/ / Park Safari (Shkotovo, Primorsky Krai): Visitor Reviews

Park-safari (Shkotovo, Primorsky Krai): responses of visitors

Skotovo Park Safari is a wonderful zoo where you can get acquainted with animals from the Ussuri taiga. Tourists will be able to observe how they behave in their natural environment.

Safari Park: Primorsky Krai

Shkotovo is a big village.It is located in the Primorsky Territory, and from it after 2 km there is a safari park where you can meet Amur tigers, bears, deer and other animals. Even in it, tourists admire a variety of birds - owls, crows, eagles, and so on.

Safari Park Shkotovo very large (almost 8 hectares).There are 4 parks in it. One is for tigers, the second is for ungulates, in the third are predatory animals, and in the fourth are birds. At each site one can observe how representatives of the fauna walk in their natural environment. There are no grids and all tourists have the opportunity to see the most interesting and beautiful animals.

Parks for tigers and ungulates

For animals reserved large areas of the forest.For tigers, for example, almost 130/50 m is allocated, and along the perimeter this section of the forest is about 350 m. Tigers have a place where they can freely walk and lead a quiet life.

safari park shkotovo

Big attraction in tiger park -this is the goat Amur, who was brought to the tiger of Timur as a dinner. No one expected them to be friends. As it turned out, the tiger did not eat the goat and took him to his company. Now tourists can admire the unique friendship between the tiger and the goat.

For ungulates left 4 hectares of forest.Here they made 3 enclosures and planted them with plants. Animals enjoy fresh and fragrant grass. When plants end in one open-air cage, ungulates are transferred to another — this is necessary so that plants grow back in the first one. Then transferred to the third aviary. Thus, the animals are always nice and cozy.

Hybrid, noble and spotted deer, roe deer, pheasants and rabbits live in the park of ungulates. Among these animals there are even tame animals who are happy to approach tourists.

Parks for predators and birds

Как говорилось выше, звери живут без клеток.Birds of prey and birds are no exception. Skotovo Safari Park is famous for the fact that tourists can watch the games of animals without lattices. Here there are 8 species of predatory animals: bear cubs (Himalayan), raccoon dogs, red wolves, fox, badger, otter, forest predatory cats, raccoon.

Skotovo Safari Park is famous for its wide variety of birds. Among them are eagles, pheasants, beautiful crows, owls. Both adults and children are delighted with this wonderful corner of nature.

Skotovo Safari Park: Animal Description

For the money that the park receives from tourists,feed the animals. They look well maintained and beautiful. The fox is completely unlike a wild animal, it is not afraid of people, and even given to some tourists to stroke themselves.

Go to the park safari Skotovo not only seeon the tiger Timur, the goat Amur, but also on the red wolves. They are beautiful, interesting and behave absolutely naturally. Many tourists are very curious to watch them.

Roes and deer are not at all afraid of people, they can not only be stroked, but also photographed. Bear-mischievous bears are constantly playing, amusing themselves with their games, than amuse tourists.

safari park shkotovo

Some may even get into the arms of a person. Otter and badger running around people, so they can be seen in all its glory.

In January 2016, the Skotovo park safari became famous for another amazing animal - the leopard. For the time being, tourists are not close to him, as he needs time to get used to the new habitat.

In the pond, ducklings splash with duck. It's very fun to watch. Ducklings do not lag behind their mothers and are constantly with her. She teaches them to swim and dive.

seaside safari park shkotovo

Wild boars are also all the time near tourists. They can feed and stroke. They have a well-groomed and clean view, so it's nice to be close to them.

In the morning, animals eat more readily than in the evening. After all, tourists constantly feed them. Therefore, animals and birds are constantly well-fed and contented.

Prices in the park

Ticket price is acceptable, so everyonetourist can visit this wonderful place. There are two excursions. The first - parks tigers and ungulates. Its cost varies from 250 to 350 rubles. It all depends on the age of the person. For pensioners and children up to 14 years cheaper, for adults - more.

The second tour is the parks of birds of prey and birds.It is cheaper than the first. Prices range from 150 to 250 rubles. Kids up to 3 years old can go on excursions for free. However, do not forget that you need to buy tickets with passports and relevant documents.

The Skotovo Safari Park is very beautiful - the photos from tourists are simply wonderful! By the way, you can take pictures and video on animals and birds. This service is free.

safari park pet animals description
Each tour is conducted by guides - you cannot visit the park without them. For a start, they will explain the precautions and only then conduct a tour.

Reviews of tourists

There are practically no negative reviews about the park. The only thing that many do not like is a large crowd of people in the morning. Therefore, some people prefer to visit the park in the late afternoon.

Most tourists only speak positively about him. Many people like the Skotovo park safari because you can feed the reindeer with your hands, look at the famous tiger Timur and the goat Amur.

safari park pet animals description

Some tourists who came for the first time inSkotov Safari Park was pleasantly surprised how beautiful and well maintained. After all, a dull forest with tortured animals was expected. In fact, it turned out that there is a whole structure for both tourists and animals.

To feed the animals, give out a little feed. However, visitors are advised to buy more food at the entrance. After all, the food ends very quickly, and there are a lot of willing animals.

Rules of conduct during the tour

Парк-сафари Шкотово можно считать немного опасным - after all there are predators. Therefore, tourists are not allowed to stay near animals without an accompanying person. You can not feed the animals with their food.

safari park seaside region shkotovo

Сафари-парк Шкотово создан таким образом, что the tourist must walk only along the observation road, from where a person is strictly prohibited to go. If small children have gone with you, never leave them unattended, as this is very dangerous.

Do not tease animals, because in this way, you can piss him off. Explain to your children why you can not make noise, tear plants and throw garbage.

Animals have a very strong smell of alcohol, so do not come to the park while intoxicated. More animals do not tolerate the smell of tobacco smoke. Therefore, smoking in this place is strictly prohibited.

Не приводите с собой в сафари-парк Шкотово своих pets. This is strictly prohibited by park workers. After all, pets will tease predators, which will negatively affect their behavior. If you break the rules, then the administration will issue you a fine and take you out of the park.

Travel Tips

There are a lot of people on weekends, so try to visit the Skotovo Seaside Safari Park on weekdays. Then you will see more and learn many interesting facts from the life of animals.

In the park there is an opportunity to eat.There are small cafes, where you can buy a sandwich, tea or coffee pies. Tourists are pleased that the food prices are reasonable, so you can afford to rest for a few minutes.

The park is open until 17.00.Therefore, plan your time so that you do not have to come to the closing. Tourists who have visited the park, warn, with a pram walks along the trails will not work, so you need to leave the pram in advance at the entrance to the park. If the child is too small for hiking, it is better to postpone the tour. After all, you will have to carry it on your hands for a long time (one tour takes about 60 minutes).

Visit the beautiful park, which will remainmany unforgettable impressions. Tourists are very grateful to those people who created such wonderful excursions for people and the park, for animals.