/ / Strength of the spirit and its development

Strength of the spirit and its development

Everyone at least once heard the phrase"strength of mind". What does it mean? Why do some have it, and others do not, and how to determine whether it exists for every particular individual? Is it possible to develop it, and how much effort does it take?

The power of the spirit is very important in the modern world.It is thanks to the presence of this person that it is possible to overcome all life's difficulties, cope with the setbacks, pass the barriers that meet on the way, and simply live. It is to live, not to exist, as most people do, to live fully, happily, and dignifiedly.

Strength of mind

Many people are interested in how to develop strength of mind, buthere it is worth noting that this is not so easy. For a week it will not work, it may take months, and even years of hard training, and the most diverse: from physical training to psychological and moral.


Of course, it is difficult to imagine an abstract expression without specificity. For this, examples of the strength of the spirit manifested by people in critical situations are given below.

Example 1

Examples of strength of mind
A ship, a storm, rocks.Of the team, consisting of ten people, only one young man survived. He was thrown to the shore of a small uninhabited island in the middle of a huge salt sea, so he was doomed to a long painful death (in contrast to his comrades who died quickly and almost painlessly).

What would a person do in such a situation?Someone, for example, would wait for help, hope for a quick arrival of someone from the "big earth" and make no attempt to find the tools necessary for survival. But not our man. He began to think about what to do and how to be saved. Thanks to the developed strength of the spirit, the situation did not break, so instead of hysterics and sitting on a deserted shore, the man moved deeper into the forest, to find food and drink. Soon he found a stream and a small waterfall with fresh water, as well as some fruit. The first day he held out.

A month has passed.During this time, most people would reconcile with the situation. Our man quickly learned to build a fire, and therefore every day toward evening he lit a fire. When it got dark, he increased the size of the fire to attract the attention of potential saviors. He learned to hunt, created homemade weapons and built a dwelling. He did not give up, but continued to act and believe in the best, and one day his hopes were justified. The man survived thanks to himself and the inner core, the strength of the spirit.

Example 2

Another small version, taken from the movie:the girl got in a cage to a crazy man. He did not intend to kill her, but she knew that this was for the time being, and one day she would end. The cell is strong, you can not get out of it. Every day the girl slowly tried to pull out a nail sticking a little between the twigs. She pretended to be obedient girl, so as not to anger the maniac, and he did not even suspect what thoughts are hidden in the head of his captive. Once, as you probably already guessed, the girl managed to get a nail. Big, sharp. She drove him straight into the body of the scoundrel. As a result, the girl survived, getting the key from the cage.

In horror films and thrillers, by the way, in general you can often see heroes, whose strength of mind is worthy of respect and praise.


From the above examples, we can concludeWhat about the power of the spirit. This is the absence of fear and the presence of determination, perseverance and courage. This is the ability to not give up in any, even the most difficult situations that seem hopeless. This is an irresistible will to win, which can not be broken by anything. It is an endless hope and a belief in the best.

The development of fortitude

Education of strength of mind
Что же, от примеров перейдем к действию.The upbringing of the strength of the spirit, as mentioned earlier, is a long, complex and time-consuming process. But it's worth it, because a person will notice how he will change in a positive way, if he learns to do everything correctly. It should also be recalled that in case of successful development, in no case should we stop. Nothing lasts forever, but everything that concerns a person, especially. Perfection and improvement is not necessary for a couple of years, but for the rest of your life, until death. So, how to develop the strength of the spirit? Let's take steps on the way to success.

Physical training

For the development of strength of mind, a mountain of muscles is not required andthe ability to sit on the twine, but elementary physical exercises will help you. Physical training in general is important for every person, regardless of his strength of mind. But those who want to develop it, should understand that this is not just an addition, but a necessity.

How to develop strength of mind

Perfectly suitable for development as a spirit,and the physical form of engaging in mountaineering, swimming, equestrian or other sports. If there is no possibility, then your minimum is daily exercises, gymnastics, jogging. Start doing it. Yes, it is difficult, but any excuses are meaningless. Once you have firmly decided to develop, act! This is for you. Hence the second step begins.

Self-discipline and self-improvement

Научитесь делать всё через «не могу».Begin each day to get up and go to bed at a certain time. Stop eating harmful food. Start doing physical exercises. Find yourself an entertaining hobby that will help you learn to search for information and give yourself to your favorite business in its entirety.

Discipline yourself, improve,stop fearing and look for excuses. You are capable of much, you are capable of everything, the main thing is to sincerely believe in it. By the way, about "being afraid": the third item comes from here.

Getting rid of complexes and fears

This is an extremely important step.The strength of the spirit means the absence of fear and complexes, which constantly prevent a person from doing something and restricting it. Could you, for the sake of survival, run for a crowded street in your underwear? In the absence of complexes, probably yes, but if you have them, you can stay in a critical situation and not be saved. Could you jump from the second floor to the street, escaping from the killer? Fear can interfere. True, it is also useful here for physical training, which was mentioned earlier. If we consider more vital and less terrible examples: would you be able right now to take and gather in an unfamiliar city? No? Why? The lack of money, connections and the inability to get out of work are all excuses, in fact you are just afraid of changing your life, afraid of breaking away from a violent place.

Get rid of all your fears and complexes,this will lead to success in the strong-willed field. This is useful not only for the development of the strength of the spirit in particular, but also in life, because it is better to be free from prejudice, another's opinion and various phobias by a person than constantly shaking and not being able to do something.

These three steps will be sufficient for the full development of strength of mind. Act, and do not forget that the better you strengthen your spirit, the easier it will be for you to live.