/ / Vacation in Orekhovo (Leningrad Region)

Rest in Orekhovo (Leningrad region)

Location of the village Orekhovo - Priozersky district of the Leningrad region.

This settlement is located in a picturesque corner of nature on the Karelian Isthmus surrounded by pine forests.

nut Leningrad region


In the village of Orekhovo (Leningrad Region) there are two lakes.

One of them is Big Borkovo. From it flows small river Kozhitsa. The name of the second lake is Maloye Borkovo. It is the source of the river Gladysh.

Nut Priozersky District of the Leningrad Region


The current village of Orekhovo (Leningrad region)Formerly part of the Vyborg province, located in Finland. Up until 1939, it was the village of Raasuli in Rautu Parish. Raasuli was a border point. It was located on the top of the ridge, from where a magnificent panorama of the eastern region of the Karelian Isthmus opened. From here even the banks of Ladoga and the smoke of the steamboats sailing along the lake were visible. Not far from the modern village of Orekhovo (Leningrad region) is Kivi-suryu. This is the highest point on the Karelian Isthmus. Above sea level, it rises to two hundred and five meters.

Деревня Раасули находилась неподалеку от дороги, leading to Kexholm (now it is Priozersk). Slightly south was the old border. There were no other barriers. Today, at the place where the state border had previously passed, there is a sign on the highway - “Priozersky District”.

The life of the village of Raasuli

Numerous carts and carts with variouscargoes intended for trade, daily passed from Finland to St. Petersburg near the village of Raasuli. At the beginning of the twentieth century, three hundred meters from the border itself, was the Mööhänen shop. This outlet was a roomy house where travelers could stay for a holiday. A place was provided for their horses. The shop was considered the center of the village.

Around Raasuli in the woodlands were localpastures. They stretched to the border creek Tungelman-oya (today it is the Smorodinka river), in which local people caught on the bait of salmon. In the glens among the hills grew thick thickets of hazel. There were squirrels that attracted nuts.

Soviet period

In 1917at the foot of the hill was built railway. The highway connected Petersburg with Finland. However, this road had no influence on the course of the village’s history. The fact is that the border was closed the following year. The canvas of the railway for several kilometers was dismantled. The current station “67 km” (in the past “Nuyala”) became the terminus along the line from eastern Finland.

recreation center nut Leningrad region

Barbed wire fences along the borderstretched already in 1920. Border guards lived in the village of Raasuli together with the population. Sometimes in this territory there were clashes with violators. It was here that a few days before the start of the war with the Finns, the Soviet side attempted to provoke a conflict. However, an aggressive reaction from opponents did not follow.

11.30.1939Raasuli village first met hostilities. As a result of the shelling carried out by Soviet troops, the houses in it were set ablaze. Fortunately, the civilian population was not affected. It has already been evacuated. Raasuli after a small skirmish occupied parts of the Red Army.

09/01/1941the village was again won by the Finnish troops. And in 1944, Soviet power was already established in Raasuli. A subsidiary farm belonging to the Leningrad plant Komsomolka was located on the territory of the village.

As a result of the company renaming, heldin 1947-48, Raasuli became Orekhovo. Most likely, the authors of this name pay attention to the thickets of hazel, located nearby. This renaming was secured by the decree of the Presidium of the RSFSR of January 13, 1949.

Orekhovo today

What currently represents thislocality? Today, Orekhovo (Leningrad Oblast) is a large dacha massif, which gave the same name to a pontoon station located in front of the old state border. The nature of these places is very picturesque. Rest in Orekhovo Leningrad region for many years been popular with residents of the northern capital. Tourists are attracted by the transparent lakes, which are surrounded on all sides by pine forests, forest sandy roads and an abundance of mushroom places. Affects the popularity of Orekhovo and the relative proximity to St. Petersburg.

land plots in the Leningrad region
On the hill Oravan-chaff in the late eightiesthe last century was the construction of gardening. It begins at the peak of the hill and descends to the railroad track, passing through the place where hazel beds were in former times.

Those who want to buy land in the Orekhovo Leningrad region make a wonderful choice. Not far from the noisy metropolis, you can enjoy the beauty of the amazing nature of the Karelian Isthmus.

Recreation center

The settlement of Orekhovo, Leningrad Region, isattractive place for tourists. The recreation center is located on the shore of Big Barkovo Lake on the Karelian Isthmus. It is called the same as the nearby village, Orekhovo.

Not far from the recreation center there are forest lakes, a pine forest and the purest spring water. All this has a good rest.

nut Leningrad region rope park
Recreation center "Orekhovo" (Leningrad region)Designed to stay two hundred and twenty people. At the same time, guests are offered a variety of accommodation options. The boarding house is designed for seventy-four people. On its territory there are double and single rooms with all conveniences, as well as single rooms with partial conveniences. Available in the pension and junior suite. For vacationers built one- and two-storey cottages with all amenities.

Leisure time

The recreation center "Orekhovo" works bath complex.To services of residents are provided swimming pool and sauna. The complex has a Russian bath. Fans of outdoor activities can play billiards and air rifle shooting, as well as rent various sports equipment.

There is a recreation center where seminars and various celebrations are held. Equipped with a place for cooking kebabs.

Ski resort

Not far from the recreation center "Orekhovo" Igora offers its services. This is a modern ski resort. It is located forty-seven kilometers from St. Petersburg.

rest in walnut Leningrad region
Tourists are not familiar with this place anymore.decade. Back in the seventies of the last century, electric trains called “Ski-boom” came here. In 2008, this area with an interesting relief acquired a second life. A special microclimate allows snow cover (unlike other ski resorts of the Leningrad Region) to hold sometimes until April.

Tourists have a hard time descending the localslopes that have difficult terrain. On the way there are bumps and pits. Sometimes trees block the road. The slopes of this ski complex in length do not exceed two hundred and fifty meters. The average value of the elevation difference is 50 m.

Those who went to Orekhovo to a ski resort should remember that the complex has no rental point and other benefits of civilization. Only the station has a small shop.

By visiting the ski complex, you can become a member of the festive events that are held here regularly. These include Shrovetide and the closing of the season.

Norwegian Park

Not far from the village of Orekhovo is anothera place where outdoor enthusiasts are keen to go. This is a rope park, which is the largest in Russia. What is he like? This is a whole system of artificial crossings that are made among trees at a distance of 1.5-25 meters from the ground. There are cableways and swaying logs, as well as trolls and nets, forming a kind of trail. To go through all the crossings, you will need not only good physical training, but also a sense of balance, as well as the ability to cope with the fear of heights. You should not worry for your life and health in the rope park. Cables and carbines are used as insurance. In addition, all available routes are differentiated by the level of complexity, ranging from children and ending with extreme ones.

Nut Village of Leningrad Region

Тот, кто посетит в Орехово (Ленинградская area) rope park, can choose for itself any of the eight available tracks. In addition, there are bridges between the trees, as well as trolls, the length of which is more than two hundred meters. There are mini-trails designed for children from four years old, as well as family and extreme crossings.

Visitors to the rope park are instructed in the use of safety systems. All necessary equipment is available for rent.