Tunisia riots

Tunisia is a country especially loved by Russiantourists for the beautiful beaches on the Mediterranean coast, for comfortable hotels, an abundance of entertainment and cultural attractions. However, despite all the advantages of rest in this wonderful country, many refused to visit Tunis in the near future.

It all started in January 2011, when it wasreported on public unrest in the capital of the country. Tunisia, the riots in which demanded the urgent introduction of the curfew from 8 pm to 5:30 am, began to plunge into problems with the tourist business. At the beginning of the riots, tour operators did not recognize the fall in demand for tours among holidaymakers, since all the disturbances were seen only in the capital and did not concern the resort areas. Nevertheless, in order to ensure the complete safety of arriving tourists, the planes were to arrive not in the same-named country the capital of Tunisia, but in Monastir.

There are understandable fears of tourists, many of them do not knowwhether it is possible to rest in Tunisia during such unrest. Tourist companies refute all the information that it is better not to go to the country for a while. In fact, the resort regions of the country in no way suffered from popular unrest, so the carefree recreation of tourists will not hurt. Also, the company claims that Tunisia, the riots in which continue, is open to tourists and the demand for vouchers to this country does not fall. Organizers of excursions also take all measures to protect holidaymakers from any consequences of unrest, therefore safari in the Sahara in some cases are canceled.

Вопрос о падении спроса на путевки в Тунис все же controversial. In the winter of 2010-2011, several travel companies organized two chains of tourists to this country. A special peak for those wishing to visit Tunisia, the riots in which tourists were not particularly worried, fell on New Year's holidays. The winter season lasted with great success until March 2011.

Все же, несмотря на заверения туроператоров, МИД The Russian Federation warned that it would be better to wait with a rest in Tunisia. Later in mid-May, all warnings concerning the question "Can I rest in Tunisia?" Were abolished by the same ministry. A clear statement was made that a new wave of unrest did not work in the resort areas. However, the foreign policy department recommended that tourists do not visit cities in which unrest continues, especially in regard to and still applies to the country's capital.

Will tours to Tunis in June cheaper or demand?on them will be saved? This question was of interest to many tourists. Some holidaymakers gave their feedback by visiting local resorts. Contrary to the statements of tour operators about the not decreasing demand for tours to Tunisia, the riots in which flare up again and again, Anfida airport is empty. Here there is no question of a large influx of tourists. But the friendliness and smiling nature of local customs makes a very pleasant impression.

Еще большие внимания привлекает территория hotels where people have fun and spend their time. Every tourist is now, apparently, an honorable guest. It turned out that the riots in the country had a huge impact on the tourism business and the demand for tours fell by 40%, and then only according to official authorities. According to other unofficial sources, half of the demand is reported to fall. It is not surprising that tours to Tunisia in June and other months have become much cheaper: if earlier their cost was 20% higher than the standard package to Egypt, now the prices for them are equal. Despite even such concessions from travel agencies, there is no strong increase in demand. This is noticeable to any arriving person. The most convenient time for rest in Tunisia, when the water in the sea warms up to the temperature of fresh milk, and the air to 30 C, have not removed the fears of vacationers.

If the statements of our government about the safety of holidays in Tunisia have convinced you, then it is worth buying vouchers right now, when their prices are reduced to the maximum.