/ / Mamayka, Sochi: reviews, rest, beaches, hotels

Mamayka, Sochi: reviews, rest, beaches, hotels

Resorts of the Krasnodar Territory, and above all Sochi,always been popular in the days of the USSR. In the past few years, they have become even more famous, thanks to the 2014 Winter Olympics, during the preparation for which hundreds of tourist, entertainment and sports facilities were built in and around the city. They transformed the look of Sochi, but the prices in many new hotels make them inaccessible to those who cannot afford to spend a lot on vacation. Fortunately, in some areas of the resort today you can stay for little money. These include the suburb of Sochi Mamayka, the rest in which will especially appeal to families with children of any age.

Mamayka Sochi reviews


Mamayka is a small neighborhood in the northCentral District of Sochi. It is located on the Black Sea, at the confluence of the river Psakhe. From the north, Mamayka is separated from the Lazarevsky district of Sochi by a small pass, and from the south it borders on a vast green zone. Its distinctive feature is the combination of the functions of the sleeping and resort microdistricts, since there are many private houses and the active construction of new buildings is underway. Thus, in a few years, the renovated multi-storey Mamayka will be at the service of vacationers. Hotels in the suburbs are also being modernized and new ones are being built.

At the same time Mamayka (Sochi), reviews of whichpresented below, has a convenient location, as it is 40 km from Adler Airport and 10 km from Sochi Railway Station. From the neighborhood it is easy to get to the neighboring resorts, taking advantage of city buses, following mainly in the direction of Dagomys.

guest house Mamayka

Mamayka district for tourists

Judging by the reviews of those who have already spent their holidays in this quiet suburb of Sochi, it has several important advantages. Among them:

  • remoteness from noisy motorways;
  • pleasant subtropical climate (temperatureair during the summer season +25, and water +24 degrees), which makes this area of ​​Sochi a good place to stay for people with cardiovascular problems and toddlers;
  • proximity to the sea, the distance to which from any corner of Mamayki is about 1 km;
  • prosperous environmental situation.

Reviews also note that if you considerFrom the point of view of the possibility of organizing an inexpensive and relaxing holiday with children, the central district of Sochi, the Mamayka district will also be the best choice. They love this suburb and people of solid age, avoiding neighborhood with noisy youth companies. They are advised to come there in early September, when the beaches are relatively free, because the number of families with children is drastically reduced due to the completion of school holidays.

At the same time, although in Mamayka there is no developed entertainment infrastructure of its own, all such facilities, including the most famous ones, are just 20 minutes away by public transport.

central District

Leisure options

Those who decide to choose Mamayka as a placeholiday, there will be no problems with accommodation. First of all, judging by the reviews, there you can find low-cost housing offers in the private sector. Basically they are quite comfortable rooms in small 1-2-storey houses with gardens and green courtyards, which Mamayka is famous for. There is also an opportunity to rent a small cottage, but this option will be expensive, especially if we are talking about a new or recently renovated building with all the amenities.

Hotels in this suburb of Big Sochi are alsonot bad, and most importantly, inexpensive. You can relax in the local spas. There, guests will also be offered various effective medical and balneological procedures. There are on the territory of Mamayki and a small campsite, which is particularly popular with young people.

Mamayka rest


As already mentioned, Mamayka (Sochi), reviews aboutwhich is mostly positive, can be a good vacation spot for those who want to improve their health. To their services - sanatorium "Stavropol" and "Fazatron." The first of them, located 500 meters from the beach, also has an indoor pool, which operates during the off-season. Even closer to the sea, 200 m, are the buildings of the year-round sanatorium "Fazatron" (formerly "Dawn of Russia"). Judging by the reviews of holidaymakers, they remain extremely pleased with such therapeutic procedures as taking radon and hydrogen sulfide baths with Matsesta waters, inhalations, microwave resonance and acupuncture, various types of massage, etc.


Just 100 meters from the beach of the sanatorium "Stavropol"there is a camping "Mamayka", where you can relax in the budget in Spartan conditions, which are unlikely to frighten students and other active young people. The campsite offers a cafe, located near the water's edge, a bar, a disco is organized daily and there is a guarded parking lot.

Mamayka Hotels


Hotels in the city are small and quite comfortable.Sometimes they have an outdoor pool for those who want to swim and sunbathe at any convenient time, without the need to feel the inconvenience of the crowd on the beach. Among the most well-known hotels are the Starfish, which is distinguished by its original architecture, and the six-storey Mamayka Guest House, located at ul. Crimea, 79/1. They have fenced areas, their own cafes with almost home cooking, and they offer rooms of various comfort classes.

Whichever hotel or guest house you choose (Mamayka, Elite House, or others), you will have to pay less than for options in more fashionable areas of Sochi.

Beaches Mamayki

Over the years, visitors have chosen torecreation Central District of Sochi, complain about the congestion of the beaches. It should be understood that during the peak of the holiday season, this situation is inevitable and characteristic of any popular resort in the world. This applies to the beaches of Mamayki, among which there are both departmental and municipal.

The main one is pebble"Little Mermaid" with a length of more than 100 m and a width of 30 meters. On this beach, a gentle descent into the water and there is no difference in depths, so it is well suited for families with children. Moreover, the Sochi authorities took care of the little campers, equipping a playground for them. On the beach there are also sun beds, awnings, deck chairs, showers and changing rooms. You can rent catamarans, scooters, boats and yachts. To services of tourists - numerous cafes, canteens and restaurants.

Another municipal beach - "Swallow" - in 3times longer and more than 50 meters wide. According to reviews, swimming there is quite comfortable due to the presence of a rather long breakwater. The beach is equipped with everything necessary and offers the same set of entertainment as the Little Mermaid.

In addition, its own fenced areasea ​​lines for the rest of their guests have most of the resorts and resorts. On these beaches are usually aquacomplexes with slides and a variety of entertainment.

Mamayka beaches

Sights and excursions

What else can please Mamayka (Sochi)?Reviews indicate that tourists will not be bored. For example, they will be able to explore the nearby ruins of the ancient fortress of Mamai-Kale, located near the mouth of the Psakha River. Scientists believe that it was founded to protect the Roman trading, and later the Byzantine trading post, and existed during the 1st to 4th centuries of our era, that is, it is a fortification that has survived to our day for at least 1600 years!

In addition, guests of the resort can visitOrthodox Church of Great Martyr Panteleimon, which opened its doors to believers in 2001. Although the building of the temple - a remake, today it is one of the recognizable architectural ornaments Mamayki.


Одним из преимуществ отдыха в Мамайке в частном The sector is an opportunity to eat at home, especially since there are several supermarkets in the neighborhood, many small grocery stores and a market where you can always buy fresh vegetables and fruits. In addition, there are cafes and restaurants of different price categories and consumer services.

Mamayka district


Every man to his own taste.Mamayka (Sochi) cannot be liked by everyone without exception. Reviews disgruntled vacationers point out its disadvantages such as traffic jams at certain hours of the day, which prevent quickly get to the desired area of ​​the Big Sochi. You can also hear complaints about the lack of lighting at night on some streets in the private sector of the suburbs, which makes it difficult to return to your guesthouse after visiting entertainment events.

Теперь вы знаете, где находится Мамайка.Sochi (there are a variety of reviews about this resort) is distinguished by a variety of options for the proposed holiday. If you just want to enjoy the gentle sea, see the famous Olympic venues and do not go broke, then feel free to choose Mamayka and get great pleasure for little money!