It is necessary to read in such a way that at the beginning of the poem the lines are pronounced almost in a whisper, and when reading the last line they are spoken very loudly. Also practice the opposite option when reading a verse begins with raised tones and ends very quietly.

In conclusion, you should pay attention to moreone feature of a psychological nature. The fact is that the clarity of speech in a person often gets confused when he begins to pronounce words quickly. That is why if you are thinking about how to improve your diction, teach yourself to have a leisurely conversation. This is also the key to a successful conversation and clear diction. Good luck to you!