/ / Cuba: reviews and tourist photos

Cuba: reviews and photos of tourists

The Republic of Cuba is the largest island.state that is located in the northern part of the Caribbean. Liberty Island attracts tourists from all over the world with sandy beaches, azure sea, as well as first-class rum and famous Cuban cigars. It is worth noting that reviews of Cuba differ in the variety of opinions among tourists. Why? Let's try to figure out our article.

Excursion to the history

The original inhabitants of the island wereIndians, whose main occupations were farming and hunting. At the end of the 15th century Columbus visited the island as part of the expedition. The famous traveler noted in his logbook of the ship that he was in the most beautiful place on earth.

At the beginning of the XVI and until the end of the XIX century, the indigenous peopleThe islands were subject to Spanish expansion. Then, as a result of the war of the United States and Spain for the independence of Cuba, the Spaniards lost, which allowed the United States to leave the troops in the country and establish its regime. Thus, Cuba became dependent on the United States.

Old Havana

Во второй половине XX века, в результате revolution, came to power the famous Cuban leader - Fidel Castro. As a result of his rule, Cuba became a socialist country. Agrarian reforms and social transformations were also carried out.

At the end of the 20th century, Cuba became an ally of the USSR, from which it received political and economic support until the collapse of the latter.

At present, the post of President of Cuba is occupied by Fidel Castro's younger brother, Raul Castro.

How to get to Cuba

The most convenient and the only way to getbefore Cuba from Russia is a plane. Currently, the air ticket market is replete with various offers, the main criteria of which are price, travel time, and the choice of transfer points.

One of the most advantageous offers for today is provided by the Russian company Aeroflot. It carries out a direct flight from Moscow to Havana. In the sky will have to spend almost thirteen hours.

Also, some tour operators in other cities of our country provide tickets for charter flights.

Various sites and applications for smartphonesoffer many options for air tickets with connections in Amsterdam, Paris, Madrid and other cities. But when choosing these flight options, it is necessary to consider and think through in advance all the nuances. For example, a visa, and in the case of a multi-hour transfer - payment of the hotel.

It is worth considering that the tropical season on the island lasts from November to April. According to travel reviews, Cuba in April and March is the best time to visit this country.

Resort cities

Havana is the capital and largest city of Cuba,which is located on the shores of the Gulf of Mexico. It is famous for its numerous colonial-style architectural monuments. More information about the sights in our article will talk later.

Havana is also widely known for its colorful and noisyjazz festivals and national holidays, which cause constant delight of tourists from around the world. But they should bear in mind that Havana is a port city, so for a beach holiday you should choose other places.

Varadero Beaches

Varadero is the most famous resort thatIt is located on the Ikakos Peninsula, in the northern part of the island of Cuba. Varadero, which reviews of tourists mainly describe the magnificent long coastline of a white sand beach, is an ideal place to relax. The coastline reaches twenty kilometers. Also in this small resort town are the best hotels with European service. In the evenings, cozy local cafes and restaurants with live music and passionate Cuban dances begin to function.

Holguin is a city for elite tourist recreation.This is the second most popular resort, after Varadero, in Cuba. Hotels in Holguin correspond exclusively to categories of four or five stars. Here is one of the most beautiful beaches in the world - Playa Esmeralda. In total, there are about forty different beaches, separated by reefs and bays.

Resort islands

Cayo Coco - a beautiful island that is washedAtlantic Ocean. It is located in the central part of Cuba. Reviews of tourists about this place are full of photos of wild flamingos that live here. Cayo Coco Island is a nature reserve, so all tourist life is concentrated on the territory of hotels. It is ideal for a relaxing family holiday.

Cayo Ensenachos - the island on which is locatednational park. This place is suitable for lovers of privacy and unspoiled nature. On the island there is only one hotel, which is considered to be the best in Cuba. The island will delight tourists with beautiful sandy beaches, huge royal palm trees and walks among tropical vegetation.

Cayo Coco Island Beach

Cayo Largo is a small secluded island,the length of which is about thirty kilometers. It has several hotels of different categories. It is famous for its clean beaches and beautiful coral reef.

Cayo Guillermo is a small island thathas the status of a nature reserve. On its territory is the second largest coral reef in the world. Also on the island are many exotic species of plants, animals and birds.

Cayo Santa Maria - a miniature island washedAtlantic Ocean. It is connected to the mainland by a bulk dam, and its length is only about thirteen kilometers. The island is famous for its Royal Gardens biosphere reserve.

How to choose a hotel

There are a great many hotels in Cuba,reviews about which are often so different that they lead to a dead end even experienced travelers. Basic advice to tourists at the choice of the hotel boil down to several rules. For example, most hotels in Cuba are located on the beach’s first coastline. Many hotels have a category of four stars, five-star is much smaller. As for the two and three star hotels, there is a huge selection in Cuba.

Hotel in Cuba

Four star hotels provide touristsStandard room with private bathroom, mini fridge, cable TV, air conditioning, telephone, safe and swimming pool located on site. It is best to choose all inclusive hotels, which include food in cafes, restaurants and hotel bars, because the prices for tourists in local institutions are quite high. It should be noted that according to this principle, all hotels operate at resorts such as Varadero, Cayo Coco, Cayo Largo and Holguin.

Couples with children need to know in advance about the possibility of finding a child in the hotel, because in some hotels there are age restrictions.

For lovers of budget holidays on the islandThe possibility of booking rooms in the private sector. Its price usually includes a room with a double bed, which is equipped with a bathroom and air conditioning.

Sights of the island

Old Havana is part of the capital of Cuba, whichwas built up in the XVI century. The construction of the city began with the construction of protective structures located at the entrance to the bay. Fortresses located on the eastern and western shores are El Morro, La Fuerça and La Cabana. Thus, this city became a safe place, and its construction continued until the XIX century.

All buildings were built in the style of colonial baroque or classicism. Old Havana is rich in pretty patios with fountains and sculptures that are separated by narrow streets.

Old Havana street

The picture shows a special place - old Havana, Cuba (photo), reviews of travelers about which are filled with feelings of complete immersion in the history of the country.

The capitol in Havana was built in the first halfXX century. Its construction was carried out for three years. The capitol was used as the building of the Cuban Parliament for thirty years. The first thing that a tourist sees upon entering it will be a statue of a woman who, as conceived by the architect, personifies Cuba. The bronze doors of the building, which depict scenes from the history of the island, deserve special attention.

The most visited place among allattractions of Cuba, according to tourists, is a museum of rum. It opened in 2000 and consists of two floors. The first shows the process of making oak barrels for aging the beverage, and the second shows the process of making rum. It should be noted that every Sunday in the museum there is a creative evening with drinks, music and incendiary dances.

Not far from the capital of Cuba is the house-museum of the great writer - Ernest Hemingway. There he lived and worked for almost twenty years. The house has preserved the layout, furniture and personal belongings of the writer.


One of the popular activities for activerecreation in Cuba, according to reviews of tourists, is diving. All necessary equipment and instructors for the first dive can be found in the nearest diving center. Everywhere on the island is a magical underwater world with tropical fish and corals.

Sea tour in Cuba, according to reviews of tourists,must be combined with fishing. To do this, depending on your financial capabilities, you will be offered to rent a yacht, catamaran or a boat with crew and equipment. Thus, you can catch a barracuda, permit, snepera and even the famous blue marlin.

Diving in Cuba

Another interesting excursion for activevacation in Cuba, according to reviews of travelers, is a jeep safari. Tourists are gathered early in the morning, put on jeeps and driven along beautiful tropical thickets. You can visit karst caves with underground lakes, a farm where you can ride bulls and horses. Further, the route runs along the picturesque bank of the river. Here you can ride in motorboats. For your comfort, there are stops along the way, where you will be offered to drink a refreshing cocktail and enjoy seafood.

Cuban cuisine

Кубинская кухня сложилась под влиянием испанских, African and Creole gastronomic principles. The main products that are widely used by Cubans, it is considered to be meat, legumes and grains, roots, vegetables, fruits and, of course, fish and seafood. All dishes are seasoned with sauces. The most famous on the island is Creole, as well as moss and various fruit sauces.

Cuban cuisine

It is worth noting a very good coffee, which the Cubans brew strong and sweet. As well as world-famous rum-based cocktails, including Daiquiri, Mojito and Cuba Libre.


The most popular souvenirs that bringTourists from Cuba are local cigars and rum Havana Club. Also pay attention to the ornaments of black coral, which, according to Cubans, has magical properties. When buying, you need to be careful, in local markets a huge percentage of the goods are fake. Therefore, you should trust the licensed shops at the hotel or large shopping centers.

For men, you can buy the so-called Guayabera - a shirt made from natural colorful fabrics. For the ladies a nice Cuban perfume based on exotic plants is perfect.