/ / Lake Peach Lake - the most unusual in the world

Lake Peach Lake - the most unusual in the world

Probably the strangest lake on earth,Collapsing all the usual ideas about water, located on the island of Trinidad. You can not swim in it, but walk along its surface like on a sidewalk, since it is filled with liquid asphalt.

The history of the discovery of the natural phenomenon

Удивительное озеро Пич-Лейк открыл британский Queen Elizabeth I's favorite at the end of the 16th century during the search for the innumerable riches of the legendary country of El Dorado. An avid traveler and well-known public figure stumbled upon a strange black spot that stands out against the backdrop of bright tropical greenery.

From a huge pit of 46 hectares flowed streams of asphalt of excellent quality, not melting under the hot sun, like tar. Namely, it was soaked with wooden sheathing of ships until that time.

Peak Lake

After the discovery of the natural phenomenon of blackthe viscous mass is supplied to Britain, but commercial production on an industrial scale begins only in 1888. It is known that thanks to this resin, all the central streets of the venerable England were asphalted, and in the city of Washington the pavement stood for 11 years in perfect condition, glorifying the bitumen of Trinidad Lake to the whole world. Experts consider Peach Lake asphalt to be the largest commercial deposit. Canoes of local Indians are still not afraid of water, as the island population has known about the properties of bitumen for a very long time.

The myth of the appearance of an unusual lake

The oldest legend passed from generation togeneration, says that once on this place no oily pond was not. The Indians living here staged a grand feast about their victory over the enemy and roasted the sacred birds - hummingbirds.

Peach Lake canoe

It has long been to the little birdies, in which, bylegends, the dead souls of ancestors moved in, treated with great reverence. The Indians, intoxicated with victory, completely forgot about it, for which they paid dearly: the gods were angry with them, and the village was swallowed by a dark, viscous abyss, which remained in the place of the feast.

Version of scientists

Ученые, изучавшие природную sight, opened the secret of the appearance of bitumen. It turns out that the lake Peach Lake, 80 meters deep, was once a crater of a volcano, from its hollow liquid oil now comes to the surface, spreading over a vast territory and thickening to a viscous state. Thick bitumen is mixed with rocks, forming asphalt.

Peach Lake Indians

Удивительно то, что из темной глади, мрачно looking, small bushes make their way. Scientists put forward a version according to which a certain substance resembling soil is accumulated between asphalt layers. It is she who gives life to puny plants in such a strange place.

Curious phenomenon for researchers

Маслянистое озеро Пич-Лейк никто не назовет motionless, thick waves diverge from the new portion of liquid asphalt, lifted from the very depths. Sometimes small bubbles appear on the black elastic surface - this is how sulfurous gases come out. It is believed that the reserves of liquid asphalt will be enough for another 400 years with an annual production of several tens of thousands of tons.

Indians on a warm surface of a bituminous reservoirPeach Lake lakes bask in the season of strong tropical rains. During coastal studies, mastodons stuck in an oily trap and the skeleton of a sloth that lived about 2 million years ago were found.

Hiding many secrets of the lake Peach LakeIt attracts the attention of entire groups of scientists with its unique ability to keep objects absorbed many centuries ago in excellent condition. It is also surprising that the processes occurring inside allow to lift from the very bottom to the surface everything that has got stuck here over the past millennia.

The indigenous inhabitants of the island have long known about the unique properties of liquid asphalt, so all the canoees of the Indians of Lake Peach Lake are imbued with a moisture-protective material.

Peak Lake Lake Canoe

Asphalt pond supplying material in 50countries of the world, enjoys fame among visiting tourists, hurrying to walk through a natural phenomenon. The local population warns that it is impossible to stand on the oscillating surface for a long time - you can get bogged down and sink to the bottom. Therefore, special care is needed when visiting the ancient lake, formed naturally.