/ / What will surprise world famous Ibiza tourists? Attractions not to be missed

What surprises the tourists famous throughout the world of Ibiza? Attractions you can not miss

Located in the Mediterranean fabulouslyA beautiful island that is part of the Balearic archipelago, is famous for its clubs, which are considered the best in the world, and luxurious beaches with good parties. To a greater extent, the resort attracts young people, but older people will also find corners worthy of attention.

A resort where life is in full swing

Ibiza Island whose attractionswill pleasantly surprise all travelers, welcomes guests from March to November, but even in the winter months the flow of tourists does not stop. About a noisy and full of bright colors resort with a rich nightlife, they say that he never sleeps, and this is true: around the clock fun and an atmosphere of constant celebration reigns here. I must say that in Ibiza there are many architectural monuments, which will be interesting to all travelers.

ibiza attractions

The capital of the solar resort is the city of the same name, which attracts tourists with its center of entertainment and a well-preserved historic center.

So, what will attract the multifaceted Ibiza to foreign guests? Sights, photos of which are placed in the brochures of travel agencies, will appeal to different categories of visitors.

Cathedral of the Immaculate Virgin Mary

In the old part of the island’s capital is one ofmost majestic catholic cathedrals. The patroness of the resort is considered to be the Virgin Mary, and it is not surprising that it was in her honor that the temple was erected in the XIII century, impressive with its forms. From the sea, a truly amazing view of the monument of medieval architecture opens up, and the tourists who went on the tour aspirated to tell about how beautiful hospitable Ibiza is. Sights are devoid of blatant luxury, but even this minimalism will make the hearts of the guests of the island beat more often. Here is an unusual museum-sacristy, which will surprise with unique collections.

One of the most ancient necropolises

Well preserved necropolisPhoenician-Punic culture, founded before our era, prides itself on charming Ibiza. Sights (photos and descriptions are presented in the article) are genuine curiosity: only here there are about three thousand ancient graves of noble Carthaginians. Now this sacred place has received the status of an archaeological reserve protected by UNESCO, and you can get inside Puig das Mulins for free.

Ibiza attractions photos and reviews

Antique settlement

It seems incredible, but Ibiza,attractions which are protected by local authorities may surprise with a unique architectural ensemble, which has come down to descendants in good condition. The settlement, which appeared in the Moorish era, consists of seven residential houses with underground labyrinths and two towers. The fact is that the island was often attacked by pirates, and residents tried to protect themselves by erecting defenses. Do not underestimate the historical importance of the ancient village of Balafia, which has been preserved in excellent condition.

Nature reserve

Ibiza, whose attractions are known onthe whole world accepts tourists who have traveled considerable distances just to enjoy exotic nature. Ses Salines Park is considered one of the most beautiful corners of the island. In the reserve, which received its name from salt ponds, about 200 species of birds are registered, and a large part of Poseidonia has recently been included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. It is these algae that give the sea an unusual turquoise hue, causing delight among the guests of the island.

ibiza sightseeing photo


Caves of Mars once used by piratesas a warehouse where they stored the loot. Tourists who have visited an amazing monument of nature, admit that they are impressed with the unique beauty of the underground labyrinth. By the way, visitors can see the rock signs that smugglers left in order not to get lost in the dark grottoes. This natural museum will amaze with an underground waterfall, transparent lakes, colonies of calcite formations that have the most amazing forms.

Ibiza attractions photos and description

Of course, in one article you cannot describe the mainsights of ibiza. Photos and reviews of tourists indicate that the island with a rich past is famous not only for places of entertainment, but also for monuments of ancient civilizations and beautiful natural areas. The resort, which takes travelers year-round, will give a good mood and unforgettable emotions.