/ / Where is Yeisk located? Rest in Yeisk

Where is Yeisk located? Rest in Yeisk

This article is about an amazing place. This is a city called Yeisk. After reading this article, you will learn where Eisk is located and what is interesting for tourists in this village.

But let's start with the name. The word Yeisk comes from the name of the river Eya, which, in turn, gives the names of another peninsula and estuary.

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Geographically, the city belongs to the southernfederal district, the population of Yeisk in 2014 is about 86,000 people. The city is inextricably linked with the water element, and even on the emblem of this village there is a water inhabitant - the sterlet fish.


So where is Yeisk?The city is located in the northernmost part of the wonderful Krasnodar Territory, to be more precise, 250 kilometers from the city of Krasnodar, at the end of the Yeysky Peninsula, between the Gulf of the Sea of ​​Azov (called Taganrog) from the west and the Yeisk estuary from the east. Yeisk estuary, by the way, is the largest in the North Caucasus.

Climate and air temperature

Location of the city in the Southern FederalThe constituency determines that it is favorable for recreation. Resort rest is, first of all, the sea and a beach. In this city, you can go to the sea almost from all sides, which means that Yeisk is perfect for a good time. The more famous Russian health resort cities are Sochi, Anapa, Gelendzhik. They are called the resorts of the Krasnodar Territory, or the resorts of the Kuban.

Where is the city of Yeisk

Not everyone knows where the city is.Yeisk, it is known much less than other resorts of Kuban. Although its most northern location suggests that the Kuban begins from this city. The slogan of Yeisk and Yeisk district sounds like this: “Kuban starts from Yeisk.”

The climate of this region is moderately continental: a warm mild summer and a short winter, the snow does not fall before the middle of the first month of winter.

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The average temperature in summer, for example, in July -about +24 degrees Celsius. In the same latitudes where the city of Yeisk is located, there are such cities as Odessa, Budapest, Tiraspol, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk. By the way, the climate of the above-mentioned settlement (with regard to the average annual temperature) is similar to the climate of New York, only it is milder, and in the Russian city there are no such sharp temperature drops and prolonged precipitation, as in the American metropolis.


So, we learned where Eisk is.Rest in this place will be wonderful. We will share with you information on this topic. Where this wonderful city is built and flourishes, everything is there for a family holiday. On the territory of Yeisk and the district there are a lot of water parks, modern beaches, there is a dolphinarium. Now family vacation is gaining more and more popularity. And it is in such a wonderful place that any family member will find many ways to relax and have fun. Separately, I would like to note that children's camps are successfully operating in the city and region. Vouchers in them are bought up long before the beginning of the summer season.

 Where is her holiday?

Beach holidays are one of the standard anduniversal vacation or weekend options. Almost every peninsula has its own port. So the peninsula, where Eisk is located, was no exception. To the south of the pier there is a beach called a heater. The coastal zone of sand with shells gradually changes to pebbles, the constant ebbs and flows in the sea form small islands. Beach vacation in the city is good and the fact that you can swim in the shallow sea in May.

Healing sources

80 kilometers from whereYeisk, is a wonderful lake called Hanskoe. It is a source of therapeutic mud and water. These waters are used in the Yeisk sanatorium of the same name. This living water has a healing effect on the human body, removes excess salts from the body, heavy metals, radionuclides has an anti-inflammatory effect, and also improves metabolism. One would like to say: where Eisk is located - there is your health too.

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Therapeutic mud, invigorating water and warmSunny beaches are not the whole city. Yeisk is more multifaceted than it seems at first glance. Windsurfers and water ski competitions are held in this city. In addition, tourism, hiking, skydiving are actively developed. Therefore, even fans of extreme sports will not be disappointed, having been in this wonderful place.


The administration of Yeisk keeps an eye on thisport city, and therefore it is considered the greenest in the Kuban. At the same time, the architecture of the city is actually divided into three time gaps - the tsarist era, the Soviet and the architecture of the 90s. Each of them is unique and attractive in its own way. There are a lot of cultural and historical monuments in the district's circumference, so there is not only where to go in this place, but also what to pay attention to.

Yeisk - Hero City

Где находится город Ейск, мы уже узнали.But now let us recall the facts from history and find out why this locality is a real hero. During World War II, the city was constantly subjected to aerial bombardment by German air forces. These attacks began in April 1942. The occupation of the city continued until February 1943. This time was very difficult, many people died, including 214 children of the orphanage. Mass repressions destroyed not only human destinies, but also their small Motherland. Where Yeisk is located, the grandchildren and great-grandchildren of real heroes who still put their lives in the struggle for freedom live there. This once again proves the versatility of the city. The small town absorbed both modern blessings and the cultural heritage of the ancestors.

The title of the resort town of Yeisk was awardedrelatively recently, only in 2008, the year. And to this day, he never ceases to amaze us with his spiritual kindness. This resort, in comparison with the cities of Sochi, Gelendzhik, Anapa and others, is the most economical in terms of spending on rest. In Yeisk, food and accommodation are much cheaper, although in comfort this small friendly town is not inferior to the more famous Kuban resorts.

Now you know what the town of Yeisk is. You can see his photo in our article.