/ / A trip to St. Petersburg for a weekend from Moscow

A trip to St. Petersburg for a weekend from Moscow

Probably each of us sometimes gets tired of the routine andthinking about the most extraordinary things. Someone beckoning mountains, someone - sunny beaches. Well, there are those who do not seduce the lights of the overseas embankments and tropical islands. It so happens that among the blues of everyday life, an adventurous thought flashes in my head: “Shouldn’t you go to St. Petersburg for a weekend from Moscow?” And such wonderful impulses must be realized.

in St. Petersburg for the weekend of Moscow

Как не растеряться среди огромного количества offers of tour operators of all stripes? What to go and how to get to the fabulous northern capital? Where to stay in St. Petersburg and where to go? How many questions is there in the head of the one who first decided to arrange a weekend weekend trip to Moscow from Moscow! We will try to answer at least the most important of them.

Before the trip

Even if you go on a weekend,Try to do everything possible in advance so that you will not be overtaken by any unpleasant surprises on the way. Check the status of accounts on bank cards that you plan to take with you. Top up your mobile in the usual place, so you don’t have to dangle around a foreign city in search of a terminal. Check the documents - a photo not stuck in time will definitely become a problem and spoil the rest.

There will be more monitoring of the weather, because the St. Petersburg climate is very different from Moscow. Perhaps worth taking an umbrella.

go to peter for the weekend from moscow

If you were waiting for a special occasion to visitfinally a dentist, then know - this is it. Solve all current health problems before going to St. Petersburg for the weekend from Moscow, then the trip will be pleasant.

Preliminary educational program

Для кого-то Санкт-Петербург пропитан духом Russian monarchy. The ancient capital of Russian emperors beckons historians, adventurers, dreamers. Someone impressed with the revolutionary romance. Many have heard about the military glory of the hero-city, which survived the terrible months of the blockade. But there are quite a few of those for whom Peter is the capital of Russian rock, and the main attraction of this city seems to them to be a small boiler room where Viktor Tsoi once worked.

This city has a rich history, he is a childmany eras. Preliminary acquaintance with the history of the city will certainly help determine the route. If you go to St. Petersburg for a weekend from Moscow, do not even expect to see all of its beauty in such a short time.

The city was founded by Peter I in 1703 on landsreclaimed from the Swedes. First, in the middle of the marshes, the fortress St. Petersburg grew, and later a city was formed around it. Only ten years later the royal court moved here. Infrastructure began to develop: educational scientific institutions, theaters and museums, palaces and gardens were built.

trip to peter for the weekend from moscow

By the end of the XVIII century with a light hand of the EmpressCatherine II Admiralty appeared here, the Fontanka and Moika embankments were built, the beautiful Nevsky Prospect, the Winter Palace appeared. St. Isaac's Cathedral was built after the victory in the war with Napoleon.

The revolution of 1917 brought the city not onlynew name - Leningrad, but also greatly influenced its development. A whole cultural stratum is associated with it. What is worth mentioning only one Smolny. Unfortunately, the First World War and the subsequent tragic events provoked a significant reduction in the number of inhabitants. A part died, someone emigrated.

But Leningrad continued to live and develop. Soon the first Lenfilm film studio in the country was opened. Huge trials brought the Second World War. The city survived the blockade.

In Soviet times, the glory of the cultural capital forPeter stuck completely. Natives from here glorified Soviet art and science to the whole world. After the collapse of the USSR, the city was returned to its historic name - St. Petersburg. In 2003, he magnificently celebrated the 300th anniversary. In the fall of 2012, a five millionth resident was born in St. Petersburg.

What cultural stratum attracts you? What causes more interest? Be sure to consider this when planning a trip. Then your excursion to St. Petersburg for the weekend from Moscow will bring maximum pleasure.

Professional approach

In Moscow, there is a huge amounttravel agencies, ready to take all the hassle of organizing a trip to yourself. If this method seems optimal to you, discuss with the operator all the details. You will be offered several tours to choose from, tell you about the cost of each of them and explain in detail what is included in it.

As a rule, tours to St. Petersburg for the weekend of Moscowinclude 3 days and 2 nights. During this time, the guide will tell your group in detail about the history of the city, orient at the cost of tickets to St. Petersburg events, tell you how to pass the free time between excursions. Agencies host Moscow tourists in St. Petersburg hotels, eliminating the need to independently take care of finding housing. Food and transportation are partially provided. Carefully treat everything that the manager will tell you so that you will not be disappointed on the trip. Part of the tour may take place not on the transfer transport, but on the public one, and some routes imply long pedestrian crossings. Be sure to specify what you have to get to Peter and back. Not all tours start in Moscow. Many of them begin with the Moscow railway station in the city on the Neva.

rest in St. Petersburg for a weekend from Moscow

Среди огромного разнообразия туров каждый может find the one that best suits his interests, tastes and financial capabilities. On average, a trip to St. Petersburg for a weekend from Moscow will cost 6-6,5 thousand per person excluding travel expenses.

To Peter by train

There are several ways to get to St. Petersburgfrom the capital. The train ride will take several hours. Several flights depart in both directions per day. And although transport goes relatively often, it makes sense to take care of tickets in advance. By the way, RZD provides an opportunity to purchase tickets via the Internet, which can save you from having to stand in lines.

Who has not heard of the legendary "Red Arrow"?Traveling on this extraordinary train is an adventure in itself. It has been running between Moscow and St. Petersburg for more than 80 years, but today its technical equipment is the most progressive. The cars are equipped with double-glazed windows, modern furniture, comfortable bathrooms. In addition to the usual coupe, a place in which will cost about 2,800 rubles, the Red Arrow has cars of increased comfort. Get ready to fork out - a ticket to a suite costs just over 5 thousand. But a double VIP-room will cost you 7 thousand rubles, but at the disposal you will get not only a wide and comfortable sofa, but everything you need on the road: from a soft dressing gown to hygiene products. “Red Arrow” takes you to St. Petersburg in 8 hours.

weekend tour to St. Petersburg from Moscow

There are other trains. Most of them cost less and go faster. For a bed in the reserved seat you pay less than 2 thousand rubles. The distance from St. Petersburg to Moscow is only 650 km.

Air flight

It is believed that air travel is faster and safer.any ground transportation. Remember that the earlier you buy a ticket, the less will be its cost. For comparison - a ticket for tomorrow's flight will cost an average of 3 thousand rubles. And if you buy a ticket for 2 months before departure, it will be twice cheaper.

tours to peter for the weekend from moscow

The board takes you to St. Petersburg from Moscow in just an hour and a half.

Bus tours

В Питер на выходные из Москвы можно добраться regular bus. Perhaps this type of transport is the most budget. On the way, you will spend an average of 10-12 hours, and pay about a thousand rubles for a ticket. The pre-booking rule works here.

Driving by car

If you decide to go to St. Petersburg for the weekend ofMoscow by car, you probably get a lot of emotions from the road. The path is not easy - it lasts about 12 hours. Well, if you have the opportunity to take turns at the driver's post, because for one person such a load is quite large. Although there are quite a few drivers claiming that this path turned out to be quite feasible. On the way you will meet a lot of beautiful and unusual. For example, a village with a capacious name Panic. There are many versions of the origin of this name. Drive up to Valdai? Know: halfway behind and the same amount left.

Very soon the new high-speed road M11 will be put into operation.

Where to stay?

If you prefer to live in hotels and hotels,Peter will open their hospitable doors for you. The pleasure will cost from 10 000 rubles and above. VIP-apartments in the center can cost more than similar ones in any European capital. The cost of some of them reaches more than 30 thousand per day.

Budget hotels are ready to take you in just 2-5 thousand rubles. Private realtors will quickly find an apartment for the same money.

There is another option, especially popular withyouth hostel Bed space will cost 250 rubles. Please note that most hostels have only shared multi-bed rooms, where travelers of both sexes side by side.

Common in St. Petersburg and the phenomenon ofcouchsurfing If you don’t mind hosting St. Petersburg tourists and giving them a tour of the White Stone, you can count on reciprocal hospitality. In this case, you do not have to pay at all for the night.

Must-kev St. Petersburg

Admiralty Spire, bridges, white nights,Hermitage - the list can be continued indefinitely. But is it worth it? Better make your own. Perhaps for you it will include the office of your favorite radio station or a cafe in which you filmed the scene of the film “Brother”?

Unusual Peter

Even those who come to the northern capital are notfor the first time, they say that they discover this city again and again. What is the only one St. Petersburg slang with its "curb" and "ceremonial." Many of the local words can be unusual for the Muscovite’s ear.

St. Petersburg excursion for the weekend from Moscow

Питер таит множество секретов.Among its shady streets and wide avenues you can suddenly find a small museum, a charming souvenir shop or a very inexpensive cafe with excellent cuisine. In addition, you are sure to meet many amazing people: street musicians, artists, artists, urban shooters, socialites and celebrities. These contrasts and is famous for rest in St. Petersburg.

On weekends you can go to Moscow to many places, but if you decide to visit the Northern capital, then your trip will definitely turn out to be simply unforgettable.