/ / Primorskoye Kiliysky district: recreation and tourist reviews

Primorskoye Kiliysky district: recreation and tourist reviews

In the Odessa region is seemingly inconspicuousthe village of Primorsk (Kiliya district). Its center is located approximately one kilometer from the beaches of the Zhebriyansky bay. However, the territory of the resort is being built up more and more with various complexes, bases and holiday homes. Those who spend their holidays at sea in Odessa itself seem a little expensive, may well consider this option. Moreover, getting from the regional center here is not a problem at all. Although the ride is quite a long time - about one hundred and eighty kilometers. In Primorskoe there is a mass of minibuses and suburban buses. They are sent from the market "Privoz". The main thing - do not confuse settlements. In the Odessa region there are at least two places, which are called the same way, only they are located in other areas. Therefore, be attentive to the route you are following.

Primorskoye Kiliysky district recreation

Rest in Primorsky Kiliysky district

Удаленность села от Одессы может служить плюсом, because it means that the resort is environmentally friendly. Indeed, it is located on the territory of the Danube nature reserve. As in many seaside resorts located around Odessa, there is clear water, a gentle entry for children, huge sandy beaches. The number of tourists is not so large, so you can always retire. And the prices here are much lower than in Odessa or areas that are closer to the city. For families with children, this is a good budget option for a seaside holiday. Especially since you can swim here from May to October, the water warms so well. And there are many estuaries here, and the air contains a useful salty mist. There are in the village of Primorsk (Odessa region) base recreation, boarding houses. You can stay in the private sector.

Primorsky Odessa region recreation

Recreation in Primorsky

Although it is small populateditem, offers for housing are very many. There are about twenty tourist bases in its resort area. They are quite far from each other. Since traditionally villagers were not built by the sea, the entire coast for twenty kilometers is occupied by these bases. The vast majority of them are on the so-called "first line". Yes, and their own beaches. That and interestingly village Primorskoye Kiliysky area. Recreation centers can offer you a very good service. Rooms at different prices - there are small budget rooms, and there are comfortable luxury suites.

Recreation in the seaside

Recreation opportunities

If you want sun, sea, solitude and simplebasic amenities with cheap accommodation, then you should stay in the usual wooden houses of the "Soviet" type. Then you will use the shower and toilet on site. Hot water in this case will come from solar panels. If comfort plays a decisive role in your journey, book superior rooms. All this will provide you with the village of Primorskoye Kiliysky district. Recreation centers here have large areas where you can park the car, barbecue grill on the grill. They are equipped with modern playgrounds, some have tennis courts. There are bases with canteens and three meals a day. Food is not only complex - you can order dishes. Others offer guests to cook on their own and provide for this purpose equipped kitchens and refrigerators.

Primorskoye of Kiliya region

Best deals

As mentioned above, a lot of places foraccommodation and food can offer tourists the village of Primorskoye Kiliysky district. Recreation centers here are of different categories, but we will mention here those who have received the best reviews from travelers. For example, the complex “Meliorator” has a protected area, a playground for children, billiards, a bar, and Wi-Fi. There are rooms decorated by designers. Tourists believe that the food here, though complex, but not bad. Works excursion bureau. Using his services, you can go to Ishmael, as well as ride on the Danube Delta. And the base "Lambada" has a whole playground. In the summer cafe there is live music, and on the territory there are massage beds. Second floor rooms - with a view of the sea. The base "Mercury" boasts a sauna and individual cottages with private facilities. Thus, vacationers will not interfere with each other.

Rest in the seaside Kiliya region

Something special

The village of Primorskoye has long attracted guestsKiliya district. Recreation centers, which are located here, are trying to lure tourists with a variety of innovations and bonuses. So, in the complex "Marina" mini-parking is equipped with each room. And some rooms for guests are not only air-conditioned, but also have kitchens. The location of this base is the best one relative to the tourist infrastructure of Primorsky: the market, cafes, entertainment - all around the corner. The "Frigate" - a large, beautiful and green territory. Many flowers, arbors everywhere in the shade, there is a pond with a bridge and a fountain. Outsiders are not allowed here. From here, you are taken on excursions to Vilkovo - Ukrainian Venice, to an ostrich farm, where you will be treated with huge eggs. A "breeze" is located thirty meters from the sea and has its own beach. The local cafe specializes in Bessarabian cuisine.

Reviews about the rest

Although it is small, removed fromOdessa is a village, tourists love Primorskoe and dream of coming here on vacation. Despite the various political upheavals in Ukraine, almost nothing has changed here. The locals are friendly, honest and helpful. Very reasonable prices, calm, safe. Very clean and warm sea, good entrance, sand with coquina. Excellent food, especially local fish - fried, smoked. The portions are large, the food is fresh. Everything is very clean, rooms and houses are cleaned constantly. The rooms have everything you need. Although everything is very simple, but convenient and comfortable. The beaches are equipped, you can ride on the "banana", water skiing, catamarans. Especially delighted children. The village of Primorskoe (Odessa region), whose recreation facilities we have described above, has a rather high rating among tourists. The prices here are higher than in the private sector, but if you live in a rented apartment or in a room, then you will have to walk a bit to the sea. And at the base you are almost a few steps from the water. And the beaches are cleaned and leveled with a rake, like somewhere in Egypt or Turkey.