/ / Techniques of emotional freedom (TPP)

Techniques of emotional freedom (TPP)

techniques of emotional freedom

Emotional freedom techniques arepsychological methods that allow us to get rid of the negative and unnecessary framework. Thus, they help to reach the goal. At the same time, the techniques of emotional freedom are easy to use and take a little time, although this is strictly individual. Who may need a few hours, and who - a few minutes. But, in any case, this is a great way to cope with their ailments, without resorting to the help of psychologists (on whom, by the way, you have to spend money, unlike the budgetary TPP). BUT

Decrypted TPP - emotional techniqueof freedom. This is a more familiar definition. At the same time, another abbreviation, EFT: Emotional Freedom Technique (Emotional Freedom Technique), means the same thing. It is about the same concept. If you encounter an English abbreviation in response to a request for “technique of emotional freedom,” do not be alarmed. You are on the right track.

Problems solved by thermal power plants

Emotional freedom techniques are effective in such areas as:
1) Motivation and coaching (personal training for disclosure of potential).
It allows you to break down the psychological barriers to achieve your goals.
2) Vital injuries. Disposal of life-poisoning events that pop up in your mind.
3) Mental problems. Helps to cope with various kinds of phobias, mental disorders, as well as prolonged depression.
4) Dependencies. With the help of TPP you can leave alcohol addiction or smoking in the past.

5) Health related problems. Effective in the presence of headaches, migraines, allergies, pain in the joints, back, shoulders.

6) Overweight.He will be able to teach you to control yourself, relieve from annoying desires (such as a sweet tooth), teach you to eat only when you feel hungry. Shows that for weight loss do not necessarily torment yourself with diets.

TPP Technique

Techniques of emotional freedom are realized with the help of an uncomplicated technique that you need to master if you decide to quickly and effectively get rid of problems.

eft technique of emotional freedom

1. The first step is to identify your problem.You must boldly admit to your face that you have it, and then feel its fullness and depth. To do this, remember everything that does not suit you, force yourself to experience emotions (anger, rage, fear, shame) - be frank with yourself.
2. Imagine a ten-point scale. Rate it on your problem, putting it on a certain level.
3. Start tapping points on the edge of the palm, whileTo this, saying: “Despite what I am experiencing ... (call the emotions that your problem causes you, or the fact that you are not satisfied in yourself, for example, hot temper), I deeply accept and love myself.” This is a very important stage, as you admit to yourself your mistakes and try to accept yourself with them. Next, go through the points: the inner edge of the eyebrow, the outer corner of the eye, under the eye, under the nose, at the top of the chin, the connection of the clavicle, the crown.
Why do you need to tap on the points, moving in one line? There are harmonizing, soothing, exciting and signal points on the line, all of which must be activated.

TES technique of emotional freedom
4. Keep tapping on points 5-7 times andpronounce your problem. If, at the same time, images or images appear in your consciousness, they also need to be spoken. They are related to the problem that has settled in you, and the more you tell about it, the easier it will be to get rid of it. You can repeat the cycle.
5. Теперь, когда мы вновь пережили эти эмоции, released them, you need to replace them with something pleasant. At the same time, it is also necessary to tap on the same points and say "Despite ... (voicing the problem), I want to change it." At the same time you should be open to joy, the desire for change, the feeling of lightness. Also repeat the cycle to fix the result.
In the end, you can cheerfully approve the work done by the phrase “Let it be so!”, “I believe in my strength!” Take a deep breath.

How to improve the results?

In order for the result to be more efficient andMore successfully, experts in the field of thermal power plants recommend using this technique regularly. Thus, you seem to create an impenetrable wall for external problems that may descend, if you forget about emotional discharge.

Literature TPP. Gary Craig - Psychologist in Energy Psychology

harry craig technique of emotional freedom

Автор методики - Гари Крейг."Technique of Emotional Freedom" - a book created specifically for our salvation. Its main goal - the fight against our physical and psychological ailments. It presents techniques that can help us to open our minds and unarmed to come face to face with our torments. In this book, traditional Eastern medicine and Western psychology work for us simultaneously. The techniques are based on acupressure (therapy by pressing on certain points) and deprogramming of consciousness (cleansing from the programs established in the head). The interaction of these methods is that we simultaneously act on certain points and focus our attention on the problem. After reading, you will learn how to cleanse yourself and update, while curing from fears, anxieties, addictions, and even from insomnia and physical pain! So, Harry Craig, "Technique of Emotional Freedom" - the best assistant in the fight with himself.

Philip Bogachev - author and psychologist

"Technique of emotional freedom" Bogachev - another book dedicated to self-training. It includes three large blocks and several sub-blocks.

1. Self hypnosis.
After reading this section, you will be able toIndependently plunge into a state of trance, open the inner doors of the subconscious, set unconscious levels for yourself, which will be fixed and which you will go to at the subconscious level.
● The first step is self-hypnosis. Self-hypnosis is effective in achieving goals, combating your fears and psychosomatic disorders. You are offered 5 safe techniques for self-hypnosis.
● Next - the section “Fear and phobia”. You will be taught to get rid of negative states and fears at all levels, to say goodbye to convictions sitting tight in your head, to overcome children's fears.
● Third - "Unconscious." The section is devoted to working with dependencies. For example, smoking cessation in two hours.
● Fourth - “Look into your future andmodel it. " You will be able to step over past grievances that prevent you from coming to a happy future, learn to influence it. You can also learn how to determine what exactly is preventing you from moving further and how to get rid of it.

technique rich emotional freedom

Emotional freedom. What is in this block?

In this block you will learn why you need to deal with negative emotions, how to keep track of them and how to deal with them. Learn to manage your emotional states and evoke positive emotions.
● Часть «Привычки и убеждания:benefit and harm ”tells about how from fear and indecision to go to action, what is the usual way of thinking and how it affects you. It will help to expand their capabilities.
● “Choosing a thinking strategy” also prompts youto active participation in the near future. Already in 3 weeks you can fulfill a dream, which you didn’t know how to approach recently! Understand how stupid your fears are and you can use real prospects.
● “To be better than you were before” - about the importance of controlling and tracking emotional states, about “reworking” your past and how to define a goal and follow it.
● "Important basic techniques for every day" -There are several techniques: “How to automatically achieve any goal in 1 hour per day”, “Fatigue recovery in 20 minutes”, “Creative visualization, or the shortest way to your goal”.

3.Bonus theme: "Creative logic - the key to powerful resources." You will learn how creative logic solves problems, about the infinity of the unconscious and internal resources, what you need to do in order to achieve your goals automatically.

Alina Lovett - non-traditional worker

Alina Lovetta technique of emotional freedom

Alina Lovett cleans karma withtechniques of emotional freedom, clairvoyance, science of behavior, therapy of laughter and others. But we are interested in the technique of emotional freedom. In her videos, Alina clearly demonstrates how to carry out the main method of thermal power plants and, before starting, gives the following recommendations:

- drink a glass or two of water before training and after: water supports the working capacity of the organism, and most importantly - the brain;
- before drinking, take a look at the water and tell her that you love her; yes, just say: "I love you." This will help you in healing, as it will make the structure of water a life-giving elixir.
As Alina Lovett presents, the technique of emotional freedom is work with the subconscious. She teaches us so that we can do away with our problems and open up for joy.

Technique of emotional freedom - reviews

How do people relate to these techniques?How much confidence does the technique of emotional freedom inspire them? Reviews can be found both positive and negative. Many people have already tried the miraculous thermal power plants. Most were satisfied. The technique is universal, since everyone can use it; the technique is free, as you can find information in the public domain on the Internet; the technique is amazing, because in a short period you are amazingly transformed! So why not try? The one who decided to use it and spend a little (notice!) Time, was satisfied.

technique of emotional freedom reviews

Evaluations by Marci Wieder, Coaching Specialist

Этот специалист признается, что сама не понимала, how this process can help her, for she is a practical person. But after she tried TPP on herself, she was convinced how easy, fast, and most importantly - effective! Marsha coped with a problem that prevented her all the time, thanks to her emotional release, and now her life is different.

The technique of emotional freedom reviews collected in large quantities and diverse. Users of social networks were also pleased and shared their impressions.