/ / City Nizhny Tagil: description, population. Nizhny Tagil: the area of ​​the city, culture

Nizhny Tagil city: description, population. Nizhny Tagil: the area of ​​the city, culture

Russia is rich in cities with a bright reputation!Nizhny Tagil - one of them. For many, it is associated with prisons and camps. But not only in places not so remote and Siberian ores this city is remarkable.

Geographical characteristics

Город Нижний Тагил находится практически на самой border separating Europe from Asia. To the point of intersection of two continents from him just some 20 kilometers. And to the heart of the Urals - Yekaterinburg - 150 km. Refers to the Sverdlovsk region. Index Nizhny Tagil has an easy, memorable. It begins at 622 and then the post office code joins it.

Lower Tagil population

The city is located in a mountainous area - onthe middle part of the eastern slope of the Ural Mountains. Its area is just over 297 square kilometers. In the urban area there are three mountains that smoothly turn into the plains of the West Siberian Lowland in the east.

Not deprived of Nizhny Tagil water resources. Fourteen rivers flow through it! The largest of them is called Tagil.

Near the city are the largest deposits of iron and magnetite ores. Pyrite, limestone and some other minerals are also mined here.

The climate in these places is severe - Siberian orscientifically sharp continental. A cold winter lasting for half a year and a short cool summer (what can be called a heat lasts two or three weeks from the strength of the week). It rains almost constantly. The weather in Nizhny Tagil is unusual in the spring - during one day the thermometer is able to “jump” twenty degrees up or down. And the average annual temperature does not exceed 1.7 degrees.

History of Nizhny Tagil

Nizhny Tagil officially kept his chronicle since 1722, although“Life began” on its territory much earlier. For example, it is known that at the end of the sixteenth century Ermak stood with his army.

After more than a century, a tasty morselUrals territory was given by Peter the First Oligarchs by today's standards - the Demidov family, who built an “iron” plant on the land abounding with mineral resources. With this step, the sovereign pursued the goal of strengthening Russia in the military-technical aspect.

 Russia lower tagil

The first smelting of cast iron is dated October 8, 1722. This day historians consider the beginning of the existence of Nizhny Tagil.

Vyisky copper smelter was the largest inRussian Empire. But the village around it for a long time remained small, quiet, homely. In addition to the uprising of Pugachev and Yulaev, as well as the hot "red-and-white" battles during the civil war, this area is practically nothing remarkable in historical terms.

After the revolution, the settlement began to develop more actively. The construction of new plants and factories required the expansion of infrastructure, and in 1931 Nizhny Tagil was given the status of a city.

During the Second World War, like all of Russia, Nizhny Tagil made every effort to defeat the enemy. The Ural Industrial Center has become a haven for Soviet metallurgy. It produced the legendary tank T-72.

By the end of the eighties, the city had grown very large, increasing by some 50 years to as much as 70%.

 weather in the lower tagil


One of the most important characteristics of any cityits population is considered. Nizhny Tagil is home to 356,744 people (data for 2015). In the past few decades, the demographic picture here has been depressing - the death rate exceeded the birth rate, people left. If we recall that in 1988 the population of Nizhny Tagil was 425 thousand, it turns out that the city has lost almost forty thousand people in forty years.

Today the situation has stabilized somewhat - byat least this is what the local authorities say. The practice of allocating maternity capital contributes to fertility growth, while mortality is reduced by improving the environmental situation and improving the quality of medical services.

Чем же занимается здесь население?Nizhny Tagil, as is known, is a city of large industrial enterprises. Therefore, the main part of the Tagilians are the workers. There are a lot of pensioners living in the city (the harmful industry implies early retirement), as well as disabled people, children who have lost their breadwinner, and representatives of other socially unprotected categories of citizens. But there are few entrepreneurs in Nizhny Tagil. People are afraid of being left alone with economic instability and complicated legislation, so they prefer to stick to state or large private enterprises.

Lower Tagil city

Territorial device of Nizhny Tagil

The city of Nizhny Tagil is divided into fouradministrative areas: Dzerzhinsky, Tagilstroevsky, Leninsky and Suburban. The latter became part of Tagil recently. It is a large number of integrated towns and villages.

The districts of Nizhny Tagil do not resemble each other.

Tagilstroevsky - the largest, densely populated and “scattered”. On its territory there are both industrial zones and the largest sleeping arrays.

Dzerzhinsky - very detached.Locals even call it "satellite city". It is inhabited by 120 thousand people, most of whom work at the Ural Carriage Works and almost never communicate with other parts of Tagil.

The suburban area is only being formed as a whole, but so far it is characterized by some fragmentation.

Ну а Ленинский – это центр.Nizhny Tagil here is pleased with low-rise buildings of pre-war construction and even houses preserved from the 19th century. The connoisseur of architecture is appeased by small houses built by captive Germans - they are decorated with stucco, columns, decorative balconies, etc. Although there are many in the Leninsky district and banal "Khrushchev". It is here that the most expensive real estate in the city. The cost of one square meter in the house of an old building with a good view from the window can reach seventy thousand rubles.

index lower tagil

City infrastructure

Speaking of urban infrastructure,highlight the main problems Tagil. These are utilities and roads. According to the local population, Nizhny Tagil is very expensive in terms of "communal" city. Mandatory payments take away about a third of the salary of an average factory worker and leave almost with nothing a person living on benefits. Well, the roads ... They look more or less decent only in the center.

But the transport network is well developed in Nizhny Tagil - passenger overloads are not observed at the expense of tramways subsidized by the local budget.

There are no problems with school education as well.desks grabs all students. What can not be said about kindergartens. With the demographic situation stabilized in recent years, they are clearly not enough.


Nizhny Tagil kept afloat by twoenterprises - Nizhny Tagil Metallurgical Plant and Ural Carriage Works. They are city-forming and employ about 55 thousand people. Another flourishing plant is UralHimPlast, which many locals dream of settling for.

In addition to heavy industry, the city is verydeveloped trade. A large number of supermarkets, markets, shopping centers, etc. need a constant influx of workers. By the way, precisely because of such serious competition in terms of price, Nizhny Tagil is a rather attractive city. Products and manufactured goods here you can buy a little cheaper than in the neighboring smaller towns.

center lower tagil

The city communicates with the help of the railway with the main megalopolises of the country and has its own airport. Flights are made both within Russia and abroad.


Nizhny Tagil, being a large industrial center, cannot boast of ecological well-being. Many more since the times of the USSR are familiar with jokes about the “moron from Tagil”, about the color of soot snow, about mutants, etc.

Such black humor did not make the life of the Tagilians more cheerful, who were seriously ill and died in their prime years.

But after 1991, many industrialenterprises closed down or went into private hands with reduced activity. This, of course, a positive impact on the environment. And the current giants are trying to get away from the "dirty" production, buying high-quality cleaning equipment.

Today, the main environmental pollutants in Tagil include cars, burning peatlands, landfills and dust.


There is an opinion that Nizhny Tagil isthe criminal capital of the Russian Federation. And there is some truth in that conviction. After all, the city is surrounded by "zones", and, after serving a sentence, their "inhabitants", as a rule, remain in Tagil. In addition, GULAG prisoners, who also later became Tagilians, were driven to the construction of the city at one time. And genetic memory is an important thing.

But, in fairness, it should be noted that ifa couple of decades ago, the crime situation here could be called a stalemate, and even the shooting of a dozen people did not evoke any particular emotions among local people, but today there is still no such rampage of crime.

lower tagil prices


Of course, the streets of Nizhny Tagil are not “bursting” with tourists. This harsh city has no special attractions.

Some value in the eyes of travelers is the plant management of the Demidovs, as well as the houses of merchants and the factory elite, preserved from the nineteenth century.

Attracted by originality of the building, where the editorial "Tagil Bulletin". The Tagilsky pond attracts to its shores - its embankment is considered to be the favorite resting place of citizens.

An interesting tourist will be interested to visit the museum of the history of the development of the technology of the steel industry, which, in fact, is a factory.

Leisure in Nizhny Tagil

Since the weather in Nizhny Tagil does not have towalks in the open air and picnic outings, the leisure area is "covered" here. Among the popular places of rest of the townspeople are cinemas, where 3D-movies are currently fashionable, cultural and entertainment centers and night clubs, elite restaurants of national cuisines and more democratic cafes.

The local population during a long winterthere is simply no other way out than to spend evenings and weekends in such places, so the catering and entertainment business in Nizhny Tagil is quite developed.

Interesting facts about Tagil

Мало кто знает, что города под названием Нижний Tagil on the map of Russia could not be, if not ... bureaucracy. In 1861, the industrialists Demidov filed an application to rename it in Aleksandrovsk. But the Russian bureaucratic machine was moving so slowly that the case was stuck, and it was never completed.

Another interesting fact is that malachite mined at a local mine adorns the walls of the Winter Palace (the Malachite Hall), and the Tagilskaya steel went to the construction of many skyscrapers in Chicago and New York.

Well, and, of course, deserves attentioninformation about the T-72 tank, which is the most massive combat vehicle in the history of the planet. He bears the title of "Kalashnikov among tanks", and Nizhny Tagil is sometimes called "Tanko-grad."

Nizhny Tagil: reviews of guests

Reviews of Nizhny Tagil are very contrasting. Someone calls him a miserable haven of prisoners, and someone - the great city of a great country.

Among the main characteristics distinguishedtourists: industrial power, economic development, the worker-peasant mentality of the population, which is characterized by responsiveness and good nature, but has a rather low level of culture. Both guests and local residents are unanimous in the fact that in recent years Nizhny Tagil has changed a lot for the better.

If anyone asks what is calledRussian city, where a long winter and a short summer, where even the air is saturated with metal, where the character of the inhabitants is harsh, but easy-going, where heavy industry and a very light postcode - Nizhny Tagil, will be the answer!