/ / Primasol El Mehdi Hotel (Mahdia): description of the hotel, photos and reviews

Primasol El Mehdi Hotel (Mahdia): description of the hotel, photos and reviews

It is believed that the resort of Mahdia is just perfectsuitable for families with children or older tourists. The place is one of the quietest in Tunisia. Tourists usually rest here not too much. This is due primarily to the fact that few hotels have been built in Mahdia. But to rent a room in a good hotel at this resort is quite real. For example, rather comfortable housing offers vacationers at this resort. hotel Primasol El Mehdi Hotel (Mahdia) 4 *. Reviews from tourists this hotel deserved just great.


Построен этот четырехзвездочный комплекс на самом coast in the eastern Mediterranean. The Primasol El Mehdi Hotel is located not in Mahdia itself, but in its suburb. The distance between it and this resort is 4 km. From the capital of Tunisia, this recreation center is located far away - you need to overcome a distance of 140 km.

primasol el mehdi hotel mahdia

Tourists usually arrive at the city’s airport.Monastir. In order to get to the hotel after landing, the guests of this recreation center need to overcome about 45 km. The road from the airport to the hotel usually takes about an hour and a half from holidaymakers.

Primasol El Mehdi Hotel (Mahdia): description of the hotel

Butmeasure in this hotel equipped in several buildings of the original construction with arched loggias. Территория у гостиницы - своя собственная.Moreover, this hotel occupies a large area. The shape of the courtyard of the hotel has a horseshoe. Access to the sea at this hotel has its own. But at night, the administration usually closes it.

The courtyard of the hotel looks like, judging by the reviews of travelers, it is very beautiful. For this, of course, also earned good reviews complex Primasol El Mehdi Hotel (Mahdia). A photo, presented on this page, a rather pleasant appearance of the territory of this hotel is shown in full. In any case, for ee cleanliness administration follows carefully. Everywhere in the courtyard hotels planted southern exotic flowers, shrubs and trees.

Russian tourists in this hotelnot too much comes to life. Mainly Germans, French, Italians and Dutch are settled here. Sometimes Slovaks also come to the hotel.

Currently this hotel is called Primasol. But it was not always so. Renamed this hotel just recently. He used to be called "El Mehdi". Locals, including guides and taxi drivers, are up toso far from habit call it that way. Therefore, if tourists ask where the Primasol Hotel is located, they will most likely not be answered. Search in Mahdia is precisely "El Mehdi".

Arrive guests in the rooms of this hotel are usually strictly at 14:00. Take a number before probably, will not work. But the bracelets arrived in the morning tourists still issued. In the presence of the latter, the future guests of the complex can already safely visit the local bars, swim in the hotel beach and enjoy all the services. Settled in the rooms immediately upon arrival at this hotel only with a not too large influx of residents.

Room Categories

Всего туристам, отдыхающим в Махдии, отель Primasol El Mehdi Hotel (Mahdia) offers nearly 400 rooms of different price categories, areas and facilities. Some rooms of the hotel have balconies, others have access to the garden. But in each of the rooms in this hotel there is everything you need for a comfortable stay for guests. Guests can enjoy the following amenities:

  • TV;
  • safe deposit box;
  • a refrigerator, etc.

Each room of the complex is equipped with an individual shower. In large rooms, conditional-separate bathrooms. In the open position, the door here separates the shower from the rooms, in the closed position - a watering can and a toilet.

primasol el mehdi hotel mahdia 4 reviews

In some rooms for the use of the safe with tourists take a deposit. In other rooms there are push-button devices of this type. Tourists are not taken a pledge from residents of such apartments.

What is worth knowing?

Rooms in the hotel Primasol El Mehdi Hotel (Mahdia, Tunisia) сдаются в основном удобные.But as in most other hotels, in this complex there are, of course, not very good rooms in terms of comfort (for example, located next to noisy communication installations, with views of garbage cans, etc.). When checking in the room tourists should be as closely as possible. If guests are not satisfied with something, it is better to immediately give up the room and ask for another one. The fact is that in the future vacationers will not be able to move to the best rooms. After checking into the rooms, the administration of this hotel never relocates the tenants. This fact is noted by many vacationers who have ever stayed here on the sites of tour operators.

Guest rooms

Opinion on the hotel Primasol El Mehdi Hotel (Mahdia) tourist accommodation has developed very well.At the very least, maids in the rooms are often cleaned and dirty, they never happen. Towels in this hotel are also changed every day. In order for the maids to do their job efficiently, it is not necessary to tip them on the bed. Employees of the hotel to their duties and without it are responsible.

The furniture in the rooms of this hotel is installed, judgingAccording to reviews of tourists, relatively comfortable. The administration also took care of ensuring the comfort of the guests with high-quality household appliances. Air conditioners, televisions and refrigerators in this hotel are always in good condition.

Sometimes tenants hotel Primasol El Mehdi Hotel (Mahdia), like any other, of course, ariseproblems with living in the rooms. For example, in some rooms here balcony doors can close poorly, taps and others leak. However, the administration of the hotel tries to eliminate all sorts of shortcomings as quickly as possible. So in this regard, tourists have no special complaints about the hotel.

primasol el mehdi hotel mahdia photo

Hotel Infrastructure

As far as the hotel is concerned Primasol El Mehdi Hotel four* (Mahdia) to four-star class, services in its territory, guests are provided a lot. Of course, its tenants and pools can use in this complex. Them here four. The hotel also operates small gift shop. Here guests can for not too high the price buy some interesting trinkets for your loved ones and friends.

ANDмеется на территории гостиницы и обменный пункт.Polluted things lodgers can wash and iron in the laundry. Of course, the administration of this complex took care of lovers of active rest. In the hotel, among other things, there are:

  • 2 tennis courts;
  • basketball court;
  • gym;
  • bowling;
  • a pool table.

Also hotel guests can play at her.territory in mini golf. Of course, this hotel is equipped with a sauna. In addition, tourists can play table tennis. There is also a massage room in this four-star hotel.

Hotel infrastructure reviews

Hotel accommodation Primasol El Mehdi Hotel four* (Mahdia) Many travelers find it convenient, including due to the fact that the services offered to guests here are really good. Like the rooms, the corridors and halls of the hotel are cleaned by its employees quite often. Therefore, all the common areas of the hotel always look neat.

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The pools in this hotel are also always clean.swim in them nice. This hotel also deserves good reviews for the fact that there is absolutely enough sun beds here for all guests. One of the pools of the hotel is equipped with water slides. That he is the most popular among hotel guests. Also, many residents of the hotel are very praised and equipped in it an indoor pool. The water here is heated, and it is very comfortable to swim in it. Yes, and the crowds of the people in the indoor pool, in contrast to the street, never happens.

Some lack of hotel Primasol El Mehdi Hotel (Mahdia) many travelers consider what beachtowels here are issued only on a large bail. Near the pool to lose such an accessory, of course, difficult. But on the beaches of Tunisia theft is a fairly common thing. For swimming in pools and in the sea, most of the hotel guests prefer to use their own personal towels brought from home or bought in local stores.

The animations in this hotel, according to many tourists, are very interesting. Responsible hotel artists relate to the organization of both children's and adult shows.

Все элементы инфраструктуры в этой гостинице are located, according to many guests, compact and ergonomic. In general, for the facilities provided reviews from tourists, this hotel deserves good. On specialized sites of tour operators guests give Primasol El Mehdi Hotel (Mahdia) 7-8 points out of 10. The rating is quite high and indicates a very good level of service in this hotel.

Primasol El Mehdi Hotel (Mahdia) 4 *: service reviews

With regard to hotel staffTunisia among tourists, unfortunately, not very good rumors. Many vacationers who have been on holiday in this country note that employees of local hotels can often behave rather rudely with Russian guests. Perhaps in some hotels in Tunisia this is happening. The inhabitants of this country really for some reason do not like Russian and Italians. But to the hotel Primasol El Mehdi Hotel four* This, fortunately, has nothing to do. About her staff vacationers respond very well.

All the staff of this hotel - maids, administrators, waiters, porters and others treat their guests extremely politely.

primasol el mehdi hotel mahdia

Services for children

Positioned hotel Primasol El Mehdi Hotel four* mostly like family. Therefore, there are many services for children. The hotel has, for example:

  • 3 swimming pools;
  • kids club.

Children from 4 to 12 years old can spend time in the club.Experienced nannies follow them. A certain disadvantage of this hotel, many travelers believe that its restaurants do not provide for the issuance of baby food. Also, unfortunately, you can not rent a pram in this hotel.

Dining at the hotel

Restaurants in the hotel Primasol El Mehdi Hotel (Mahdia) themThere are several.This hotel works on the "all inclusive". In the main restaurant of the complex, its guests can eat completely free. Also, the hotel operates an institution of local cuisine. Here, for an extra charge, tourist guests can try local exotic dishes. Another hotel restaurant specializes in seafood. But it works only in the summer months. Naturally, there is an a la carte restaurant in this hotel.

Actually, about the free food in the hotel Primasol El Mehdi Hotel Mahdia reviews On the Internet you can find mostly only positive ones. Dishes in the hotel’s key restaurant are delicious, fresh and varied.

Also in this hotel there are several bars. One of them works near the pool. Here tourists can order a variety of cocktails. Also in the hotel there is a small Arabic cafe.

primasol el mehdi hotel mahdia reviews

Sea near the complex

Beach at hotel Primasol El Mehdi Hotel (Mahdia), as mentioned, has its ownth. Guest reviews he deserved quite good. Some drawback of most Tunisian resorts is the presence of a large number of burning jellyfish in the sea. Beach hotel Primasol El Mehdi, к счастью, этого минуса нет.In the sea here near the coast passes current. It then repels jellyfish. So not only adults can swim at the beach. Children in this place are also not afraid to enter the water. The water in the sea near this recreation center is always warm. To swim in it, judging by the reviews, very comfortable. And the excitement of the sea in this place never happens.

В отношении чистоты прилегающей к отелю territories there are only good responses. There is absolutely no dirt on the beach. The surface is perfectly sandy and has no impurities. Of course, on the shore in this place are offered including comfortable sun beds. But there are situations when there are plenty of sun loungers by the sea for not all guests. This, of course, some travelers attribute to the shortcomings of the hotel. But the majority of its tenants do not consider a shortage of sun beds as a significant disadvantage. The sand on the beach is really clean. And it is pleasant to sunbathe here even just on a rug or a large towel.

City near the hotel

Tunisia is a relatively poor country. And the tourist infrastructure in its resorts is not as well developed as, for example, in Egypt or Greece. But the prices of goods are lower. Hotel guests Primasol El Mehdi Hotel four* (Mahdia, Tunisia) can arrange in this country, besides everythingother things, and mini-shopping. There are plenty of shops of the most diverse specialization in Mahdia. Experienced tourists are advised to bargain with local vendors. The prices in this case can be skillfully brought down almost twice.

Good cafe in the city near the complex PrimasolEl Mehdi also has a lot. The hotel is always tasty and varied food. Therefore, additional cafes for tourists usually do not need food. But the hotel guests can go into any of these institutions, at least in order to get acquainted with Tunisia, with its traditions and features as a study resort area. In any case, the tourists feed the local cafes quite well. Yes, and there are lunches, breakfasts and dinners here are not particularly expensive.

Helpful advice

Zarabot pay to the population of Tunisia, including citizens of this country working in hotels toUnfortunately, very low. Therefore, on the beaches and in public places, tourists should be more attentive here. In Tunisia, judging by the reviews of many travelers, cases of theft - in fact, not uncommon.

primasol el mehdi hotel mahdia 4 mahdia

This can happen even in the hotel itself.Primasol El Mehdi Hotel Mahdia 4 * (Mahdia). Most travelers consider it in this regard quite prosperous. Many of its guests, judging by their reviews, did not even hide their phones, laptops, and money when leaving the room. And everything always remained in place. But a couple of negative reviews about this hotel in terms of theft is still available. Therefore, future hotel guests should be safe and never try to tempt the hotel staff.