/ / Botanical Garden of Kiev: them. Fomina, on Pechersk, them. Grishko

Botanical Garden of Kiev: them. Fomina, on Pechersk, them. Grishko

The card of the capital of Ukraine arefamous Kiev chestnuts, as well as magnificent Botanical Gardens. Where, if not in this place, can such a grandiose riot of colors of blossoming flowers, the magnificence of powerful centuries-old trees and a grand variety of shrubs come together? The most famous of the gardens is the arboretum to them. Grishko and them. Fomina.

Botanical Gardens them. M.M. Grishko

Kiev Botanical Garden

Kiev Botanical Garden on Pechersk has the mostdirect relation to the history of the emergence and development of the Academy of Sciences. The initiator of the creation of the Botanical Garden in the city was V. I. Lipsky - a famous scientist, florist and the first president of the Academy. He was eager to build a garden in the territory belonging to the Goloseevsky forest. This thought never came true, as the famous scientist changed his place of residence. But the name of such a diverse personality has become firmly established in the history of an amazing garden.

В 1935 году на Зверинце в саду выделили земельный plot of 117 hectares. Lipsky was a consultant on the arrangement of the botanical masterpiece. After the scientist died, V. Schmidt continued his work. He was also the director of the garden. Botanical Garden on Pechersk (Kiev) was created slowly. Firstly, it was insufficiently financed, and secondly, its rather large territory belonged to private owners, who left their usual place of residence with great reluctance.

Despite all the obstacles before the SecondWorld War II, the garden already boasted 1050 plant species and a thousand taxa of greenhouse crops. All this happened thanks to the new director Ya. K. Gotsik and M. M. Grishko, who at that time headed the Academy of Sciences.

Grishko in the history of the botanical garden

Botanical Garden Kiev Fomina

The Botanical Garden of Peoples' Friendship (Kiev) was severely crushed during military confrontations. Most of his plants have fallen into disrepair, and some are irretrievably lost.

With the arrival of spring 1944, activereconstruction of the reserve, and in July he came under the direct control of M. M. Grishko. Botanical splendor was given the status of an independent unit belonging to the Academy of Sciences.

Expeditions began abroad to collectdiverse collections of plants. Grishko wanted to create a garden that would become both a place for recreation of citizens, and a center of science in Ukraine. The Botanical Garden was opened for guests on May 29, 1964. Today this institution is a carefully protected area, which is part of the nature reserve fund of Ukraine.

Botanical Garden of Peoples' Friendship Kiev

"Population" of the Botanical Garden

The modern Kiev Botanical Garden takesan area of ​​129.86 hectares. Here visitors can admire the unique number and quality of collections and their compositions. These are medicinal, vegetable, fodder, flower-decorative, fruit, aromatic and technical plants. They were collected in all world botanical and geographical regions. In the garden there are more than ten thousand varieties, types and forms of plantings. The garden contains the largest collection of linden, walnut, oak, lilac, maple and wild fruit plants in all of Eastern Europe. There is a unique collection of shaped dogwood.

Всем этим дорожит Киев.The Gryshko Botanical Garden is a huge arboretum of 30 hectares, and a greenhouse complex, spread out over an area of ​​20 hectares. Arboretum has 1062 species, forms and varieties of bushes, vines and trees. And the greenhouse pleases its visitors with a collection of 450 species and forms of delicate orchids.

Botanical Garden Fomin

One of the oldest Botanical gardens of Ukraine -This is the Kiev Botanical Garden named after Fomin. The official date of its creation is May 22, 1839. It was during this period that the first tree plantations were made. Today, this garden is considered a division of the Kiev University. Shevchenko. Here it occupies 22 hectares of area, which houses a collection of more than ten thousand plant species, a botanical museum, a huge greenhouse complex, as well as a scientific library.

The garden is known for its exotic exhibits.Here is a large collection of all types of cacti and succulents. The grandiose collection of palm trees is also striking. In the former USSR, they were the largest and oldest.

How to create a garden Fomin

Ancient Kiev legends say that a long time agothe territory of the modern garden belonged to the sister of Kyi, Schek and Horeb - Lybed. One of the rivers that flow into the mighty Dnieper is called Lybed. And on its left bank, among the ravines and hills, a garden was created.

Botanical Garden Kiev University

Beretti - the architect who workeddesigning the University of St. Vladimir (now T. G. Shevchenko) proposed to create a garden in a deserted place near an educational institution. In 1839, a temporary garden was obtained. Only in 1941 he was honored to become permanent.

Botanical Garden (Kiev) Fomina fell underleadership of Alexander Vasilyevich in 1914. Fomin ruled him until 1935. During the winter of 1919-1920, when the strongest frosts struck, the director and his staff saved a considerable number of plants from freezing.

War and the postwar period

During the occupation of the Ukrainian capital by the Nazissome of the plants were removed, some died at the hands of villains, but as soon as possible the Fomin Botanic Garden was restored. Since the spring of 1944, he opened his gates to visitors. In 1977, a 30-meter Climatron greenhouse was built in the garden, with a total area of ​​1000 m.2. In 1984, the construction of the dome greenhouse area of ​​532 m2 and a height of 18 m.

V. Sosyura, Lesia Ukrainka, M. Rylsky, M.Vrubel - all of them at one time visited the Botanical Garden (Kiev). The university, probably, cannot brag of such visitors. Today, the Fomin Garden is an unsurpassed green oasis located in the center of the Ukrainian capital.

Botanical Garden in Pechersk Kiev

Fomin Garden today

Kiev Botanical Garden now plays a roleResearch Department of the Shevchenko State University. Here students do internship in botany. Schoolchildren and young naturalists can take part in special educational and scientific excursions that reveal to them the secrets of nature, tell about its significance in the life of each of us.

In 2007, comprehensive restoration work was carried out here: the slopes were strengthened, new species of bushes and trees were planted, and greenhouses were modernized.

Visitors to the Botanical Gardens

Kiev Botanical Garden Name Grishko

Every day the Botanical Gardens them. Fomin and them.Grishko attend many guests. True, not all of them come here for the purpose of expanding horizons and cultural recreation. Many do not understand the importance of these institutions, leaving a mountain of garbage behind. All that has been created over long decades, today, due to human levity and indifference, can turn into a dump. After all, it is easy to destroy, but to build ...

Ботанические киевские сады – единственные в своем kind of Yes, in the world there are many such reserves, but such as in this glorious city, will no longer be found. Their flavors, colors, beauty and uniqueness can safely claim one of the places in the list of modern wonders of the world. And whoever does not believe, let him be convinced of this personally by looking at the gardens with his own eyes!