/ The safest airlines in Russia. Top most reliable domestic carriers

The safest airlines in Russia. Top most reliable domestic carriers

The bulk of travelers prefer comfortable conditions when arranging transfers. And what could be more convenient for quickly overcoming significant distances than an airplane?

However, when traveling, passengersalso worry about personal safety. Which carrier should I prefer? What are the safest airlines in Russia? The search for answers to these and other questions will be dealt with in our material.

How do you determine the level of airline security?

the safest airlines in Russia
The list of the safest airlines in Russia andworld is determined according to a special coefficient known as the Safety Index. Based on the results of each year, the responsible monitoring organizations compile reports that help to form an idea of ​​the reliability of an airline. To calculate the coefficient, experts pay attention to such information:

  1. The amount of passengers that managed to use the services of a particular carrier for a period of 30 years.
  2. The number of people who were victims of disasters when flying on the airline's air transport for the above time period.
  3. The number of years during which no accidents occurred, as well as the last disaster.
  4. The country to which the airline is subject. Here, it is taken into account how objective the evaluation of the carrier's performance on the part of a particular controlling organization is.

Which airline is the safest in Russia? The most reliable domestic airlines will be presented further in the material.

Russia Airlines

which airline is the safest in Russia
Form the top safest airlineRussia will begin with an air carrier called Rossiya Airlines. The company reports to Aeroflot. By results of 2014 the presented carrier was included in the list of the five largest airlines of the country.

Today Rossiya Airlines has in its assetsThe prestigious award "The best carrier in the country in the regional areas." The number of liners of the company is 25 aircraft. Their average age is 13 years. To date, the airline account does not include any serious accident that would have caused the death of passengers.

Ural Airlines

list of the safest airlines in Russia
Observing the safest airlines in Russia, it is worth paying attention to the carrier Ural Airlines, which occupies a leading position in the country according to its reliability.

Currently, the company has at its disposal35 modern aircraft. All the pilots of the carrier undergo regular checks of professional suitability, and also undergo retraining according to individual programs.

During the existence of Ural AirlinesOnly three accidents are known. However, all of them were without human victims. In the course of disasters, the carrier's liners had to carry out forced landing, which took place without serious consequences.

Nordwind Airlines

Continuing to survey the safestairlines of Russia, we will single out the carrier Nordwind Airlines. The latter represents charter airlines that provide routes to the most popular resort regions of the world.

Starting in 2013, Nordwind Airlines is on the list of the largest air carriers in Russia. As for reliability, the company is among the 100 most secure operators in the world ranking.

Air fleet of the company is formed of 20 aircraft of domestic production. The average age of transport here is 14 years.


top safest airlines in Russia
Finishing to consider the safestairline of Russia, it is worth noting the most reliable air carrier in the country - Aeroflot. Based on the results of the activity evaluation last year, these airlines are located at the 35th position in the world according to the reliability of the organization of air flights. Despite such seemingly average performance, the company is officially recognized as the best in Eastern Europe.

The fleet consists of 167 modernpassenger liners. The average age of each unit of technology is about 4.5 years. Thanks largely to this, Aeroflot was the main air carrier during the Winter Olympic Games, which took place in Sochi in 2014.


In the presented material, we isolated onlyan insignificant share of domestic airlines. However, it is air carriers from our top that most deserve the attention of passengers, because they are among the most reliable not only in Russia, but all over the world.