/ / The Gobi Desert - unapproachable and beautiful

The Gobi Desert is unapproachable and beautiful

Gobi is the largest and majestic desertin Asia. It is located in the southern part of Mongolia and occupies a vast territory within China. Although everyone calls Gobi a desert, this is not entirely correct. Every year in this area drops to 300 millimeters of precipitation, which is completely untypical for deserts. Even in Kyzylkum and Karakum, located in the neighborhood, drops out one and a half times less. In addition, the Gobi Desert is characterized by very severe winters.

On the territory occupied by the Gobi, the desert isby no means the only landscape. Not for nothing the Mongols say that they have 33 Gobi and all different in appearance and climate. This is an unlimited steppe with a huge number of variegated tulips and tall grasses, and wormwood dry steppes with stony soil, and semi-deserts with dried up rivers and rare wells. The deserts of Asia are so mysterious and mysterious, their kind beckons travelers to themselves, like a magnet.

The Gobi Desert
There are several Gobi:Dzungar, East, Gasun, Gobi Altai. All of them have completely different terrain. Salt and fresh lakes, sands and tall grasses, flat plains and mountains, solonchaks and fast rivers with clear clear water meet here. In the steppes of the Eastern Gobi, one can see cones of volcanoes erupting lava as early as the 6th century.

To see this desert, you need toGo west or south of the East Gobi. Here the landscape consists of hills and low mountains. In this area, only the sun and the wind reign. There are almost no gloomy days. Summer day the temperature reaches 45 ° C, and in winter it can drop to -30 ° C. In the steppe, there are no barriers to wind, so it develops a frenzied speed.

Gobi desert
The Gobi Desert is sometimes too dangerous forwandering travelers and trade caravans, because there are frequent sandstorms. Hurricane picks up everything that comes to it on the way, billions of fine grains of sand are dazzling and do not give a normal breathe. The animals turn to the wind with their backs to somehow hold their ground. Hurricane tears roofs from houses, small objects carry away for 20 km (light yurts sometimes found in 5 km), tents tear to shreds. In the fall, a heavy rain with hail can still be added to the hurricane, which can kill even a goat or a ram, because the hailstones reach the size of a chicken egg.

Deserts of Asia
In just a week, raging storms are solidgrains turn into a transparent glass. The tops of rocks and ridges are perfectly polished, that's why they create a surprisingly picturesque picture. The Gobi Desert is most beautiful in the early morning, when the sun just wakes up, timidly sending its rays to the cold sand for the night. Only at this time you can enjoy clean and fresh air, soak up the sun, without fear of getting burned. It will only take a couple of hours, and the picture will change dramatically. The desert will again turn into a hot place.

To date, the Gobi desert remainsamazingly beautiful and mysterious place on the planet. Here, excavations are carried out by paleontologists, because it is in this area is the famous cemetery of dinosaurs. It will take more than a decade, and perhaps a century, before a person learns all the secrets that the unassailable Gobi keeps in himself.